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Star Wars: 9 Cool Melee Weapons That Are Not Lightsabers


  • Watch out for deadly melee weapons like the Ryyk Blade, capable of cutting through armor with ease in a Galaxy far, far away.
  • Ancient Sith swords and vibroblades were used by lethal Force Users, feared across systems for their combat prowess and deadly strikes.
  • Sith Lanvarok and Gamorrean Battleaxe pack powerful Dark Side magic and brute force behind their strikes, making them daunting weapons to face.

Lightsabers are some of the most fearsome and powerful weapons in the Star Wars universe, but not all melee weapons in the franchise require a Kyber crystal to be lethal. In times when the Galaxy wasn’t so civilized, axes, swords, and even scepters were a common sight, even among Force Users.

These weapons are some of the most dangerous tools someone could face in close-quarters combat if they ended up in a Galaxy far, far away. Some of their users are feared throughout the systems as the most dangerous and lethal sentient beings. Everyone should watch out for their fingers and arms.

9 Vibroblades

These Elegant Weapons Have A Hidden Origin


  • Variations: Swords, Machetes, Knives, Daggers
  • Known users: Jango Fett, Hera Syndulla, Djinn Djarin
  • Material: Highly resistant alloys, including Beskar Steel
  • Manufacturer: Various (former), Hutt Cartels (after ban)

Vibroblades have been part of the Star Wars franchise for longer than most of the fans realize. Equipped with a miniature ultrasonic generator and a power cell, these knives or swords vibrate at a high frequency, superheating the resilient alloy and making it capable of cutting through Plasteel armor or even powerful steel alloys like the Combat Droid armor.

An empowered version of the vibroblade was manufactured by the Echani during the Old Republic Age. The weapon was integrated with cortosis weave to make them impervious to lightsaber attacks. Some say the Echani handmaidens were even more lethal than any Sith or Jedi when wielding these powerful weapons.

8 Ancient Sith Sword

If You Find One Of These While Tomb Raiding, Leave It There!


  • Variations: Greatswords, Katanas, Sword-staffs, Daggers
  • Known users: Marka Ragnos, Ajunta Pall, Naga Sadow, Ludo Kressh
  • Material: Alchemical compound steel
  • Manufacturer: Ancient Sith Empire
  • Appearances: SW Legends comics, Doctor Aphra, SWTOR

During the age of the Sith Empire (6900 BBY to 5000 BBY) the warlords of the race that gave life to the dark order started to use swords and sword-staves as their primary weapons, during the bloody struggles for dominion over their ancient homeland, Korriban. The ravaged, desertic world was quickly plunged into conflict, and the sands were drenched in the blood of its inhabitants. Be it a slave or a Lord, anyone could be assassinated by one of these blades.

Many of these weapons have been more recently imbued with powerful and dangerous magic. That’s why these relics, most of which were wielded by dark Force users, are dangerous. Remarkable Sith Blades include Marka Ragnos’ Sword, wielded by the ancient Sith Lord even after his death, or the Sword of Khashyun, forged by Sith warriors who believed lightsabers were for the weak.

7 Stun Gauntlet

One Punch To The Gut, And They Are Fried


  • Variations: Knuckles
  • Known users: Stormtrooper Comandos, Rebel Forces, Bounty Hunters
  • Material: Plasteel Alloy, Power Cell
  • Manufacturer: Palandrix Personal Protection Gear
  • Appearances: Star Wars Legends Comics

A serialized pair of gloves designed for personal protection, Stun Gauntlets are often wielded by security guards, and Stormtrooper commando forces during urban deployments. These plasteel gauntlets are surrounded by insulated conductive fibers, which are attached to a powerful portable generator and, in some cases, to a power backpack.

They deliver a shock of electricity that can also be fired in a powerful blast when overcharged. Usually, they can be adjusted to deliver non-lethal shocks, but no one in the Galaxy would bat an eye if some Space-Port guards fry a Rodian smuggler.

6 Marka Ragnos’ Scepter

The Stuff Of Nightmares, Made By A Monster


  • Variations: None
  • Known users: Marka Ragnos, Tavion Axmis, Jaden Korr (Fallen)
  • Material: Phrik ore and cortosis alloy
  • Manufacturer: Unknown Sith alchemists, killed by Ragnos
  • Appearances: Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy

Marka Ragnos’ Scepter, also called the Staff of Ragnos, was a powerful Sith artifact developed by the eponymous Ancient Sith Lord to destroy his enemies. Using unknown methods, he was able to forge an Dark Force energy recepticle, which he used as a kind of phylactery. It is also able to release blasts of Dark Side energy with enough power to disintegrate unprotected living beings.

From what fans could learn from Kyle Katarnn in Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Ragnos’ Scepter is some sort of powerful Dark Side catalyst that enabled the Sith Lord to overcharge his blade, as well as store his soul after his death. A Sith Holocron found in Korriban in the game Star Wars The Old Republic implies that its fabrication methods were hidden by murdering the Sith alchemists responsible for its creation.

