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Star Wars: Who Is Abeloth?

The Star Wars Expanded Universe is absolutely massive, adding a plethora of characters to the already dense chart of Force-sensitive warriors, Rebels, and various galactic populations alike. Among these characters are some of the most powerful entities to have ever existed in the galaxy far, far away.

A force to be truly reckoned with was the Bringer of Chaos herself, the evil entity Abeloth. In Star Wars lore, Abeloth has been around for as long as anyone, even before. And although she has never made an appearance on screen, her existence is connected to various characters seen in both the films and series, such as Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Although she turned into a galactic threat on a level beyond that of Darth Vader and his empire, Abeloth wasn’t always so evil. But she grew tired of the life she lived, and went to extreme measures to change it. This in turn transformed her into the monster she eventually became.

Who is Abeloth in Star Wars?


Before she became Abeloth, she was a mortal being simply known as the Servant. She served the family of the Ones on a jungle planet, hundreds of thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin. The Ones were an immortal family that consisted of the Father, the Son, and the Daughter, the children both representing both sides of the Force — the light and dark. Eventually, the Father welcomed her into the family of the Ones, making her the Mother, in hopes that she could make peace between the rival children.

While she was happy to be granted such an honorable and powerful position within the galaxy, she was still mortal, and feared her impending death and the inevitability of leaving her family behind. So, she decided to venture to the Font of Power — a fountain that granted limitless power to those who drink from it — and the Pool of Knowledge. If one bathed in that pool, it would provide all knowledge of the entire galaxy, both past and future. The mixture of both did give her the immortality she so coveted. However, it also transformed her into a fearsome creature called Abeloth, with tentacle fingers and a mouth that stretched back to her ears, revealing her razor-sharp teeth. It also tainted her with the essence of the dark side of the Force.

Seeing how she had become corrupted by the two fountains, the Father took his children away to the planet Mortis, abandoning the woman who was now Abeloth on the jungle planet. Fearing that the Ones’ departure would have dire consequences, the Son and Daughter recruited an insect-like Alderaanian species, known as the Killik, to create massive space stations to imprison their former Mother. Their two most prominent prison stations were the Centerpoint and Sinkhole Stations. However, their technology was limited when put up against the powers of Abeloth, and she would escape her prison whenever the Current of the Force was tampered with. But the Son and Daughter managed to capture her every time she escaped and re-imprison her.

This cycle continued for many, many years. It wasn’t until 21 BBY that the Ones died on the planet Mortis, erasing the only entities who were able to keep Abeloth under control.

What Star Wars Media Does Abeloth Appear In?


While the Ones appear in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, they had already been established as residents of the planet Mortis for thousands of years. This means that Abeloth was either imprisoned on the Centerpoint or Sinkhole Station when Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka visited the Ones on Mortis.

As a result, Abeloth has never seen the screen, either in animation or live-action. Instead, Abeloth’s story is told within the Star Wars Expanded Universe, mostly within the nine-book series of Star Wars Legends, titled, Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi, which was published between 2009 and 2012.

The Fate of the Jedi series takes place after the events of Return of the Jedi. It follows Luke Skywalker as the new Grand Master Jedi of the Jedi Order as he ventures across the galaxy battling various Sith lords and armies, one of which is led by Han Solo and Leia’s child, Jacen Solo, aka Darth Caedus (the basis for Kylo Ren).

However, the end of the first season of Ahsoka suggests a further story involving the Ones, which many fans theorize may involve the return of Abeloth herself.

What Happens to Abeloth?


Sometime around 40 ABY, Jacen Solo had become Darth Caedus, and waged war on the galaxy and the Jedi. During Darth Caedus’ initial conquest, his actions altered the Current of the Force, which in turn led to Abeloth’s escape. But since the Ones had died by that point, there was no one to capture her, nor was anyone knowledgeable of her existence.

During her time of freedom, Luke had been made aware of her existence, and began hunting her down alongside his son Ben Skywalker. However, she took advantage of her power to change appearances and transform into other people. Every time Luke or anyone else had defeated her, it was too late, as she had switched bodies/avatars just before her demise. One of the most notable avatars she eventually became was the galactic senator Rokari Kem, who was elected Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance.

At this point, Luke had few options left for defeating her, and decided to call upon the aid of the former Jedi turned Sith Lord, Darth Krayt. The two of them Mind Walked and located Abeloth’s true self, battling her in the astral plane known as the Realm Beyond Shadows. The two warriors were successful, defeating Abeloth and exiling her into oblivion into the Lake of Apparitions.

But Luke feared she would one day return, having a feeling that even eternity couldn’t hold her captive. And so, Luke went on to search for the Dagger of Mortis, the same which was responsible for killing the Ones and could bring the ultimate end to Abeloth. But as of now, Luke never did find the dagger in any Star Wars lore, expanded or canon. Abeloth’s return is entirely possible, and for some, anticipated.

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