• Bloodshot Unleashed #3
    Deniz Camp

    Jon Davis-Hunt

    Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

    Cover Artist:
    Jon Davis-Hunt

    Valiant Entertainment


    Release Date:

    Jordie Bellaire

Since Kevin VanHook, Don Perlin, and Bob Layton created Valiant’s Bloodshot in 1992, the character has starred in all manner of action-packed stories. But this year’s Bloodshot Unleashed marks the first time the hero has starred in a series specifically geared toward mature readers. Writer Deniz Camp, artist Jon Davis-Hunt, colorist Jordie Bellaire, and letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou have been putting the soldier into all manner of brutal scenarios as he travels the country trying to subdue rogue super soldiers. In the upcoming Bloodshot Unleashed #3, he teams up with another iconic Valiant hero for a particularly exciting adventure.

Bloodshot Unleashed #3 begins with the titular hero and X-O Manowar visiting a small church in an old mining town. The two soldiers don’t always see eye to eye, but they’re banding together to help protect this group of churchgoers from a parasitic alien that could be powerful enough to threaten the entire world. Bloodshot and his interstellar ally have seen it all throughout their lengthy careers, but the local pastor still has a few tricks up his sleeves.

EXCLUSIVE REVIEW: Valiant's Bloodshot Unleashed #3_0

In each issue of Bloodshot Unleashed, Camp bounces back and forth in time, weaving the exposition into the action. The audience doesn’t get a complete understanding of the hero’s mission until he’s already in the thick of things. This approach establishes a fast, exciting pace for each issue and throws the reader headfirst into Bloodshot’s disorienting, fractured life, where painful memories, high-stakes missions, and unbelievable violence constantly bombard him. Camp brings X-O Manowar into this chaotic reality seamlessly. The character’s inclusion feels at once natural and epic.

Throughout this series, Davis-Hunt has been producing unforgettable action sequences, and Bloodshot Unleashed #3 features some of his best work. Bloodshot and X-O Manowar strike iconic poses as they leap into action before being subjected to some of the goriest and most exciting violence in recent memory. Every flailing tentacle and each drop of blood is painstakingly rendered to give the reader a sense of the many moving pieces involved in each scene. Davis-Hunt’s eye for detail never gets in the way of his sense of timing. He guides the reader through the action at breakneck speed without sacrificing clarity or composition.

EXCLUSIVE REVIEW: Valiant's Bloodshot Unleashed #3_1

Bellaire’s colors complement the artwork perfectly. She creates a dusty, barren atmosphere that reinforces the issue’s desolate tone before diving into the depths of the mines with a darker palette to put the audience on edge. Her work helps important details stand out amidst Davis-Hunt’s dense artwork and adds an explosive flare to the action. Otsmane-Elhaou’s lettering is as exciting and inventive as the rest of Bloodshot Unleashed #3. The various shapes of his word balloons add a lot to the pastor’s personality. The reader can almost hear the strain in the character’s voice as he trembles at the sight of his god, and whenever he quotes from the Bible, his words appear on pieces of parchment.

The creative team covers an impressive amount of ground in Bloodshot Unleashed #3. This issue features a great team-up, an incredible action scene, and a haunting story reminiscent of some of Mike Mignola’s best Hellboy tales. Camp and Davis-Hunt have created yet another captivating and surprising Bloodshot adventure that will leave fans anxious for more.