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- The Hunger Games’ Love Triangle, Explained
- Why did Katniss and Gale’s Friendship End?
- What Happened to Gale After the Rebellion?
Gale Hawthorne is one of the most prominent characters in the Hunger Games franchise. Appearing in all four films, Gale is Katniss’ life-long best friend. His loyalty to Katniss is unwavering, which is why many fans assumed that the pair would end up together.
Shockingly, Gale and Katniss part ways in Mockingjay: Part 2, and Katniss goes on to find happiness with Peeta. Whilst Katniss and Peeta both receive satisfying conclusions in the Hunger Games’ epilogue, Gale’s fate is largely obscured, leaving fans questioning what happened to Gale after President Snow’s downfall.
The Hunger Games’ Love Triangle, Explained

The love triangle played a significant role in the Hunger Games franchise. As typical in YA literature at the time, Suzanne Collins’ original books featured a love triangle between three major characters in the franchise – Katniss, Peeta, and Gale. Both Peeta and Gale were romantically interested in Katniss, and the love triangle became a focal point of discourse in relation to the beloved franchise. A large proportion of fans were divided into two teams – ‘Team Peeta’ or ‘Team Gale’. Throughout the franchise’s duration, it wasn’t clear who Katniss would end up with – a question which kept fans guessing right up until Mockingjay’s final moments.
As fans will know, Katniss and Peeta were unexpectedly thrown together when they were both selected to compete in the 74th annual Hunger Games. Before his name was drawn in the Reaping Ceremony, Peeta worked in his family’s bakery in District 12. As the pair begin to strike up a friendship, it becomes clear that Peeta had been an admirer of Katniss’ for a very long time. In an unexpected flashback, it’s revealed that Peeta had previously saved Katniss’ life by secretly throwing her a loaf of bread. As the Games unfold, the pair strike up a feigned romance in order to gain sponsors from the Capitol. Under the guise of the ‘star-crossed lovers from District 12’, Katniss and Peeta become the first joint Victors in the history of the Games. However, as the franchise develops, it becomes clear that there may be some truth in the pair’s romance.
Unlike Peeta, Gale had been a close friend of Katniss’ for many years. The pair bonded over their shared talent for hunting and would often illicitly hunt in the woods together. From the onset, it’s clear that Gale is fiercely loyal to Katniss and her family. When Katniss is forced to compete in the 74th Hunger Games, Gale vows to protect Katniss’ family, providing them with food and safety. It’s clear that Gale harbors romantic feelings for Katniss, as showcased via the character’s blatant jealousy at Katniss and Peeta’s feigned romance.
The Original Hunger Games Movies: |
Date Released: |
The Hunger Games |
2012 |
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire |
2013 |
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 |
2014 |
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 |
2015 |
The love triangle between Katniss, Peeta and Gale kept fans captivated throughout the franchise. However, during the franchise’s dramatic finale, Katniss and Gale’s friendship is shockingly torn apart. To the surprise of many fans, Katniss never speaks to Gale again, showcasing the pair’s fractured relationship. After the rebellion is over, Katniss returns to District 12 with Peeta, and she soon comes to terms with her true feelings for him. In an emotional scene from Mockingjay: Part 2, Peeta questions Katniss’ feelings for him:
Peeta: You love me, real or not real?
Katniss: Real.
The epilogue scene in Mockingjay: Part 2 conveys Katniss and Peeta’s life together following President Snow’s downfall. In the emotional scene, Katniss and Peeta now have two young children together and have managed to find happiness despite the lingering impact of the Games. Despite this satisfying conclusion, fans have often questioned why Gale and Katniss’ friendship fell apart and what happened after the rebellion.
Why did Katniss and Gale’s Friendship End?

During the Hunger Games’ dramatic final installment, Katniss manages to sneak into the Capitol on a mission to kill President Snow. However, during Katniss’ visit to the Capitol, a hovercraft suddenly appears in the sky. The hovercraft begins to dispense parachutes, resembling those sent to tributes in the Hunger Games. Believing that parachutes will contain medicine and supplies, children start reaching out for them. Shockingly, the containers abruptly explode, tragically killing and injuring hundreds of children.
Katniss is knocked unconscious by the impact of the explosion but when she regains consciousness, she spots her sister, Prim, attempting to help the wounded. As fans will remember, Prim was training to become a nurse, which explains why she was present at the scene of the explosion. Katniss begins to call out for Prim, but the remaining parachutes suddenly explode, tragically killing Prim.
Believing that President Snow was responsible for the death of Prim, Katniss interrogates him. Shockingly, Snow reveals that he was not behind the merciless bombings, and instead explains that the parachutes were sent by the rebels. Following this shocking revelation, Snow tells Katniss:
I’m afraid we’ve both been played for fools.
In the aftermath of Katniss’ conversation with Snow, Gale arrives to tell Katniss that President Coin would like to see her. Upon Gale’s arrival, he looks incredibly guilty and is unable to meet Katniss’ eye. Katniss then interrogates Gale, asking him why he didn’t visit her at the hospital following the explosion. However, she is soon struck by the realization that Gale was involved in the rebels’ plan to bomb the Capitol’s children.
Gale was aware that Prim was training to be a nurse, which meant that he intentionally put Prim’s life at risk for the purpose of winning the rebellion against the Capitol. Because of Gale’s involvement in this horrific plan, he is partly responsible for Prim’s death, making his and Katniss’ friendship irreparable. It is apparent that Katniss never wants to see Gale again, and she ends their friendship with the parting words:
Goodbye, Gale.
Following this shocking revelation, Gale is never seen again. Because of this, fans have often wondered what happened to Gale following President Snow’s downfall.
What Happened to Gale After the Rebellion?

When Katniss and Peeta go back to District 12 together, they receive a letter from Annie. In the letter, Annie writes that:
Gale has been promoted to a Captain in District 2 to help keep order and security.
Katniss is visibly phased at hearing Gale’s name, but it’s clear that she does not regret ending her friendship with him. Gale had a crucial role in the rebellion against the Capitol, which explains how he achieved such a high position in Panem’s new government.
However, the book offers more details about Katniss’ lingering feelings for Gale. Following Katniss’ return to District 12, she finds herself reminiscing about her and Gale’s hunting excursions. However, Katniss firmly puts her feelings for Gale to one side, as seen in the following passage:
I have to remind myself that Gale’s in 2 with a fancy job, probably kissing another pair of lips.
Although Gale and Katniss didn’t get their happy ending together, it’s clear that both characters went on to find happiness in the aftermath of the Games. Even though it has now been nine years since Mockingjay: Part 2’s release, the love triangle between Katniss, Peeta and Gale remains to be a prominent talking point in the Hunger Games’ franchise.
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