From the creative mind of Hirohiko Araki, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is one of the most popular anime/manga series of all time. While the first two Parts of the series were exceptional, it was not until Part 3’s Stardust Crusaders that Araki revolutionized the series by introducing the concept of Stands.

A physical manifestation of a person’s fighting spirit, each Stand varies depending on its user. In some cases, a Stand’s power is simple and straightforward. On the other hand, there are some Stands that possess incredibly complex and powerful abilities, to the point where they could be considered godlike.

Updated on June 23, 2023 by Ajay Aravind: Stands completely overshadowed the Hamon concept established in the first two Parts of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. This power system is notably unique, although it’s based on a classic anime foundation: eccentricity. As such, we’ve revamped this list of the strongest Stands in JoJo.

25 Purple Haze (Introduced In Golden Wind)

Pannacotta Fugo

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_0

Pannacotta Fugo’s Purple Haze is aggressively dangerous, which is why he seldom overuses his Stand during battle. Another drawback is that this ability is rather difficult to control, making it a real threat should Pannacotta lose his hold over Purple Haze.

This is because of this Stand’s decomposition ability, utilizing a series of bulbs containing a highly dangerous flesh-melting virus. Purple Haze can force any organism to dissolve into mush in a span of seconds, even if it can’t spread its effect to a wide area. In the end, Fugo is no match for Giorno’s intelligence.

24 The Hand (Introduced In Diamond Is Unbreakable)

Nijimura Okuyasu

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_1

Nijimura Okuyasu might be a side character in Diamond is Unbreakable, but his devastating Stand deserves more attention than it receives. Any material touched by The Hand’s hand is annihilated, although this only applies to the right side of its body.

Furthermore, this Stand’s combat powers are stupendous, at least on par with Josuke Higashikata’s Crazy Diamond. The Hand can effectively manipulate the fabric of space, moving objects at a speed technically faster than that of light. Unfortunately, Nijimura just isn’t smart enough to exploit The Hand to its full potential.

23 The Grateful Dead (Golden Wind)


25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_2

Prosciutto’s The Grateful Dead already looks like one of the scariest Stands in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, but it is also one of the most formidable. Unlike close-range Stands, this one can spread its influence across a relatively large space, allowing Prosciutto to slaughter dozens of people if necessary.

Despite its name, those killed by The Grateful Dead couldn’t be less grateful for their fates, as they experience death through physical aging. This ability impacts practically every living being — even its owner isn’t immune to its effects. It takes Team Giorno considerable effort to take down both Prosciutto and The Grateful Dead.

22 Echoes (Introduced In Diamond Is Unbreakable)

Koichi Hirose

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_3

Koichi Hirose is nothing more than a nervous child when Diamond is Unbreakable begins, but he quickly evolves along with his seemingly inconsequential Stand. ACT1 of Echoes resembles an insect larva, revealing a latent sound-based power that only comes into effect much later.

Echoes ACT1 takes this onomatopoeic concept even further, allowing Koichi to perform spectacular combat feats. Echoes only reaches its final form in ACT3, which uses a unique technique called 3 Freeze. This ability increases the mass of any object it comes into contact with. All things considered, Koichi has a long way to go before Echoes poses a threat to Stands like Star Platinum.

21 Heaven’s Door (Introduced In Diamond Is Unbreakable)

Rohan Kishibe

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_4

Rohan’s Heaven’s Door is as unique as it is terrifying. With Heaven’s Door, Rohan can rip someone’s body open and read their entire life story like a book. He can also write new information inside, like when he wrote that Koichi was fluent in Italian before the latter’s trip to Italy.

Rohan uses Heaven’s Door to gather more reference material for his manga, Pink Dark Boy. He says that he likes having the most realistic references possible, so there’s nothing better for him than invading someone’s privacy with his Stand to obtain it.

20 Stone Free (Introduced In Stone Ocean)

Jolyne Cujoh

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_5

Jolyne’s Stone Free is arguably the star of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure’s sixth part, Stone Ocean. Compared to other Joestars’ stands, hers is a significant improvement from Joseph’s Hermit Purple and Josuke’s Crazy Diamond. However, it’s not quite strong enough to rival most of her predecessors. Still, Stone Free’s versatility shouldn’t be scoffed at.

