There are a number of elements that make Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba one of the most compelling manga and anime on the market. Demon Slayer is easily one of the darkest and most emotional stories today, with an intriguing approach to the vampire-esque demons of the world, exciting battles, and the bonds established between the characters. Following the trials of Tanjiro Kamado on his journey to restore his sister, Nezuko, to humanity after she was turned into a demon, the pair join an elite and secret society called the Demon Slayer Corps, dedicating their lives and efforts to ending the demon threat.

Before Tanjiro and Nezuko’s adventure began, they were part of a loving family, perfectly content to live out their lives on the mountain. Fans were given a glimpse of their simple yet picturesque life. Tanjiro gladly carried out the task of delivering coal to the village below in order to support his five younger siblings and mother, but when one of his customers convinced him to spend the night to avoid getting attacked, it became a decision Tanjiro would regret for the rest of his life. Tragedy struck in the form of an attack carried out by Demon King Muzan Kibutsuji. Tanjiro’s mother and four of his younger siblings were violently slaughtered, and Nezuko was turned into a demon. His responsibility for his family’s survival and well-being provoked a major question: Who was Tanjiro’s father, and where was he?

Who Were the Members of the Kamado Family?

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At the start of Demon Slayer, Tanjiro’s life didn’t look easy, but it was about to get a lot harder than he could have ever imagined. The eldest of six children, Tanjiro took on the responsibility for his family after his father, Tanjuro Kamado, died from a long-suffering illness. He tended to chores and the care of his younger siblings, which included him delivering coal to the village. His mother, Kie, relied on his help to keep the family afloat and look after his siblings, and had probably done so even before Tanjuro’s death.

Kai and Tanjuro had six children together. From oldest to youngest, they included Tanjiro, Nezuko, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru, and Rokuta. Excluding Tanjiro and Nezuko, Kai and her four youngest children were brutally murdered by Muzan while Tanjiro was away from home.

What Happened to Tanjiro’s Dad?

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The head of the family, Tanjuro Kamado, suffered from a debilitating, unnamed illness. Despite possessing a unique strength that once allowed him to kill a bear with his ax and the ability to carry out the Hinokami Kagura dance in freezing temperatures, he did not survive his illness. It is unknown when he succumbed to death, but when considering that his youngest son, Rokuta, was 3 years old at the start of the story, Tanjuro likely died when Rokuta was just an infant.

Was Tanjiro’s Father a Demon Slayer?

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The introduction of Yoriichi Tsukiguni during a flashback prompted many to wonder if Yoriichi was possibly Tanjiro’s father. Not only did they both practice sun breathing, but they were both seen wearing Hanafuda earrings, which suggested some connection between them. As the story progressed, fans came to learn that Yoriichi was born more than a thousand years earlier, and he was the very first user of the sun breathing technique. While visiting Tanjiro’s ancestors, he performed the Hinokami Kagura in its entirety. This inspired Sumiyoshi so much that he memorized 12 of the 13 steps and continued practicing then long after Yoriichi’s departure. As a thank you for the hope and hospitality they provided him during a dark time in his life, Yoriichi also gifted Sumiyoshi with his Hanafuda earrings. Those earrings were passed down through generations of Kamados, including Tanjuro, who passed them on to his eldest son with his death.

Not knowing much about Tanjuro, many fans wondered for a time if he may have been a member of the Demon Slayer Corps himself. All signs point to no. He did seem to share the unique scar Tanjiro has on his forehead, however, suggesting that had he not been suffering from illness, he may very well have gone on to become a demon slayer. While Tanjiro believed the scar had come from spilled tea, the mark itself was actually an emerging demon slayer mark that became more prominent as he became more powerful.

Having learned the movements of the Hinokami Kagura from watching his father perform the ritual dance for the Fire God each new year, Tanjuro passed on the technique needed for sun breathing. Even if he wasn’t aware of how significant it would become for his son, he knew it was an important tradition their family had carried on for centuries.

How Does Tanjuro Continue to Influence Tanjiro?

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Tanjiro’s memories of the short time he had with his father inspire him to stay strong against the many adversities his exposure to the demon world has brought into his life. Tanjuro was a gentle and loving man, as seen in his son’s memories, and that is constantly reflected in Tanjiro’s personality. He is overly kind to his friends and loved ones, as well as polite and respectful to his elders. One of the most profound traits Tanjiro inherited from his father, aside from the Hinokami Kagura, is his unwillingness to give up.

Tanjuro’s illness predicted his doom, but he refused to give up on his life or his family. He spent every moment he could with his wife and children, teaching through example and providing them with a firm foundation for their future. He could have no way of knowing what was in store for them after his death or that most of them would join him far too soon in the afterlife. His strength of character kept his eldest son strong, even when Tanjiro’s entire world was torn apart.