In the world of One Piece, Devil Fruits bestow lasting superhuman abilities of diverse kinds, at the expense of the user’s ability to swim. These fruits can be categorized into three main groups: Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia, based on the nature of the powers they provide.
Throughout an individual’s life, they can only consume a single Devil Fruit, as any endeavor to consume another would result in immediate fatality. However, Marshall D. Teach presently possesses two Devil Fruit abilities simultaneously, seemingly without suffering any adverse effects.
Although potent warriors typically wield Devil Fruit powers, there are exceptions, with certain formidable fruits being consumed by characters of relatively modest combat capabilities. Despite conferring highly perilous and efficient skills, these abilities are often underutilized due to the limited prowess of their owners.
Ten great Devil Fruits that would have deserved more powerful users in One Piece
10) Mark-Mark Fruit, user: Vander Decken IX

Individuals who possess the Mark-Mark Fruit exhibit the ability to designate a target by touch, causing any thrown weapon to relentlessly pursue the marked subject. The user can even commit targets to memory, granting them the capability to assail from any distance and at any moment, irrespective of the target’s actual whereabouts.
Even if the target shifts position, the propelled weapon will persistently give chase, altering its trajectory to pursue the target’s new location. The user’s physical strength isn’t a prerequisite for launching the object; a mere touch sets the power in motion, propelling the object swiftly toward the intended target.
The Mark-Mark Fruit potentially empowers its wielder to accomplish remarkable feats, such as dispatching massive objects to crush their marked target. Nevertheless, the fruit’s possessor, Vander Decken IX, lacks the requisite acumen and combat aptitude to harness it effectively. If employed by a formidable practitioner of Haki, the Mark-Mark Fruit could prove fatally potent.
9) Hobby-Hobby Fruit, user: Sugar

The Hobby-Hobby Fruit is extremely advantageous, as it renders users eternally youth, and enables them to transform living people into toys upon touching them. The transformed people’s memories and mention of their existence will be erased from the minds of others.
The current user of the Hobby-Hobby, Donquixote Pirates member Sugar, is not strong enough to fully exploit the item’s powers, which require direct contact with the target. Sugar’s physical prowess and fighting skills are effective against lesser foes, but she can’t compete with high-caliber warriors.
8) Rust-Rust Fruit, user: Shu

The Rust-Rust Fruit confers a significant advantage upon its possessors against swordsmen and other weapon-wielders. This unique Devil Fruit ability allows the user to induce rust and disintegration in metallic objects through mere touch. This extraordinary power enables the user to even catch a blade with their bare hands, impervious to harm.
Utilizing the Rust-Rust Fruit, Marine Captain Shu achieved the destruction of Yubashiri, a Skillful Grade Sword belonging to Zoro. However, Shu’s proficiency as a fighter was limited. His success hinged upon exploiting the Straw Hats’ considerable numerical disadvantage and Zoro’s unfamiliarity with Shu’s unconventional Devil Fruit prowess.
In a one-on-one confrontation against Zoro, Shu would have faced defeat. The Marine Captain lacked the capability to endure attacks even as moderate as Usopp’s Firebird Star, which pales in comparison to the techniques of the Straw Hats’ second-in-command. Furthermore, Zoro was devoid of Haki’s prowess during that period, which would have triumphed over Shu’s Devil Fruit ability.
7) Slip-Slip Fruit, user: Alvida

The Slip-Slip Fruit imparts an extraordinarily smooth texture to the user’s body, causing objects and physical blows to skid off their sleek form. This fruit also facilitates the use of the user’s own feet as skates, enabling swift movement. Additionally, this Devil Fruit compels the expulsion of all body fat, contributing to the user’s transformation.
Upon consuming the Slip-Slip Fruit, Alvida underwent a complete metamorphosis, shedding all excess weight and acquiring a notably slender physique. Preceding her acquisition of the Devil Fruit power, Alvida functioned as an average pirate captain in East Blue. Her abilities paled in comparison to Luffy’s, who effortlessly defeated her in the series’ initial stages.
Subsequently, she entered into a partnership with Buggy, and their collaboration eventually culminated in the formation of the Cross Guild. Given its capacity to neutralize a broad array of physical assaults, Alvida’s Devil Fruit proves exceedingly advantageous. Nonetheless, her ineptitude in combat prevents her from effectively capitalizing on its potential.
6) Munch-Munch Fruit, user: Wapol

The Munch-Munch Fruit grants its user the extraordinary ability to expand their mouth to tremendous proportions. This unique capability enables them to bite into and consume virtually anything, regardless of its normal edibility, encompassing both inanimate objects and living organisms.
Objects and beings ingested can seamlessly become integrated into the user’s own form, affording them the capability to manifest an array of weapons and items as natural extensions of their body. Furthermore, the ingested materials can be amalgamated, leading to an array of possibilities. This power’s versatility is boundless, as the user possesses the capacity to consume, reshape, and reconfigure not only external objects but even their own bodily composition.
The possessor of the Munch-Munch Fruit is Wapol, the former tyrant of the Drum Kingdom who now reigns as king over the Black Drum Kingdom. Wapol, however, lacks the requisite combat prowess to fully exploit this potential. In the hands of a more formidable individual, the exceptional adaptability of the Munch-Munch Fruit could truly render them a formidable adversary.
5) Boom-Boom Fruit, user: Gem

