Many characters in the Harry Potter franchise have various quirks or habits that helped to make them memorable. For example, Seamus Finnegan was known for making things blow up with his magic, while Fred and George Weasley were the resident jokesters. However, one character that had a uniquely unlucky streak was none other than Neville Longbottom.

Neville entered Hogwarts at the same time as Harry Potter, and he quickly became friends with him, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. In fact, there were many instances where he helped Harry solve many of the mysteries he encountered while at the school. Even though Neville was exceptionally gifted in his own right, he was the subject of one mystery that was never officially solved.

Neville Longbottom Had a Rough First Year at Hogwarts

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While Neville had friends that helped him succeed, his first year was difficult as he gained his footing in the world of magic. Because of this, he was often the subject of many physical accidents that put him in a position of being the center of attention. One of the best examples of this was when he lost control of his broom and flew around the school. This mishap left him hanging from a statue and injuring his arm. He was also petrified by Hermione when he tried to keep Harry, Ron and Hermione from sneaking out at night.

Neville also dealt with small issues of forgetfulness that often placed him at an imposition among his classmates. In fact, his memory was so bad his grandmother sent him a magical device known as a Remembrall. The glass ball was unique because when the user forgot something, a red cloud would emerge within the ball. When Neville got his Remembrall in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, the ball immediately turned red, but Neville still couldn’t remember what was forgotten. While the answer wasn’t given in the book, the film may have given an answer.

What Did Neville Forget in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone?

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In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Neville’s Remembrall set up a fun mystery that only lasted a few seconds. Sadly, the book couldn’t take advantage of the physical humor that the scene provided, and as the plot picked up, it became a passing comment worth a chuckle. However, without actively answering the question, the film let eagle-eyed fans figure out what Neville had forgotten. In this case, it was none other than Neville’s robe that he likely forgot. While in the Great Hall, all the other students were shown wearing their robes, except Neville.

Without confirmation, it’s a confident hypothesis that Neville’s robe was the missing item in question. If the robe was the answer, it offered a fun bit of physical humor that set a precedent for how some of the franchise’s funniest moments happened just out of sight among the other characters. The scene also proved that Neville, while forgetful, was set up to grow into a competent and skilled young adult, even if his first year was rocky, to say the least.