The following contains spoilers for Spy x Family Season 1, Episode 18
In Spy x Family Episode 18, Anya Forger’s midterm grades are crucial to the stability of Westalis and Ostania. The trend of Anya’s low academic performance has persisted thus far in the second cour, much to Loid’s chagrin during the first cour of the series. Anya might endanger the entirety of Operation Strix if she fails her midterms, which would result in negative Tontritus Bolts for her.
The success of Agent Twilight’s mission depends on Anya earning enough Stella Stars to be invited to a renowned mixer and becoming an Imperial Scholar. Twilight may confront the enigmatic Donovan Desmond at this gathering and prevent him from undermining efforts to forge a reconciliation between the Westalian and Ostanian governments. The forthcoming midterm examinations provide Anya the chance to either wow her father and earn a Stella Star or fail to the detriment of Operation Strix, despite the fact that she has repeatedly shown that she lacks the intellectual ability to easily get this invitation.
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Agent Twilight Is Working To Raise Anya’s Academic Standing.

Anya’s academic performance determines how Agent Twilight approaches Operation Strix, thus he will stop at nothing to ensure her success. Anya could simply use her telepathic powers to scam her way to decent marks, something the seasoned spy was unaware of. Anya’s abilities, known as “Eclipsing,” are disabled by a lunar eclipse, which is a shocking revelation that shows her limitations. Anya can’t rely on her telepathy to help her pass her midterms, so Loid must make sure she does.
When neither tutoring Anya himself nor allowing Yor’s brother Yuri to help works, Loid takes more intense and questionable measures. Eden Academy takes great care in keeping its students’ test grades secure to prevent tampering and ensure that a student’s academic success stands on its own merits, especially with so many powerful and influential figures involved. Twilight doesn’t let that stop him as he infiltrates the school to change Anya’s grades, proving he is desperate enough to prevent setbacks in his mission that he’s willing to step beyond ethics.
Not only would Twilight be sacrificing his own morality if he alters Anya’s answers, but he would also be depriving his daughter of true academic growth. Twilight is nevertheless focused on his goal, not letting the question of ethics deter him from his mission of maintaining peace. After all, what good is academic integrity if Westalis and Ostania break out into war due to the failure of Operation Strix? Twilight maintains his objective without a hint of doubt — until he sees Anya’s test for himself and his fatherly instincts kick in.
Parenting Takes Priority Over Loid’s Spy Work

Instead of changing Anya’s answers, Twilight leaves her test untouched. As the students checked their test scores, viewers may have expected to see Anya achieve a surprisingly excellent score, which would explain Twilight’s decision to abandon his plan. However, Anya just barely passes. Even seeing that she didn’t fail her exam, Twilight could have changed some of her answers so she would excel and gain a Stella Star, putting him one step closer in Operation Strix.
While Operation Strix remains Loid’s priority in Spy x Family, he demonstrates the importance of his fatherly role to Anya. He recognizes the hard work she put into studying and chooses to honor it instead of dishonestly boosting her score. He may still be disappointed in her low scores, but he is proud of the dedication his daughter put into the exam on her own. Loid’s actions in Episode 18 prove he is becoming just as much a parent as he is a spy.
Though Anya doesn’t succeed in scoring high enough on her midterms to obtain a Stella Star, she passes without Loid’s questionable involvement. Loid is obviously disappointed over her lackluster results, but is proud of his daughter nonetheless. He may be a seasoned spy focused on the mission at hand, but he is proving to be a truly caring father as well.
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