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Star Wars: 10 Best Scenes From The Prequels


  • Witness the tragic origin of Darth Vader in the thrilling lightsaber duels and epic space battles of the
    Star Wars
    prequel trilogy.
  • Prepare to be captivated by the intense showdowns between powerful Jedi and Sith lords, showcasing martial prowess and unique fighting styles.
  • Experience the heart-wrenching fall of the Jedi Order and the rise of the Empire in dramatic battles that set the stage for the iconic original trilogy.

The Star Wars prequels show the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic in their last years as the galaxy unknowingly inches towards a time of great darkness and strife. Audiences are shown the origins of the evil Darth Vader as a young child named Anakin Skywalker. The Star Wars prequel trilogy shows his rise through the ranks of the Jedi Order and his subsequent fall to the Dark Side of the Force as he gets entangled with the sinister Darth Sidious.

The prequel trilogy is full of fast-paced action sequences, including some of the greatest lightsaber duels and space battles from the iconic franchise shown on the big screen, showcasing the tragic fall of the Jedi before Luke Skywalker’s triumphant balance of the Force.

15 Yoda Vs. Count Dooku

Yoda’s Debuts His Lightsaber & Combat Prowess For The First Time


  • From Episode 2: Attack of the Clones

During the Battle of Geonosis, Obi-Wan and Anakin chase Count Dooku down and engage him in a lightsaber duel. The two Jedi are quickly overpowered by the Count, in part because Anakin starts the duel with an impulsive charge. Things look grim for the now-wounded Jedi as Count Dooku now stands unopposed.

At that moment, Grandmaster Yoda hobbles into the room with his cane. Despite having appeared in three previous Star Wars movies, this is the first time that Yoda reveals his lightsaber and fights another character. He makes up for his small stature by wildly leaping around the room and attacking furiously with his green lightsaber. Yoda demonstrates his martial prowess and proves himself to be the great warrior that Luke believes he is in Empire Strikes Back.

14 Obi-Wan Vs. Jango Fett

An Infamous Bounty Hunter Showcases His Mandalorian Skills To A Jedi Master


  • From Episode 2: Attack of the Clones

In the time of the prequels, Jango Fett is the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. As a Mandalorian, he is a more skilled warrior than almost anyone that he might come across. Obi-Wan comes to Kamino searching for him to question him about the assassin’s attempts on Senator Amidala.

Jango resists and the two begin a fight on the rain-soaked landing platform outside the Kaminoan capital. Jango’s clever tactics and combat prowess are on full display as he stands toe to toe with a powerful Jedi Knight. Typically, Force users can easily defeat those who are not trained in the Force, but Jango Fett’s Mandalorian training makes this fight so evenly matched that the Jedi does not manage to win.

13 The Battle Of Geonosis

Jedi Fighting En-Masse

12 star wars jedi geonosis

  • From Episode 2: Attack of the Clones

The Battle of Geonosis begins with a series of unexpected events. First, Obi-Wan is captured by Dooku and the Separatists, where he learns about the Sith’s plot to conquer the galaxy. Then, Anakin and Padmé disobey the Jedi Council and rush to Obi-Wan’s rescue only to be captured as well. When it seems like their death is certain, they are rescued by the sudden appearance of hundreds of Jedi along with the secretive Clone Army.

It is the first time that the movies show so many Jedi fighting all at once, and the sight of hundreds of glowing lightsabers together is thrilling to see. After pushing the Separatists out of the arena, more Clone forces land on the planet for a massive land battle. Tanks and artillery units battle over the plains of the desert planet as blue and red blaster bolts fire across the chaotic battlefield. Seeing Jedi and Clones fighting side by side would become a staple feature of The Clone Wars, but their initial outing together is an exciting and unforgettable battle.

11 Yoda Vs. Darth Sidious

The Strongest Jedi vs The Strongest Sith, With Nothing To Lose

10 Palpatine and Yoda's fight in the senate

  • From Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

After Order 66, Yoda and Obi-Wan are the only Jedi left working together. Yoda decides that he needs to confront Palpatine while Obi-Wan faces Anakin in a bid to rid the galaxy of both Sith at the same time. Yoda goes to Palpatine’s office under the Senate chambers to challenge the new Emperor to a duel.

It is a fight between the two strongest Force users of their era, and the battle is thrilling to watch. The Force is used in powerful and unique ways such as when Palpatine uses the Force to throw the flying Senate seats at Yoda and when Yoda reflects Force Lightning back at the Emperor. Yoda realizes that he is no match for the Sith Lord and must retreat or be killed, so the Jedi Grandmaster begins his decades of exile on Dagobah.

