One of the biggest scoundrels and heroes in the Star Wars Universe, Han Solo has long been an infamous and inspiring character due to his fun rapscallion nature. Harrison Ford brought to life a character filled with so much complexity that started out as quite a loner but ended up having a lot of friends.
Despite his loner attitude when he was first met in A New Hope, Han Solo evolved into one of the heroes of the Rebel Alliance, and he made a surprising number of friends along the way for a smuggler, from fellow Rebels to non-canon Legends characters.
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8 C-3PO
Frequent Companion

Droids are always around in Star Wars, particularly C-3PO and R2D2. While the latter is often around characters like Luke more, the human-cyborg relations droid created by Anakin Skywalker is more often seen journeying with Han Solo and Leia.
This character is one of the most present in the Star Wars franchise. Han might not want to consider him a friend, but he and Leia have spent so much time with C-3PO and needed his help on so many occasions that it is fair to call him one of the closest allies of that duo.
7 Qi’Ra
First Love

Solo explored the life that Han had before joining the Rebel Alliance. While many of the other characters shown in the film didn’t have that much relevance to Han and were never particularly close to him, the story between Qi-Ra and Han goes a lot deeper.
The original reason that Han escaped Corellia as a young man was because Qi’Ra stayed to help him get away. Despite her allegiances changing greatly by the next time they meet, there is a bond that two young lovers who grew up together will always share. It is currently unknown if Qi’Ra and Han had any further relationship beyond the events of Solo.
6 Rey
Brief Mentee

The most recent hero of the Star Wars saga had a level of relationship with each of the three main protagonists of the original trilogy, but Han was the first one she met. After having only known her for a meager number of hours, Han was already ready to offer her a spot with him and Chewie on the Falcon.
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Despite their relationship being short, there was an immediate bond between Han and Rey. The loss of Han at such an unfortunate time, just as he was becoming a true mentor to the young heroine and possibly a truly great friend for a lonely older Han, made his demise feel all the more tragic.
5 Jaina Solo
Beloved Child

Despite only ever appearing in the Legends Universe which is no longer canon, Han and Leia both had strong relationships with this particular one of their own children. In the Legends Universe, the pair had three kids. One died, and a second turned to the dark side, but Jaina became a true Jedi knight they could be proud of.
Jaina Solo had a much better relationship with both of her parents than their other children. After the loss of Anakin Solo, her brother Jacen Solo turned to the Dark Side and became Darth Caedus, Jaina had to come together with her parents in order to fight and eventually kill him.
4 Luke Skywalker
Lifelong Friend

When Han and Luke first met, Luke was just a young man with dreams, and they didn’t get along. But from the moment that Han truly joined the Rebellion and showed his true colors by saving Luke from Darth Vader, they were immediate and permanent friends, as Luke went down a more complicated path.
From there, at least in the Legends canon, the two had plenty of adventures together as brothers-in-law. While they still had this relationship in the prime timeline, Luke was much more solitary and dealt with the training of new Jedi before going into a lonely exile, meaning he and Han didn’t see as much of each other.
3 Lando Calrissian
Permanent Frenemy

Though it wasn’t often serious, Han never had more disputes with anyone than with Lando Calrissian. Lando is one of the few characters he retained a relationship with after joining the Rebel Alliance, and despite the Millennium Falcon being won by Han against Lando in a game of cards, Han and Lando always remained friends.
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Even after being forced to betray Han to Darth Vader, Lando worked tirelessly alongside Luke and Leia in order to find and rescue Han from the carbonite prison he was placed in by Boba Fett. Though these two fight frequently, they hold a lot of love and affection for each other.
2 Leia
Wife & Friend

Leia Organa is the only person who probably had more arguments with Han than Lando did. These two fought frequently and brutally at times, but they couldn’t deny the love that they had for each other. They ended up getting married both in the main timeline and the Legends canon, as Leia took on a leadership role in both.
Despite not being together by the sequel trilogy, this was mostly due to their son, Ben Solo, turning to the dark side. This hurt them both deeply and led to Han leaving to return to a smuggler lifestyle. Still, though, Leia remained a friend to Han at the worst of times for the rest of his life.
1 Chewbacca
Best Friend Forever

A part of the furniture around Han Solo permanently, it was unusual to ever see him and Chewbacca separately. A large part of the Solo movie was how these two met and became close friends. They were together for the entirety of the original trilogy, and even when Han cut himself off from the Resistance, he stayed with Chewie as a journeying companion.
Chewbacca is a lovable character, with some slight rage issues, but he and Han have gotten along fantastically, proving themselves to be the truest bromance in the history of the Star Wars franchise.
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