It’s no surprise that the anime community is expanding as new and old shows pull in fans across the planet. The wealth of themes and viewing options offered by anime means there’s something for everyone, even as the genre moves on from huge shows like Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, and Assassination Classroom. Some series have spun off to later generations. Others, like One Piece, are still going strong after more than 1,000 episodes, even as the franchise jumps to live-action.

We’ve pulled together a list of anime toys and collectibles currently available. From Demon Slayer to Spy X Family, these are collector’s items fans won’t be able to resist.

Start Or Enhance Your Anime Collection

The items in this collection are ideal for seasoned fans to check items off their wishlist or for new fans to start building their own set of Anime merch. New fans can rest assured that there’s plenty of merchandise available — as one of the biggest problems facing anyone new to the community is the sheer choice of collectibles, this selection should help start them off!

Our top recommendation from this collection is the Zenitsu sword set. It’s an ideal gift for anyone who loves to build their collectibles before the stunning collectible ends up on a shelf. The sword is a great way for fans to show off their love for Demon Slayer. Also worth a spot in any collection is the Spy X Family game. It’s a fun way for any fan to immerse themselves and their friends and family in the recent award-winning anime series.


What Is The Anime Big Four?

The Big Four refers to the anime that shaped the genre and served as a blueprint for the series that followed. They are generally considered to be Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, and Dragon Ball.

The most popular and recognizable anime is shōnen. A show like Dragon Ball Z is a great example: aimed predominantly at adolescents with action-heavy stories that pit the hero against unimaginable odds.