Ore to Akuma no Blues - Hiramoto, Akira

Genre: Drama Horror


A combination horror story and re-telling of the mythologies of the American South, "Me and the Devil Blues" features RJ, a man who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for the devil teaching him to play the blues. The story features many elements familiar to American readers but not much featured in Japanese comics, including the practice of lynching and the sharp racial divisions in the south around the time of the story.


Ore to Akuma no Blues was previously serialized in Afternoon until it went on hiatus in 2008. It resumed in Young Magazine the 3rd on September 5, 2014.

Del Rey published the series in English as Me and the Devil Blues: The Unreal Life of Robert Johnson in two 2-in-1 omnibus from July 29, 2008 to December 30, 2008.
