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Star Trek: The 5 Worst Things Done By The Borg


  • Starfleet encountered the Borg in various regions of the universe, leading to significant confrontations and dangerous encounters spanning different
    Star Trek
  • The Borg’s destructive capabilities were highlighted by events such as the loss of outposts, colony destruction, and the unfortunate fate of the El-Aurian star system.
  • The Borg’s interference in Earth’s history in
    First Contact
    showcases a pivotal moment where humanity had to prevent assimilation and protect the future of the galaxy.

Exploring the universe in Star Trek was always a dangerous endeavor. Even with the efforts of Starfleet and the Federation to explore and map every corner, the relative peace of the 24th century was shattered by the appearance of the Borg.

Captain Janeway and Voyager encountered the Borg closer to their own territory in the Delta Quadrant, and the crew of the Enterprise in The Next Generation met the Borg as they drew closer to our galaxy. Even Captain Archer and his pre-Federation Enterprise had some contact with this dangerous species. Given that the Borg’s whole philosophy is to either destroy or recruit every sentient race they meet, there’s an entire list of horrible events that have defined their existence.

5 The Loss Of Several Neutral Zone Outposts

A Veritable Trail Of Destruction


  • Appeared In: Star Trek: The Next Generation, S1E26 “The Neutral Zone.”

Before the Federation even saw or made contact with any Borg ships or outposts, the Borg destroyed several of their outposts and space stations along the Neutral Zone. The Romulans also lost several on their side, and it was unclear what had happened until the Enterprise started investigating the destruction of human colonies on Jouret 4.

The discovery of this debris path indicated that a new power was in the quadrant, something more dangerous than the Romulans and Federation combined. Thankfully, by the time the Federation did confront the Borg, they had some rudimentary knowledge of how to defend themselves because of the investigations into this event.

4 The Destruction Of The New Providence Colony

Starfleet Finally Engages The Borg


  • Appeared In: Star Trek: The Next Generation, S3E26, “The Best Of Both Worlds.”

This episode begins with the Enterprise investigating the planet of Jouret 4 where the New Providence Colony was located. Starfleet has lost contact with the colony, and when the Enterprise arrives, their worst fears are realized. The colony had been destroyed and the settlers assimilated.

A brief investigation revealed that the weapon and energy readings were the same as the ones that had destroyed the Neutral Zone outposts. It wasn’t the first time that Captain Picard had confronted the Borg, but this was the first time he planned to engage and attack, with Starfleet now determined to confront the Borg as an enemy.

3 The Abduction Of Jean-Luc Picard

To Add His Biological And Technological Distinctiveness To Their Own


  • Appeared In: Star Trek: The Next Generation, S3E26, “The Best Of Both Worlds.”

During the pursuit of the Borg cube that had destroyed New Providence, Picard is abducted by Borg agents and brought to the Cube. He refuses to cooperate with the Borg’s demands, but the Collective want him to act as their envoy to the Federation.

It’s unclear exactly why the Borg decided that Jean-Luc Picard would make an ideal Locutus. The name means “one who speaks” and perhaps because any previous encounters would have been less suspicious and more diplomatic, they already knew he was a good communicator.

On the other hand, the Borg doesn’t negotiate, so any skills Picard has in this regard are useless. Picard’s knowledge of Starfleet’s defensive plan, along with his more personal knowledge of his ship and crew, might have been the real motivation behind his abduction.

2 The End Of The El-Aurian Star System

Which Resulted In A Generational Saga


  • Appeared In: Star Trek: Generations (1994)

Although the Borg were directly involved in the plot of Star Trek: Generations, it was one of their assimilation and conquest missions that sets the story in motion. When the Borg attacked and destroyed most of the El-Aurian star system, they displaced and tore apart many families, and Soren’s wife and children were among them.

Soren, who first encountered the Enterprise when it took him on as a refugee, was a scientist who wanted to return to a place called the Nexus. This mysterious energy ribbon stretched across the whole galaxy and the rules of time and space didn’t apply to any living beings inside of it, so if Soren could return to it, he could also reach his lost family.

If the Borg hadn’t taken his family from him in the first place, Soren would have lived his life in peace on El-Aluria instead of stealing a missile and using it to destroy a whole star system.

1 Interfering With First Contact

A Future That Was Almost Lost


  • Appeared In: Star Trek: First Contact (1996)

This is one time that the Borg did manage to find and assimilate Earth. A Borg cube had infiltrated the galaxy’s defense systems and was threatening Earth. Before they could be destroyed, they went back in time and assimilated Earth before humanity could have evolved far enough technologically to defend itself.

The USS Enterprise was able to follow the Borg back in time and prevent the changes they had made to history by helping Zefram Cochrane finish constructing a warp drive – the first of its kind – and launch its first test flight. Star Trek: First Contact isn’t just the story of humans discovering warp speed and meeting the Vulcans, but also of how easily the Prime Directive went out the window when humanity had to undo one of the worst things the Borg had ever done.

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