Since the very first film, Star Wars has always explored the Jedi and the all-important relationship between a master and apprentice. In the prequel era, fans got a greater glimpse into the Jedi Order and their way of life. Whilst there were many studious and obedient Padawan learners, there were others who rebelled against their masters. Some individuals, in particular, caused major events across the entire galaxy.

The newer Disney films and series have introduced many new characters, including a new era of Padawan learners as seen in The Acolyte. As such, it’s time to reflect on some of the franchise’s most famous — or rather, most infamous — Jedi apprentices. As seen in the iconic movies and the main canon, these Padawan learners stand out as rebellious and even dangerous due to their sheer power or recklessness. These characters are some of the Star Wars galaxy’s most well-known Padawans, who ultimately had a profound effect on their entire galaxy.

5 Barriss Offee

Went Rogue Due To The Effect Of The Clone Wars

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode 2 – Attack of the Clones

  • Release Date: May 16, 2002
  • Director: George Lucas
  • Runtime: 142 mins

The student of Luminara Unduli, Barriss Offee fought alongside her master in many key battles in the Clone Wars. Barriss played a pivotal role in the second battle of Geonosis. She diligently memorized the layout of the underground catacombs, which led her and Ahsoka to stop Poggle the Lesser’s attack. Barriss seemed like the perfect Padawan, hardworking and obedient.

Unfortunately, this did not last, as her experiences in the Clone Wars gradually disillusioned her with the Jedi Order. Barriss had growing inner conflict as a Padawan, which eventually led to her setting up a plan of vengeance against the Jedi. She orchestrated a grand plan to blow up the Jedi Temple and frame Ahsoka for her deeds. Ultimately, this caused Ahsoka to leave the Jedi Order.

4 Ahsoka Tano

Like Master, Like Apprentice

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars [film]

  • Release Date: August 15, 2008
  • Director: Dave Filoni
  • Runtime: 98 mins

Ahsoka eventually became a wise Jedi master, but she got off to a rough start as a Padawan. In the early seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, her disobedience and overconfidence sometimes resulted in putting her and others in risky situations. In the episode “Storm over Ryloth,” her defiance of Anakin results in nearly all of her clone squadron getting shot down.

The debut episode of Season Two sees her again acting thoughtlessly. Ahsoka continuously refuses to obey Anakin and Obi-Wan’s orders to retreat, but her eventual reluctant obedience ends up saving her life. This particular incident led to her punishment by the Jedi Council. Just like her master Anakin, Ahsoka had a rebellious streak, as seen when she often disobeyed him and her other superiors. Yet despite her cheeky side, Ahsoka had a deep bond with her master, hence why her departure from the Jedi Order hurt them both.

3 Ben Solo

Betrayed By Those Around Him

First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode 7 – The Force Awakens

  • Release Date: December 18, 2015
  • Director: J.J. Abrams
  • Runtime: 138 mins

Luke Skywalker’s nephew, Ben Solo, was once a diligent Jedi apprentice. He trained under his famous uncle, and sought to emulate him in every way. However, this sheer devotion combined with the heavy pressure to live up to his family heritage made him insecure and vulnerable to manipulation. Ben felt especially betrayed by the fact his family hadn’t told him the truth about Darth Vader, causing further disillusionment.

As Ben’s inner anger progressed, he was further lured to the dark side by Snoke. Luke tells Rey in The Last Jedi that he felt it was too late, and that “Snoke had already turned his heart.” Ben embraced the dark side and turned against Luke, destroying his new Jedi temple. He would go on to become the evil Kylo Ren, leader of the First Order. But similar to his grandfather Anakin, he is eventually redeemed when he gives his life to stop Palpatine.

2 Sabine Wren

Infamous For Her Lack of Jedi Ability

First Appearance: Star Wars: Rebels S1 E1, ‘Spark of Rebellion’

  • Release Date: October 16, 2014
  • Director(s): Dave Filoni, Steven G. Lee, Steward Lee
  • Runtime: 42 mins

As a Mandalorian, Sabine played an important part in Star Wars Rebels, and more recently, the Ahsoka series. In the latter, she allies with Ahsoka and Hera to finally locate Ezra. Sabine isn’t renowned for her Jedi abilities, though Ahsoka takes her on as her apprentice. In fact, Huyang tells Sabine that he’s “known many Padawans over the centuries,” and that her ”aptitude for the force would fall short of them all.”

Unfortunately, Sabine’s neglect of her Jedi training and her lack of aptitude result in some detrimental things happening throughout the Ahsoka series. She loses the valuable map to Ezra’s whereabouts after disobeying Ahsoka’s orders. After retrieving it, Sabine gives in to Baylan Skoll’s manipulation. He coerces her to give him the map, telling her they have a common goal: to travel to Ezra’s location. Sabine took a great, if ultimately foolish, risk in handing over the map, knowing it could result in the whole galaxy being under the control of Grand Admiral Thrawn. In the end, the map in the wrong hands provided Thrawn with a way of escape.

1 Anakin Skywalker

His Actions Affected The Entire Galaxy

First Appearance [as a Padawan]: Star Wars: Episode 2 – Attack of the Clones

One of the strongest Jedi ever, Anakin Skywalker was believed to be the Chosen One. Therefore, when Qui-Gon Jinn discovered him on Tatooine, he was taken to the Jedi Temple at a much older age than every other student. Unlike other learners, Anakin never joined one of the Youngling clans, but became a Padawan immediately. Anakin was always known for his rebellious streak, always questioning and even defying what the Jedi Council said. However, as his power grew, he also became more headstrong, which meant he was more vulnerable to the Dark Side’s influence.

As a Padawan, Anakin was frequently reckless, largely due to his extreme power and Jedi reflexes, which surpassed those of his fellow Jedi. In the animated series Star Wars: Clone Wars, he abandoned his position of command to pursue Asajj Ventress’ ship. He also disobeyed Obi-Wan many times, defying his warnings about Count Dooku, which led to him losing his right arm. Anakin would often go against the Jedi code, giving into anger and revenge. This led to him killing the entire clan of Tusken Raiders on Tatooine. Despite being the Chosen One, Anakin was far from a model Jedi Padawan.