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Tower Of God: Strongest Rankers, Ranked


  • Tower of God features rankers, individuals who climbed to the top floor, with ranks based on power, recognition, and influence.
  • Enryu, known as the Administrator Killer, possesses immense power and strong Shinsu control, making him a mysterious and feared figure.
  • Urek Mazino, Arie Hon, and Khun Eduan are other powerful rankers with unique abilities and influential roles in the tower.

In the manhwa Tower of God, there exists a distinct and interesting classification of people who live in and out of the tower. One such classification is that of a ranker; these are individuals who are known to have climbed to the top floor of the accessible tower, which is currently the 134th floor and have been given a rank. Individuals who have conquered the challenge of climbing that far up into the tower are some of the strongest beings residing in the tower.

The ranking system assigned to rankers is based on different criteria, including a person’s power, recognition, and influence. This creates an interesting scenario whereby individuals may have a higher rank than others but are not necessarily stronger. Rankers are also broken down into advanced rankers and high rankers. The rankers on this list, however, are the physically more powerful ones, whose ranking and recognition are directly traced to their ability and not their influence.

5 Enryu

The Infamous Administrator Killer


  • First Appearance: Chapter 80

Enryu is an enigma within the tower and was the first irregular to appear during Zahard’s rule. Popularly known as the Administrator Killer after he killed the Administrator of the forty-third floor, he is the only known person to have accomplished this incredible feat. Before this, the administrators of the floors were thought to be powerful and virtually unkillable. Enryu’s power is so immense that he was known to have killed a multitude of Zahard’s subordinates and left a giant entity called the Red Thryssa, which serves as a living testament to his power on the 43rd floor

After his incident on the forty-third floor, he has made no appearance elsewhere in the tower, and his whereabouts are completely unknown. What is known for a fact is that Enryu possesses arguably the strongest Shinsu control in the entire tower, being capable of summoning powerful red spears capable of harming even an administrator. These infamous feats and the rare sightings of his powers make him one of the most mysterious beings in the tower.

4 Urek Mazino

The Speed Of Light Ray Barracuda


  • First Appearance: Chapter 110

Urek Mazino is a very powerful ranker and is ranked fourth overall in the tower. He is an irregular who has dreams of one day seeing the world outside the tower once again. Urek was once the strongest active ranker in the tower before King Zahard came out of hibernation and boasted raw power that is equal to that of him and Phantaminum. He is extremely influential and well-known within the tower, being the co-founder of the organization Wolhaiksong. This organization is feared and revered by many and is considered to rival even the great Zahard army.

Urek is known as Ray Barracuda and is adept at shinsoo control. His name comes from his lightning-fast Barracuda attacks, which he fires off at the speed of light. With his unique combat, his organization, and his ties to Baek Hyun, Urek is widely recognized within the tower as a ranker among rankers, rivaled by a select few.

3 Arie Hon

The White Oar Of The Great Tower


  • First Appearance: 485

Arie Hon was known as one of the Great Warriors, a select few that accompanied King Zahard as he made his ascent up the tower. He is an irregular and holds the number five spot in the ranking. Arie is the head of the most famous family among the ten great families and is easily the most prestigious within the tower. He is extremely powerful, and just like Zahard, he has lived for about ten millennia. Due to his immense influence from his years of living in the tower, he holds control over nine of the floors.

He and his family hold a prestigious swordsmanship style called Arie Sword Style, which is very powerful and has no known blind spot. This gives him one of the strongest fighting styles around. Alongside his fame and family, he is an adept Shinsu user, imbuing it alongside his sword. He is extremely powerful, but not on the same level of power as people like Zahard and Enryu.

2 Khun Eduan

The God Of Spears And The Master Combatant


  • First Appearance: Chapter 343

Eduan is one of the Great Warriors, an irregular who also accompanied King Zahard as he climbed up the floors of the tower. He is the head of the Khun family and has lived multiple millennia. This long life has granted him lots of experience, and over time he has gained immense power. Within the tower, he is considered the best hand-to-hand combatant, even though he is ranked 6th. His prowess with the spear has granted him the title of God of Spears and he heads one of the greatest families within the wall.

Khun is extremely talented in physical combat and is adept at Shinsu control; this mastery has given him the title of Blue Thunderclap due to the electrical properties of the Shinsu he controls. He uses this lightning Shinsu to dominate his battles, making him one of the most revered advanced rankers in the tower.

1 Zahard

The First Irregular And The Fabled King Of The Tower


  • First Appearance: Chapter 315

King Zahard was the first irregular to appear within the tower and was the first ever to climb to the top, after this feat, he was regarded as the King of the tower. Despite his feats and legendary status, he is ranked third by the Ranked administration office, under the likes of Phantaminum and Enryu. Additionally, he is the head of the Great Zahard Empire, a powerful and influential kingdom that holds great influence within the tower organizing the affairs of the residents within.

Reaching the top of the tower requires a great deal of power, and Zahard was the first ever to achieve this. He possesses near-unmatched power, only comparable to a minute few; he possesses some of the greatest combat abilities and shinsu control that far outclasses almost every other person in the tower. For a good part of the story, Zahard is in hibernation, but after the events of the hidden floor, he awakens, becoming the highest active ranker, with talks of advancing up to the 135th floor.

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