One Piece: 7 Characters That Need To Join The Cross Guild

Highlights The Cross Guild, initially conceived by Crocodile and Mihawk, was overtaken by Buggy’s underlings, causing displeasure and potential conflict between them. The organization plans to make Buggy the public face of the Cross Guild to divert attention and consequences from their own actions. Several notable characters, including Doflamingo, Edward Weevil, and Vista, could potentially…

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Game of Thrones: Warlocks, Explained

Magic incontrovertibly exists in the Game of Thrones universe, but it’s as rare as it is complicated. It typically shocks the audience, eliciting responses like “They can do that?!” from a shocked crowd. Further frustrating matters, plenty of people fake mystical powers with little to show for them. It’s messy enough to leave ambiguity with…

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DC Comics: Best Cities to Live In

Highlights Metropolis: Low crime rate thanks to Superman, but serious threats can level the city. Central City: Stable location with The Flash keeping petty crime in control, but rogues’ gallery can still cause trouble. Opal City: Safest city with virtually no petty crime and low super-criminal activity, but expensive to live in. World-building in DC…

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The Most Futuristic Cursed Ability in Jujutsu Kaisen

Highlights Most cursed abilities in Jujutsu Kaisen revolve around physical attacks and nature-based powers like ice or electricity. Kokichi Muta’s futuristic cursed ability, Puppet Manipulation, allows him to control a humanoid puppet with boundless energy. The Ultimate Mechamaru, a giant mecha controlled by Kokichi, unleashes devastating attacks consuming years worth of cursed energy. Most cursed…

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