DC’s upcoming event, known as Lazarus Planet, promises to be one that brings massive changes to the heroes of Earth. When a Lazarus volcano erupts, the resin within is spread across the world. Due to all the changes that have been wrought on the pits over the last few months, their effects on people have now been altered. Rather than granting youth and reviving the dead, it now seems to grant powers to people, and apparently, alters the powers of existing metahumans.

Interestingly enough, this parallels the Terrigen bomb that went off in the Marvel universe a few years back. A global event spread a unique substance that causes powers to form in some people. It was enough of an event that it even introduced permanent changes to the Marvel Universe, such as the debut of Kamala Khan. DC’s current event promises to be something of a similar nature.

How Lazarus Planet and the Inhumans’ Terrigen Bomb Mirror Each Other

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The first, most obvious similarity, is that an explosive force was detonated that spread a reactive substance across the globe. Anyone with inhuman DNA would be altered by the terrigen mist that was unleashed by Black Bolt in an attempt to stop Thanos. While the exact events leading up to the Lazarus volcano haven’t been published yet, it almost certainly is a consequence of trying to stop the Devil Nezha in the pages of Batman vs. Robin.

The events even took the opportunity to introduce new heroes to the lore of their respective worlds. The Marvel Universe got Kamala Khan, who was proven to be an ingenious and revitalizing decision for the world. As for DC, the story promises to introduce a new hero known as City Boy during Lazarus Planet. The nature of his powers or who he really is hasn’t been unveiled yet, but it doesn’t seem like they would introduce him just as a one-off character.

What Are the Differences Between the Marvel and DC Events?

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Of course, it isn’t fair to say that both moments are exactly similar. The situations resulting in the changes to the planet, in all likelihood, will be completely different. There have been a lot of hints that the volcanic eruption is Mother Soul’s plan rather than Nezha’s. Then there is the exact nature of the changes that need to be considered. The terrigen mist would only affect a handful of people, and those effects would of course be permanent.

The Lazarus resin on the other hand, if this holds true about it, will only be a temporary problem until the substance has stopped blanketing the Earth. Even worse, the resin will affect everyone who is exposed, hero, villain, or ordinary person. No one will be spared from the consequences. So, while there may be similarities, the two events have enough differences to distinguish themselves from one another. One only altered the lives of a few people forever, but the chaos the Lazarus Planet will unleash could do a lot of damage to the world before all is said and done.