• TMNT Alliance #2
    Will Robson

    Will Robson

    Shawn Lee

    Cover Artist:
    Roi Mercado

    IDW Publishing


    Release Date:

    Andrew Dalhouse, Gigi Dutreix

The Rat King has gathered his team of villains before announcing the start of the Armageddon games, which puts him at an unfair advantage. Although late, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are trying to cover as much ground as possible, looking for allies far and wide in other dimensions. The previous issue focused on Shredder’s granddaughter, Karai, who takes a page from the Rat King’s playbook and tries to build her alliance. TMNT: The Armageddon Game – The Alliance #2 from IDW Publishing makes Casey Jones the protagonist, fighting through some personal demons. Written and illustrated by Will Robson, the book features colors from Andrew Dalhouse and Gigi Dutreix and letters from Shawn Lee.

Casey Jones has been a longtime ally of the Ninja Turtles. However, time and distance have created a barrier between them, with his best friend Raphael moving on to new relationships and positions in life. Even though his father was an abusive drinker, his death left a void in Casey’s heart. No one, not even his buddies, tried to talk to him about it, leaving him to have a heart-to-heart alone on a rooftop with a stray puppy. Below on the streets, the Punk Frogs search for food and a place to stay the night. But when trouble comes looking for them, Casey is the first to jump into action.

REVIEW: IDW Publishing's TMNT: The Armageddon Game - The Alliance #2_0

Like the mutant brothers, Casey Jones has been through a lot lately. He knows the pain of losing a father but never gets a chance to share his inner feelings with his friends. TMNT: The Armageddon Game – The Alliance #2 gives him that safe space to clear his head, reminiscing about the old days to process his loneliness. In a way, the one-way conversation brings casual fans up to speed on the events so far. It is not until the arrival of the Punk Frogs that the story picks up the pace for some bat-swinging action. Robson deals with some heavy themes of isolation and depression while exploring real-life topics like racism and xenophobia with anti-mutant sentiments. But Casey’s strong sense of justice becomes the beating heart of the tale as his actions triumph over all negativity.

The importance of creating a somber atmosphere is not lost on Will Robson. As Casey sits under the vast sky, talking with his new furry friend amongst the indifferent skyscrapers, his eyes echo the heartache he feels inside. Robson takes the readers from the rooftops of Manhattan to the rat-infested alleys using cartoonishly dynamic lines to set up the action. His art style amplifies Casey and the Punk Frogs’ power, and their tandem movements make for a great team-up. Dalhouse and Dutreix use mostly muted shades. Perhaps it is to denote nighttime, but striking colors would have made the book more eye-catching.

REVIEW: IDW Publishing's TMNT: The Armageddon Game - The Alliance #2_1

TMNT: The Armageddon Game – The Alliance #2 is a character-driven tale through and through. As the world changes around him, Casey is stuck in time. The issue offers the hockey stick-wielding protagonist a new path forward. But it also does not undercut the goodwill of others, nor does it underplay the fun of making new friends. For Casey, the events of the book give him the catharsis he so badly needs and the camaraderie he yearns for. TMNT: The Armageddon Game – The Alliance #2 is a well-laid-out one-off story that is both emotional and high on energy.