Harnessing the capabilities of the Boom-Boom Fruit, the user transforms into a living explosive. This unique power enables them to trigger explosions in any part of their body, extending to limbs, hair, and even bodily fluids such as mucus and breath. Remarkably, even as they detonate themselves, the user remains unscathed, while directing the resulting explosive impact towards their intended target.
A potential advanced phase of the Boom-Boom Fruit, unlocked through Awakening, would culminate in an environment engulfed by devastating explosions around the adversary. In this state, the user remains impervious to the detonations, allowing them to traverse the affected terrain unharmed. Regrettably, Gem, the current bearer of the fruit, lacks the requisite combat proficiency to ascend to this elevated level of mastery.
Formerly operating as a Baroque Works agent, adopting the moniker Mr. 5, Gem possesses a degree of strength. However, his capabilities are insufficient to pose a substantial threat to adept combatants. Although he managed to overpower Usopp, his ill-fated attempts to challenge both Luffy and Zoro proved fatal. On two separate occasions, he was swiftly defeated with a single blow from each of them.
4) Wax-Wax Fruit, user: Galdino

Harnessing the Wax-Wax Fruit’s capabilities allows for the generation and manipulation of candle wax, with the ability to seamlessly transition between liquid and solid states. This malleable substance can be hardened to attain a level of durability akin to steel, remaining entirely under the user’s command even in such fortified states. Nonetheless, the wax is notably susceptible to elevated temperatures and flames, resulting in rapid melting.
The possessor of this power is Galdino, also recognized by his alias, Mr. 3, within the Baroque Works organization. Galdino exhibits a cunning mastery of this ability, earning him the moniker of a “Candle Human.” Employing the wax, he can fabricate an array of creations, ranging from weapons and edifices to mechanized suits, duplicates, colossal shields, and even immense structures engineered to imprison his adversaries.
Leveraging the advantageous traits of the Wax-Wax Fruit, Galdino provided pivotal support to Luffy in his confrontation against Magellan. However, on his own merit, Galdino’s combat prowess remains relatively modest. His appointment as Mr. 3 stemmed from Mr. 4’s comparative lack of intelligence, despite being more formidable than Galdino. Should this fruit fall into the possession of a more formidable combatant than the erstwhile Baroque Works agent, the potential of the Wax-Wax Fruit would be truly formidable.
3) Chop-Chop Fruit, user: Buggy

The Chop-Chop Fruit grants its user an imperviousness to slashing assaults, enabling the manipulation of their body into fragments that can be effortlessly reassembled. This power endows the owner with the capacity to survive any cutting attack, regardless of its intensity. However, the user remains susceptible to the effects of blunt force impacts.
Through the employment of the Chop-Chop Fruit, one can also bestow the disjointed body segments the ability to hover in mid-air, orchestrating their movements to execute unpredictable strikes. This includes the potential to simultaneously engage the target from multiple angles, a strategy augmented by the immunity to slashing attacks. The fusion of these attributes creates a notably potent combination of abilities.
Regrettably, the possessor of this fruit, the enigmatic Buggy “The Clown,” appears to have yet to fully grasp its comprehensive potential. While Buggy exhibits commendable fighting prowess, his remarkable achievements, including his elevation to the status of a Warlord and even his emergence as one of the Four Emperors, are largely founded on his adept manipulation of misunderstandings and a streak of sheer luck, which collectively enhance his public image.
2) Snake-Snake Fruit Model Yamata no Orochi, user: Orochi

Using this Mythical Zoan Fruit, the owner can transform into a full eight-headed snake, as well as a form hybrid between a human and the legendary reptile. Each of the eight heads possesses jaws strong enough to easily lift an adult person.
The multiple heads and long necks enable the user to attack in more directions at once, reaching even distant targets. Even in his human form, the user can survive being beheaded, even in his human form, as chopping his head would just deprive him of one of the Yamata no Orochi’s. To kill him, all of the snake’s eight heads must be sliced off.
Regrettably, this Zoan Fruit, which would be fearsome in the hands of a mighty Haki user, was eaten by Orochi, a coward with poor combat skills. Always relying on his henchmen to fight for him, Orochi just used his Devil Fruit powers to intimidate people. Thus, the abilities granted by the Zoan transformation were never seen in a proper battle.
1) Slow-Slow Fruit, user: Foxy

The Slow-Slow Fruit makes the user a “Slowpoke Human” who can emit Noroma Photons. These particles significantly slow down anything they touch, including people, objects, and even the space itself, for 30 seconds. To avoid suffering the deceleration, the Noroma Photons must be dodged.
This Devil Fruit is just frightening, as its successful usage allows the user to move freely while his enemy is immobilized for 30 seconds, which is more than enough time to inflict lethal damage on him. Still, the Slow-Slow Fruit’s owner, Foxy, is not even remotely strong enough to fully exploit its potential.
Foxy can’t even use Haki, let alone advanced forms of it, which means that his combat effectiveness is very low. Then again, Foxy isn’t interested in challenging big names. He is fine with using his Devil Fruit powers to cheat and trick his opponents in the Davy Back Fight pirate game.
Final thoughts

Devil Fruits hold a pivotal role in One Piece battles, a significance that heightens for characters who attain Awakening. This elevated phase emerges when the user’s mental and physical faculties synchronize with their respective Devil Fruit, consequently unlocking the fruit’s complete capabilities. This results in the revelation of supplementary and enhanced abilities.
However, standing above all is the preeminence of Haki, a force that transcends any other, including the potential of Devil Fruit powers, as it is rooted in individuals’ resolute willpower. Characters possessing scant or negligible Haki proficiency seldom achieve true strength. Conversely, numerous individuals have achieved remarkable potency solely through the mastery of their Haki, even in the absence of consuming a Devil Fruit.
Among the elite ranks of Haki practitioners, a scant few possess the extraordinary prowess required to advance their inherent Conqueror’s Haki to its heightened iteration. This advanced version, achievable by only a select handful of the utmost formidable combatants, confers unparalleled effectiveness in combat engagements.
Rather than solely relying on the advantageous faculties bestowed by their Devil Fruits, certain characters should invest in unearthing and subsequently enhancing their Haki abilities.
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