There is a Japanese anime series or movie out there to satisfy any fan’s preferences or moods. The variety of genres, subgenres, and perspectives in anime is impressive, meaning there is someone for everyone and then some. This includes some series that dip into multiple genres, themes, or moods all at once to make a well-rounded viewing experience.
Some anime series convey just one mood, such as Grand Blue being wacky seinen humor and the Junji Ito Collection being pure horror. By contrast, anime fans who want an emotionally balanced show are encouraged to try totally different titles that smoothly rotate between humor, tragedy, thrills, and much more during their runtimes.
10 Wolf Children Is Relatable, Dramatic & Heartwarming

The anime movie Wolf Children is based on the short manga series of the same name. Any anime fan can appreciate this series’ relatable characters, fascinating drama, and cheerful humor all in one package. This is the tale of the young single mom Hana and her two wolf-like kids, Ame and Yuki.
It’s not easy being the single parent of two werewolf toddlers, but Hana will try her best, and she even moves to the rustic Japanese countryside to build a new, cozier life for her odd family in secret. It won’t always be easy for them, though, especially when the daughter Yuki starts school.
9 Fruits Basket Balances Its Humor & Drama

The shojo icon Fruits Basket is primarily a drama, and that drama fuels the story’s best storylines and conflicts. That being said, Fruits Basket does a fine job balancing that drama with plenty of wholesome humor, showing that the anime doesn’t take itself way too seriously.
Fruits Basket is an emotional rollercoaster, as intended, and viewers will experience heavy drama, heartbreaking tragedy, goofy humor, wonderful romance, and even some shonen-like action sequences. There’s something for every anime fan in here.
8 After The Rain Has Drama, Romance, Humor & Inspirational Themes

The intriguing seinen romance series After the Rain is like a shorter Fruits Basket in terms of balancing different moods. This anime is primarily a drama, but that drama is smarty balanced with some creative, silly comedy and some touching romance as well.
Not only are the humor and drama elements balanced, After the Rain also balances its moods in terms of hope vs. despair. The drama comes from protagonist 706z87″ title=”akira”>Akira Tachibana’s sadness at missing out on her track hobby, but in the end, the rainclouds part, and hope shines forth. The series isn’t naively optimistic or needlessly dark.
7 Kaguya-Sama Has Other Moods To Offset The Comedy

This is another beloved anime that has a dominant mood, but that mood, comedy, is deftly balanced with a few others, so anime fans in any mood can appreciate what it offers. This is the tale of the wealthy heiress Kaguya Shinomiya and her romantic battle of wits with Miyuki Shirogane, and it’s going to be a wild ride.
Comedy and romance are the main moods here, but the Kaguya-Sama anime also packs some solid character drama and a few genuinely sad scenes to make sure the anime stays grounded. Comedy fans, drama fans, and romance fans can all enjoy Kaguya-Sama alike.
6 A Silent Voice Is Emotionally Complicated

Many fictional and real adolescents experience many intense, rapidly shifting moods and emotions in their daily lives. Such is the case with the popular anime movie A Silent Voice, based on the short manga of the same name. These characters are about to feel it all: guilt, joy, anger, heartbreak, hope, and despair.
All of that makes A Silent Voice feel emotionally balanced, and this mix of moods makes it a great sample of what the drama of teenage life can really be like. Anime fans in the mood for drama, comedy or romance can all appreciate what it has to offer.
5 Spy X Family Is Emotionally Rich & Creative

Anime fans absolutely love Spy x Family’s main selling points, such as its stylish 1960s Cold War setting, the telepathic Anya Forger, and the spy-style action. This anime is a creative balance of domestic bliss, thriller action sequences, and even slice of life in some cases. As expected, this leads to a well-balanced emotional tone, too, suitable for all moods.
Anime fans who just want to laugh will love the humor, and fans of drama will like the heavy themes surrounding Anya and Loid, who have secret dark pasts. There are also some scenes perfect for romance lovers.
4 Your Lie In April Is All About Heartbreak, Hope & Fun

Your Lie in April is another anime that focuses on drama as the dominant mood, but that’s just in the long run. Episode by episode, Your Lie in April is much more balanced, having content perfect for any anime fan of any mood.
Fans who mainly want the heavy drama will be richly rewarded, especially near the end. In the meantime, anime fans who want to watch an uplifting tale about emotional healing will like this anime, too, as will fans of music and slice-of-life shenanigans.
3 The Quintessential Quintuplets Is Family Drama, Romance & Comedy

The Quintessential Quintuplets is well-balanced in its moods and emotional content, making it a fine watch for any anime fan. And, of course, it helps that the Quintuplets anime is a well-written, compelling and tasteful harem anime anyway.
Quintuplets smoothly shifts between wacky comedy, hard-hitting dramatic plot twists, and tender romance in its story, rarely lingering on any of those moods for too long. It’s primarily a romance, but the heavy plot and great humor ensure that anyone will enjoy it, in addition to dedicated romance fans.
2 Golden Time Offers Solid Drama, Romance & Humor In A College Setting

Golden Time is yet another compelling, emotionally balanced series that deftly juggles the three main moods of anime, those being humor, drama, and comedy. Those moods blend into a single seamless package, with many scenes involving two or all three of them at once.
Golden Timetakes place at a law school, where protagonist Banri Tada has lost all his memories. In the meantime, he befriends his new pal Mitsuo and gets involved with Mitsuo’s lady friend, Koko Kaga, as well. Here at college, Banri is in for some serious fun, adventure, and heartbreak alike.
1 Toradora! Has Something For Everyone

The hit high school anime Toradora! has a mood for just about every anime fan. This charming series begins as a wacky, heartfelt romantic comedy with a love square between Ryuji, Taiga, and their two friends, but of course, there is more to it than that.
Toradora! mixes many storylines and moods to become a seamless whole, ranging from some intense drama to tender, sweet romance and, of course, more than a little humor. It even has a token beach sequence to round things out.
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