- Family dynamics in
Star Wars
hold immense power over the galaxy’s fate, shaping destinies through generations. - The Hutts, Palpatines, Vizslas, and Fetts, each play a crucial role in the criminal underworld and galactic history.
- The Mortis Gods and the Skywalker family are central to the balance of the Force, impacting the entire galaxy.
Family is an important part of Star Wars, whether that’s defined by blood or the relationships that one builds in the galaxy far, far away, is determined by the individual. The most important families in Star Wars often held a place of power within the galaxy, or were responsible for something that forever changed the scope of the galaxy itself, whether that’s through war, the eradication of the Jedi, or even bringing back balance to the Force.
Whilst some of these characters might not want the name and blood attached to them, it cannot be denied that they hold an important place in the family trees that matter most to the Star Wars universe, and the galaxy would not be the same without them.
6 The Vizslas
A Proud Mandalorian Family Who Held The Darksaber

- Notable Members: Tarre Vizsla, Pre Vizsla, Paz Vizsla
The Vizslas were a notable family in Mandalorian culture, known for their strength in the ways of the fighting culture of Mandalore. Fans might recognize the Vizslas for the relic of their great house, the darksaber, which is the rarest legend within Star Wars thanks to its black kyber crystal. This darksaber was wielded by Tarre Vizsla, the only known Mandalorian Jedi, which is a pretty impressive feat when one remembers that the Jedi and Mandalorians were at war for centuries.
Since then, the Vizslas have been somewhat of a relic themselves, leading Death Watch, a faction of Mandalorians that sought to bring back the warrior culture to their now peaceful people. Whilst the Vizslas live on thanks to a youngling in the clan, their importance has waned over the years.
5 The Palpatines
The Ruler Of The Galaxy With A Surviving Granddaughter

- Notable Members: Sheev Palpatine, Rey Palpatine
Whilst Sheev Palpatine might not exactly be the model grandfather, he’s still got a family in Rey. Sheev Palpatine was a great senator and the supreme chancellor who would rule the galaxy as Emperor. The secret Sith was the only one that managed to finally eradicate the galaxy of the Jedi, purging their order and leaving them scattered among the stars, seeking refuge that wouldn’t come for decades.
Palpatine held the Galactic Empire, bringing the galaxy to its knees under his tyranny. Years after his death, his granddaughter would discover the power within herself to become a Jedi, and whilst she may call herself a Skywalker, her bloodline remains strong in Palpatine’s dark ways.
4 The Hutts
The Most Powerful Criminal Family In The Galaxy

- Notable Members: Jabba The Hutt, Ziro The Hutt, Twins
A grotesque family of slug-like creatures that hold incredible power over the galaxy thanks to their gangster ways and criminal syndicate that stretches across the Outer Rim, the Hutts are not to be trifled with. Whilst the Hutts are a divided family that focuses more on their territories and wealth than their bond, it can’t be denied how important they are.
The Hutts hold a tight grip on the criminal underworld, and they are feared and respected enough that even the Empire turns a blind eye toward them. The Hutts may not do the heavy lifting themselves, but their craft and those who work under them bring grand importance to the galaxy.
3 The Fetts
Exceptional Bounty Hunters Who Were The Template For The Clone Army

- Notable Members: Jango Fett, Boba Fett, The Clone Army
Jango Fett was a spectacular bounty hunter, and no target was too powerful to avoid Jango’s sights. Thanks to his skills, he was contracted to become the template for a clone army, which led to the Grand Republic’s army, which in turn, would result in the extermination of the Jedi. The Jedi never expected that their soldiers would turn on them, but it also didn’t help that these Jango Fett templates were so good at their job.
Jango was a great bounty hunter, but with his death, his son, Boba Fett, would only become stronger as a result and became the most feared hunter in the Outer Rim. Boba survived many perils and has brought the Fett name to Tatooine to rule his own crime syndicate.
2 The Mortis Gods
Entities Who Represent The Balance In The Force

- Notable Members: The Father, The Son, The Daughter
The Mortis Gods, also known as The Ones, were ancient beings that represented the balance within the Force itself. The Son was the Dark Side, the Daughter, was the Light Side, and the Father was a perfect balance. This family is extremely important to the Force itself, as both the Son and the Daughter can easily manipulate others if they are freed from Mortis, held on this planet by the Father.
Whilst the Daughter can manipulate others through the means of good and heroism, the son does the polar opposite, feeding on fear and anger to create sinister plots. Throughout the galaxy and even beyond it, shrines and great statues of these Mortis Gods can be seen, showing how important these entities are when it comes to representing the Force.
1 The Skywalkers
The Family Of The Chosen One, Who Exhibit Extreme Strength In The Force

- Notable Members: Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa
There is probably no greater family in the history of Star Wars than that of the Skywalkers. They are the focal point of the galaxy, and the space opera of Star Wars revolves around them and the story of Anakin Skywalker, born from Schmi Skywalker and the Force. Anakin holds incredible power, so much so that he was chosen by the Mortis Gods as the Father’s successor since the prophecy of the Force dictates that he would bring balance.
Even when Anakin fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader, he was still able to grip the galaxy, helping to eradicate the Jedi, until his own son, Luke Skywalker helped turn him, fulfilling the prophecy by bringing back balance and eradicating the Sith in return. The Skywalkers have great sway over the galaxy thanks to the power of Luke, Leia, and Anakin.
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