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  • Where Was Lana Lang After Smallville Ended?
  • Is Lana Lang Still Infused With Kryptonite?
  • Lana Lang Is The Hero She Always Needed


  • Lana Lang’s return in Smallville Season 11 reveals that she has moved forward and found a new purpose in her life.
  • Lana’s journey after leaving Clark is showcased, including her dedication to helping children in Africa.
  • Lana’s powers are taken away, but she continues to fight for what is important to her and supports Clark and Lois in their wedding plans.

DC’s Smallville Season 11 continues the tale of Smallville’s Clark Kent as he grows into his role as Earth’s mightiest protector. It also catches fans up on what’s happening to some of Clark’s other friends. One of his closest friends from childhood and his first love, Lana Lang is finally revisited in the graphic novel.

Lana Lang always wanted to help people. Whether as a philanthropist or with her powers, she endeavors to do just that. How things ended between her and Clark was heartbreaking but necessary. Learning that Lana has been able to move forward may bring some relief for fans who felt her relationship with Clark ended too soon in DC’s Smallville.

RELATED: Smallville: Can Lana Lang and Clark Kent Reunite?

Where Was Lana Lang After Smallville Ended?


It wasn’t made known where Lana Lang traveled to after she left Clark in Smallville, season 8. But the graphic novel, Smallville Season 11 reveals where Lana is several months after the series finale. She is first seen again watching from a distance as Clark and Bart Allen race off the African coast.

Later, Lois Lane travels to Africa to investigate circumstances surrounding a vigilante known as the “Angel of the Plateau.” After her transport is attacked, she’s rescued by the red-blue blur—Lana Lang sporting a blue shirt and red scarf. Lana takes Lois to her sanctuary for children she saves from warlords, then tells her about her journey and abilities. She even catches Lois snooping through her scrapbook of Smallville and Superman clippings.

It’s clear Lana still has some unresolved feelings around how she left things with Clark. Lana claims to have left that part of her past behind, but the updated scrapbook suggests otherwise. Lois acknowledges Lana’s feelings and doesn’t inform Lana of her wedding plans with Clark, only that they’re together. Lana admits to having difficulty finding herself after sacrificing her love life. However, she was able to find her calling to help those children.

Is Lana Lang Still Infused With Kryptonite?


Lois inquired about the side effects of the kryptonite absorption, which implies the kryptonite radiation is still fused with her Prometheus skin. When Lana’s camp is under attack by John Corben, it’s revealed that he has a kryptonite-absorbing heart. Lana tries to stop him from destroying her sanctuary and ends up in a chokehold by Corben where he absorbs the kryptonite in her. This makes Lana now powerless, but that doesn’t stop her and Lois from teaming up to put down Corben by removing the kryptonite-heart from his chest.

After the fight, Lois asks Lana if she will return home now that the kryptonite is no longer a part of her. Lana replies, the children in Africa still need her, and she’s going to continue to fight for them even without her powers. Then, she reveals to Lois that she’s aware of her and Clark’s wedding, and is happy for them. Lois promises not to reveal Lana’s secret as the Angel vigilante as well.

Lana Lang Is The Hero She Always Needed


It’s a touching moment between Smallville‘s two former rivals in love. It’s only unfortunate that Clark didn’t get to share in this moment of closure. It seems Lana has indeed moved forward with her life to do something greater than play second to Clark/Superman. Lana’s current powerless state would make a reunion between her and Clark possible. But it no longer seems to be what she really wants. She’s found something more important that has come from her independence away from the world of Smallville.

Throughout much of the series, Lana was either an object of someone’s desire or treated poorly by a parade of people who abandoned her. Love was both her much-needed refuge and her own “kryptonite.” It’s why she wanted to remain friends with Clark even though she knew he had romantic feelings for her. Lana didn’t want to risk losing a good friendship over love. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened. But it seems to be for the best, as Lana focuses her time and energy on being there for the people who are most vulnerable.

“Life is so precious, so beautiful. And to be able to protect that, that’s an amazing gift.”

Smallville Season 11 sends Lana Lang off by reinforcing her last words to Clark in season 8. She’ll always love Clark, sure. Deep down, and perhaps most of all, she’s still that little girl who lost her parents in the meteor shower. The same little girl who lost her best friend, Emily, that saved her from drowning. For Lana, protecting life is more important to her than anything, including her own chances at love. Even without her powers, Lana Lang proves to be more heroic than when fans saw her last in DC‘s Smallville by being the hero she always needed.