9 Palpatine’s Arrest

The Birth Of The Empire Comes From Mace Windu’s Final Battle & Anakin’s Desperation


  • From Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

At the end of The Clone Wars, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine refuses to cede the emergency powers that he was granted throughout the conflict. Mace Windu brings some Jedi Knights with him to Palpatine’s office to force him to surrender or be arrested. Tensions are high, especially since Mace Windu has finally learned the truth about the Chancellor’s identity as a Sith Lord.

It is the first time that audiences see Palpatine act as the Sith that he is, and his power is astonishing. He quickly defeats all of the Jedi except Master Windu, leaving the two locked in a duel that is surprisingly even. Anakin arrives as the person who can turn the duel in favor of either Palpatine or Mace Windu and he chooses to side with his political mentor and betray the Jedi Order. The scene is full of action and emotion and serves as the end of the Republic and the very beginning of the Empire.

7 The Battle Of Coruscant

The Largest Space Battle Opens Revenge Of The Sith

6 Battle of Coruscant in space

  • From Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Revenge of the Sith opens with a sweeping shot of Coruscant surrounded by Venator-class Star Destroyers and Separatist capitol ships. The audience gets to see many parts of the huge battle as the camera follows Anakin and Obi-Wan on their way to Count Dooku’s ship to rescue Chancellor Palpatine.

Clone pilots in ARC-170 starfighters take on Vulture droids while frigates and other large ships destroy each other with cannons. Anakin and Obi-Wan even come under fire, almost dying as a result. No other live-action Star Wars movie has a space battle that rivals the scale of this one.

5 Order 66

The Jedi Order Falls With Tragedy & Betrayal

star wars clone trooper control chip order 66 commander cody

  • From Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Chancellor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, enacts a long-term plan to take over the galaxy throughout the course of the entire trilogy. The final step of this plan is to remove the Jedi Order so that no force can oppose him. He accomplishes this awful act through Order 66, a command implanted in every clone to turn on their Jedi leaders.

The heartwrenching scene shows Jedi across the galaxy being killed by their former subordinates. Jedi Master Plo Koon is shot down while flying above Ord Mantell, Master Ki-Adi-Mundi is shot in the back on Mygeeto, and many others. In a matter of minutes, the vast majority of the Jedi Order lies dead on a hundred different planets.

4 The Podrace On Tatooine

A Thrillingly Tense Race That Shows Off Anakin’s Piloting Skills

  • From Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

Podracing is one of the most exciting parts of world-building done by the prequels. Racers put their lives on the line in their custom-built vehicles held together by two cables and an energy binder. It is one of the most memorable scenes from the entire franchise and inspired some of the greatest Star Wars video games ever made.

As other racers are killed or at least forced to quit the race, everything comes down to the Force-sensitive child against Sebulba, the most popular racer in the galaxy. The race has the audience on the edge of their seats as the young Anakin Skywalker overcomes the fact that his own pod racer was sabotaged and comes back for a thrilling underdog victory.

3 Duel Of The Fates

Exciting Choreography And A Great Sith Reveal

2 Darth Maul and Obi-Wan clash in The Phantom Menace

  • From Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

The duel between Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Darth Maul is one of the most iconic battles in all of Star Wars. At the very beginning of the fight, Darth Maul reveals his second lightsaber blade and upends all expectations about lightsaber duels in the process. The fast-paced battle between the lone Sith and two Jedi crosses several parts of the royal palace on Naboo.

Obi-Wan is left as the sole survivor of the fight after cutting Darth Maul in half while raging from the loss of his master. The intense choreography and the unique nature of Maul’s fighting style make this one of the best lightsaber duels in the entire franchise. It is also a pivotal moment for Anakin as it seals his fate to be trained by the young Obi-Wan instead of the veteran Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn.

1 Battle Of The Heroes

The Emotional Climax Of The Trilogy Shows The Fight Between Anakin & Obi-Wan


  • From Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

The prequel trilogy is all about Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side. This arc reaches its emotional climax as Obi-Wan confronts him on Mustafar. Anakin, having betrayed the Jedi Order and everything he has stood for, becomes furious with his former master and attacks.

Their duel rages across a complex, over a lava waterfall, and ends on the banks of a lava river. The choreography of the fight shows off Anakin’s fury and hatred while also underscoring Obi-Wan’s immense grief. The two are nearly evenly matched until the very end of the duel, which sets up Anakin’s final transformation into the iconic Darth Vader that audiences know from the original trilogy.

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