Jolyne used Stone Free in several creative ways throughout Stone Ocean. Stone Free can unravel into strings, which can be used for a variety of things. From pickpocketing to turning her entire torso into a Moebius Strip, Stone Free came in clutch for Jolyne and her friends during their time at the Green Dolphin Street Prison.

19 Silver Chariot (Introduced In Stardust Crusaders)

Jean Pierre Polnareff

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_6

The Stand known as Silver Chariot is a devastating weapon, and if Jean Pierre Polnareff was more clever and ruthless, he could really unlock its full potential. But he falls short of that, so in practice, Silver Chariot is merely powerful, not devastating.

Still, this is a Stand to be feared by any foe. It moves with unbelievable speed, even more so when its armor is removed. Its rapier is sharp and can even slice fire in half or carve stone into any shape in no time. Any physical attack or barrier risks getting diced at the hands of Silver Chariot.

18 Sticky Fingers (Introduced In Golden Wind)

Bruno Bucciarati

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_7

Localized as “Zipper Man,” this Stand is among the most powerful not because of its sheer hitting power (which is only average for melee Stands) but how incredibly flexible it can be. This Stand can create zippers on anything, even living beings.

This allows Bruno Bucciarati to create portals for attacking, retreating, splitting an enemy’s body apart, hiding inside something, or even splitting up his own body to escape detection. Bucciarati is clever, quick-thinking, and ruthless, allowing him to make the most of Sticky Fingers.

17 Hanged Man (Introduced In Stardust Crusaders)

J. Geil

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_8

This insidious Stand belongs to the vile Stand User known as J. Geil, who performs unspeakable acts on his victims. His Stand, which reflects the Hanged Man of the Tarot, can travel via any reflective surface, even a person’s very eyes.

Hanged Man can strike with astounding speed, even faster than the ultra-quick Silver Chariot, and its knife can slash an opponent’s throat before they even know what’s happening. And owing to its mirror affinity, Hanged Man is exceptionally difficult to escape or throw off the trail.

16 White Album (Introduced In Golden Wind)


25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_9

This is one of the few Stands that manifests as a suit that the user wears like armor, as opposed to a standalone entity that takes the user’s side. This Stand’s ability is simple but effective: it can freeze things.

In many works of fiction, ice powers are among the strongest, and Ghiaccio can freeze anything solid (including water vapor), create ultra-tough armor, and skate around on ice. Both Mista and Giorno together were pushed to the absolute limit before defeating Ghiaccio and his icy Stand.

15 Green Day (Introduced In Golden Wind)


25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_10

Appearing late in Golden Wind, the Stand called Green Day proved an incredible foe for Giorno and his allies to deal with. Its master is Cioccolata, a cruel doctor who enjoys tormenting his victims. Green Day can create a deadly mold that will kill any living thing (but not Stands).

Green Day’s mold takes effect whenever a living thing lowers itself, or even just its body parts, and the mold can spread from one victim to another. Cioccolata can also use the mold to split up his body into remote-controlled parts, then reassemble them later. If need be, Green Day can also perform bone-crushing melee attacks.

14 Killer Queen (Introduced In Diamond Is Unbreakable)

Yoshikage Kira

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_11

Killer Queen is a dangerous Stand with the power to turn any object or person it touches into a bomb. It can even generate invisible air bubble projectiles that explode either via contact or by command. It also has two other types of bombs called Sheer Heart Attack and Bites the Dust. The former creates autonomous and nigh-indestructible bombs that seek out targets.

The third bomb, Bites the Dust, creates a miniature version of Killer Queen that infiltrates a target’s body. When discovered, it triggers an explosion to eliminate any witnesses. This also creates a time loop and rewinds time to an hour before the explosion occurs.

13 Weather Report (Introduced In Stone Ocean)

Domenico Pucci

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_12

Weather Report, as the name suggests, is a Stand that allows the user to control the weather. It’s a powerful skill that gives the user major offensive and defensive advantages. Weather Report can manipulate the environment, indoors or outside, to summon lightning, wind, or rain.

Weather Report has great precision over where the phenomena will strike, as well. For example, it can make it rain over a large area but create a sunny, arid atmosphere right in the center. Weather Report’s abilities are also exceptionally gruesome since it can shove a bunch of clouds inside someone, bloating them up and forcing their eyes out of their sockets. Weather Report’s versatile abilities were quite helpful to Jolyne and the gang during Stone Ocean.

