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Star Wars: 10 Best Heroes That Don’t Use The Force

The Force is an integral part of the Star Wars universe. It allows Jedi and Sith to do remarkable things and even, as Obi-Wan put it, “binds the universe together.” It’s a defining concept of what has become a vast franchise — there would be no Star Wars without the Force.

Despite the incredible powers one can achieve through wielding the Force, most of the people in the galaxy far, far away don’t have the ability or training to actually use it. This inability may seem like a handicap, at least when fighting against a Sith lord who rules the galaxy. However, there are some great heroes who made a real difference for their people without ever using the Force.

10 Hunter

Leader of Clone Force 99



  • The Clone Wars
  • The Bad Batch

Clone Force 99 was an elite squad of clones made on Kamino for the Republic. Each of its members had their genetics enhanced in specific ways, making them different from most clones in both ability and appearance.

Hunter, who had heightened senses and tracking abilities, was the squad’s leader and became Omega’s default parental figure once the so-called Bad Batch escaped from Kamino. He did everything in his power to keep his ward and his squad of outlaws safe from the growing power of the newly founded Empire.

9 Senator Mon Mothma

Helped Start the Rebel Alliance



  • Return of the Jedi
  • Revenge of the Sith
  • The Clone Wars
  • Andor

Mon Mothma was a senator from the planet Chandrila who lived through the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War. She spoke out against the Chancellor’s growing powers, along with her friend and ally Padmé Amidala.

After the Republic was transformed into the Empire, she risked everything she had to bankroll the fledgling Rebel Alliance. Her years of sacrificing her safety by living a double life in the public eye directly led to the successful overthrow of the Empire. She was even at the Battle of Endor to witness the Emperor’s death first-hand. Even after these decades of struggle, she would go on to lead the New Republic in her lifelong mission to see a free galaxy for all.

8 Hera Syndulla

General of Phoenix Squadron



  • Rebels
  • Ahsoka

Hera Syndulla was one of the best pilots in the galaxy. She joined the rebellion and used her ship, The Ghost, as a mobile base for their anti-imperial efforts on Lothal. As the rebellion gained momentum, Hera’s ship and crew joined the larger rebel cell called the Phoenix Squadron, and Hera was promoted to General.

After her Jedi lover Kanan was killed, Hera helped free Lothal from the Empire once and for all. She continued fighting against the Empire until it was defeated, and retained her rank in the New Republic while raising her and Kanan’s son.

7 Lando Calrissian

Rebel Alliance General



  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Return of the Jedi
  • The Rise of Skywalker
  • Solo

Lando Calrissian, like Han Solo, was a renowned hero of the Rebellion who had origins in the underbelly of galactic civilization. By the time the Empire was in full power, however, Lando had changed his ways and was running an honest tibanna gas mining colony on Bespin.

Faced with an impossible choice, he allowed Darth Vader to capture his old friend in Carbonite, but made up for it by leading the rescue efforts later on Tatooine. He piloted the Millennium Falcon during the Battle of Endor and helped destroy the second Death Star from within.

6 Poe Dameron

Ace Pilot In The Resistance



  • The Force Awakens
  • The Last Jedi
  • Rise of Skywalker
  • Star Wars: Resistance

Poe Dameron was born during the reign of the Galactic Empire. As a young man, he worked with the Spice Runners of Kijimi before becoming one of the most talented pilots in the Resistance.

He was a pivotal figure in the downfall of the First Order, especially after getting the map to Luke Skywalker out of Kylo Ren’s reach during his mission on Jakku. This led to the destruction of Starkiller Base, the First Order’s deadliest creation. Poe’s service to the Resistance led the galaxy through a dark time of transition and allowed the New Republic to flourish.

