Sally (サリー)


Margie is a white elephant with yellow hands and feet. She has yellow and orange hair, and also on the tip of her ears. She has pink blush on her cheeks, and blue eyes and her initial shirt is a hot spring shirt. She resembles a parade/carnival elephant because of her colorful headdress.
Margie has a normal personality so she is nice most of the time. She will often comment on the tidyness of her house and her clothes. Margie rarely gets upset but can be very kind. She is cool about most things with the exception of hygene and tidiness. Margie loves clothes shopping so she will often ask if you see the clothes she likes buy them for her and she will give you a small reward. She also enjoys fossil hunting.
Margie has the Cabana Series in her house with an exotic end table, a tea vase, a classic bed, a puffer fish, and a stereo that plays K.K. Bossa.

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