5 Tusken Gaderffii

For When You Want To Scream In The Middle Of The Desert


  • Variations: Polearm, Long Cane
  • Known users: A’Sharad Hett (Darth Krayt), Boba Fett. Tusken Raiders
  • Material: Scrap Metal
  • Manufacturer: Tusken Tribal Warriors
  • Appearances: Star Wars Episode 4, 6, 1, 2, Legends, Various Games

The Tusken, also known as Sand People by the residents of Tatooine, are ferocious tribal warriors who wield dangerous and lethal staves known as Gaderffi. These weapons are built as a rite of passage for every member of the tribe who wants to belong to the clan, and are often built through a series of ceremonies which include pillaging the steel, blessing it, and some sort of mystical vigil.

In the series The Book of Boba Fett, it’s shown that the Bounty Hunter built his own Gaderffi, and was then accepted by a tribe of raiders. In the Star Wars Legends comics, a Tusken Raider, later known as Darth Krayt, can be seen killing a Jedi with a Gaderffi. It is one of the most iconic non-lightsaber melee weapons in the whole franchise.

4 Wookie Ryyk Blade

A Ceremonial Weapon And Lethal As They Come


  • Variations: Spear, Daggers, Scythes, Karambit, Bladed Tonfas
  • Known users: Lowbacca, Chewbacca, Attichitcuk, Sirrakuk
  • Material: Unknown metal (blade) tree bark and animal leather (handle)
  • Manufacturer: Wookie Warriors
  • Appearances: Star Wars Legends, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Wookies are known throughout the Galaxy as fearsome warriors with unparalleled strength, and though everyone knows that Chewbacca is armed with his faithful Bowcaster at all times, few know about the Wookies’ traditional weapons, such as the Ryyk Blade, a weapon forged by warriors for warriors.

Ryyk Blades vary in craftsmanship and shape, but the most traditional ones resemble a karambit knife, with a curved pointy end. Every Wookie warrior forges their own Ryyk Blade as part of their adulthood rites if they want to belong to the elite few who prefer more traditional combat to shooting blasters.

3 Stun Rod

The Guy Who Created It Was Its First Victim


  • Variations: Stun Batton, Tonfa, Anti Riot Batton
  • Known users: Stormtroopers, Spaceport Guards
  • Material: Plasteel
  • Manufacturer: Imperial Army
  • Appearances: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, The Force Unleashed, Jedi Knight 2-3

Stun rods have been part of the Stormtrooper arsenal ever since Episode 4 was released back in 1977. Many fans have witnessed the power of these melee weapons firsthand throughout many Star Warsgames, like The Force Unleashed and Jedi Fallen Order.

The rod is powered by a mini electric generator and delivers powerful shocks of energy through its tip, stunning and disabling rebel scum in a matter of seconds. That is, of course, if the wielder is not knocked out by a Force Push or cut in half with a Lightsaber. Though luck.

2 Sith Lanvarok

A Space Halberd, Packed With Dark Sith Magic, And Poison!


  • Variations: Axes, Double Staff
  • Known users: Massassi Sith warriors
  • Material: Durasteel and cortosis plating
  • Manufacturer: Sith Empire
  • Appearances: Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi (Dark Lords of the Sith & The Sith War)

A Lanvarok is a weapon forged by the ancient Sith Empire for their enslaved Massassi warriors, a subvariant of the Korriban Sith who were trained as guards for their overlords and masters. These halberds were imbued with powerful Dark Side magic and had an adapted disk launcher with sharp round plates coated in poison as ammunition.

Massassi warriors carrying Lanvaroks were often used as guards for Sith monoliths and places of power, guarding their masters while they trained or tapped into the powerful Dark Force energies of their homeworld. They were also sent on missions to hunt down fugitive slaves, even if they were members of their own kind.

1 Gamorrean Battleaxe

Oink, Oink, You’re Dead Meat, Oink!


  • Variations: Double Axe, Hand Axe
  • Known users: Gamorrean Guards, Boba Fett
  • Material: Durasteel scrap, wood, leather straps
  • Manufacturer: Gamorreans
  • Appearances: Star Wars Episode 4, Star Wars Dark Forces 1-2, Various comics

When a Star Wars fan hears the word Gamorrean, they immediately think about Jabba The Hutt’s pig-like guards, who tried to stop Luke from entering the Hutt’s lair in Return of The Jedi. If viewers pay close attention to the scene, they’ll see that these creatures wield enormous axe-like weapons.

The Gamorrean Battleaxe is their traditional equipment, and it’s seen throughout the entire franchise: Every time a Gamorrean appears in the background, it carries a similar weapon. Even Boba Fett, in The Book of Boba Fett, has a couple of Gamorrean warriors working for him, as he knows they are lethal with their iconic weapons.

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