5 Chewbacca

Han Solo’s Right-Hand Wookie



  • A New Hope
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Return of the Jedi
  • The Force Awakens
  • The Last Jedi
  • The Rise of Skywalker
  • Solo
  • The Clone Wars
  • Revenge of the Sith

The wookiee Chewbacca was a key figure in many important events during his life. He helped Master Yoda escape Order 66 after the Battle of Kashyyyk, and then was imprisoned by the Empire. There, he became Han Solo’s companion and skilled copilot.

Chewbacca convinced his friend to go back to the Battle of Yavin, which ultimately led to the Death Star’s destruction. When Han was encased in Carbonite, Chewbacca was integral in getting Luke, Leia, and the droids off of Bespin. In the Battle of Endor, he commandeered an AT-ST and saved the squad from defeat. When the First Order rose to power, Chewbacca helped the Resistance fight them despite the loss of his best friend. The galaxy would have been lost without this great Wookiee warrior.

4 Padmé Amidala

Naboo’s Queen And Senator



  • The Phantom Menace
  • Attack of the Clones
  • Revenge of the Sith
  • The Clone Wars

Padmé Amidala was the youngest queen in the history of Naboo’s elected monarchy. During her tenure, the Trade Federation surrounded the planet and put its people in prison camps. After making it to Coruscant, Padmé lobbied the Republic to help her planet. When that failed, she insisted on returning home herself, where she made an alliance with the native gungans and led her forces to victory.

Padmé later became one of Naboo’s senators, and fought the Republic’s growing corruption during The Clone Wars. She used her diplomacy skills and her prowess with a blaster to help guide the galaxy away from the all-consuming conflict, but was unfortunately killed by the machinations of the Sith.

3 Captain Rex

Clone Wars Veteran Who Helped Fight The Empire



  • The Clone Wars
  • The Bad Batch
  • Rebels
  • Ahsoka
  • Tales of the Jedi

Rex (officially known as CT-7567) was a clone trooper who led the 501st Legion alongside Anakin Skywalker. He fought in many battles throughout the Clone Wars, such as the terrible Umbara campaign, the Siege of Ryloth, and the Battle of Mandalore.

After the war, when clones were being relegated to the sidelines, Rex worked undercover to save his fellow clones by getting them off Coruscant. Over a decade later, he joined the Rebellion after meeting Ezra Bridger and the crew of the Ghost. He was involved in the war for such a long time that he was canonically at the Battle of Endor, helping Han Solo’s ground team. Rex was a valiant soldier who did everything to make the galaxy a better place.

2 R2-D2

Droid Who Helped Shape The Galaxy For Decades



  • Every Skywalker Saga film
  • The Clone Wars
  • Rebels
  • Ahsoka
  • The Mandalorian
  • The Book of Boba Fett

R1-D2 is perhaps the most influential droid in the history of the Star Wars galaxy. From his beginnings as a repair droid aboard Queen Amidala’s ship during The Phantom Menace to his service to the New Republic, R2 was present for a staggering number of key events.

R2 served Anakin Skywalker through the Clone Wars, and saved the Jedi on numerous occasions. Later, he would save the Rebellion by delivering the Death Star plans and repairing Luke’s X-Wing during the fateful Battle of Yavin. This little droid has done more than most people in terms of bettering the galaxy.

1 Han Solo

Scoundrel Who Became A General



  • A New Hope
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Return of the Jedi
  • The Force Awakens
  • Solo
  • The Rise of Skywalker

Han Solo lived on the fringe of galactic society and worked as a smuggler for Jabba the Hutt. After losing a shipment belonging to his gangster boss, he found himself the target of bounty hunters who sought to help the slug-like alien get revenge.

That was when he met Luke Skywalker and his life was set on a different path. Han was integral in rescuing Princess Leia from the Death Star, and later shot Darth Vader so that Luke could destroy the technological terror. Later, Han became a general in the Rebel Alliance and led the team that disabled the second Death Star’s shield generator. Without this rogue with a heart of gold, the galaxy could never have been freed from Emperor Palpatine’s grasp.

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