12 Crazy Diamond (Introduced In Diamond Is Unbreakable)

Josuke Higashikata

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_13

Josuke Higashikata is the protagonist of Diamond is Unbreakable, which automatically makes his Stand one of the strongest in the series. Crazy Diamond’s strength, accuracy, and agility make it particularly dangerous to close-range opponents, but the Stand’s true feature is far more interesting.

Crazy Diamond can easily reverse and restore damage, whether to living or non-living entities. This Stand can also force items to return to their original components, or even combine human beings with large boulders. The only problem with Crazy Diamond is that it doesn’t affect Josuke, whatsoever.

11 Notorious B.I.G (Introduced In Golden Wind)


25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_14

When a Stand User dies, their Stand normally disappears along with them. Notorious B.I.G is one of the few exceptions to this rule. The power of this Stand activates only after its user dies. Once activated, it proceeds to attack anything that moves. It slowly grows in size and power by devouring matter, as well as energy.

Even if it is somehow reduced to pieces, it can regenerate itself from even the smallest cell. For all intents and purposes, it is virtually indestructible and cannot die. It is so powerful that even the combined efforts of Giorno Giovanna and his allies were not enough to destroy it.

10 Metallica (Introduced In Golden Wind)

Risotto Nero

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_15

Risotto’s Metallica is one of the most brutal stands in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Metallica manifests as a colony of ghost-like metallic figures who prey on the iron in someone’s blood. Metallica also creates sharp objects inside the opponent’s body.

By manipulating the iron, Risotto’s target will die slowly and painfully since their hemoglobin levels will fall to fatal levels. Metallica can also manipulate the user’s iron. Instead of killing the user, however, Metallica just turns them invisible by using the iron particles to reflect light.

9 Cream (Introduced In Stardust Crusaders)

Vanilla Ice

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_16

Cream’s monstrous appearance is only surpassed by its terrifying ability. When activated, it devours both itself and its user Vanilla Ice, sending them to another dimension. In doing so, its existence is replaced by a fast-moving portal that erases anything it touches. In this state, its targets are powerless to stop its attacks, forcing them to dodge constantly.

Its only weakness is that it cannot see its surroundings while in the other dimension. As a result, it must open a hole in the dimension in order to see. This makes Vanilla Ice vulnerable to Stands capable of precise, high-speed attacks. Aside from this disadvantage, Cream is virtually invulnerable.

8 Diver Down (Introduced In Stone Ocean)

Narciso Anasui

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_17

Anasui’s Diver Down is one of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure’s most versatile Stands. Diver Down allows Anasui to take advantage of his environment. Its impact storage ability allows Anasui to store the impact of his kicks or punches inside the target of impact. Then, Anasui can release it whenever he wants.

Diver Down is also capable of phasing through an object and fundamentally altering its molecular makeup. Diver Down’s functionality is complex, but it’s a force to be reckoned with and has proved useful throughout Stone Ocean. Diver Down may seem negligible at first, but it’s an incredibly strong JoJo Stand.

7 Star Platinum (Introduced In Stardust Crusaders)

Jotaro Kujo

25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_18

Introduced in Stardust Crusaders, Jotaro Kujo’s Star Platinum is one of the first and most powerful Stands in the series. Its primary power lies in its superhuman strength and speed that very few Stands can hope to match. It also possesses enhanced eyesight and can easily identify targets up to four kilometers away.

It is extremely precise and can perform complex tasks even under the most stressful conditions. This includes being able to surgically remove objects from people’s skulls without harming them, as well as catching bullets fired at point-blank range. Toward the end of Stardust Crusaders, it develops the power to use Time Stop, allowing it to freeze time for up to five seconds.

6 King Crimson/Epitaph (Introduced In Golden Wind)


25 Strongest JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, Ranked_19

The Stand belonging to Passione gang leader Diavolo possesses one of the most confusing powers in the series. Essentially, it is two Stands in one. Its other half is the sub-Stand Epitaph which allows its user, Doppio, Diavolo’s meeker half, to see 10 seconds into the future. When activating King Crimson, Diavolo can essentially erase any frame of time that happens in the 10 seconds predicted by Epitaph.

It causes those affected to suddenly find themselves in new positions with no memory of the erasure, leaving them vulnerable to its attacks. With power and speed rivaling that of Star Platinum, King Crimson can decimate almost any opponent before they even realize what’s happened.