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Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Shadow Could Carry a Solo Movie

The quality of Sonic the Hedgehog and its sequel shocked most of its audience. Sonic is famous for tripping over his own big red shoes in every modern project, but his films are pure, straightforward, solid, family-friendly entertainment. The second entry garnered massive fan excitement when it announced its iteration of Knuckles. That film’s post-credit scene teased another iconic Sonic entourage member, his anti-hero rival Shadow the Hedgehog.

The Sonic franchise isn’t currently a cinematic universe. It’s a trilogy of films with a spin-off on the way. To branch out into the model Marvel made inescapable, they’d have to broaden the scope and include countless new series, each of which could come together. Some have suggested a Sega cinematic universe could be on the horizon, but Sonic spin-offs celebrating his neighboring woodland creatures could be an excellent way forward.

RELATED: Sonic The Hedgehog: 7 Actors Who Could Voice Shadow In The Movies

Shadow Remains Iconic Through Thick and Thin

Shadow the Hedgehog debuted in 2001’s Sonic Adventure 2. Like many game series of the time, the Sonic franchise frequently matched the hero against a near-identical foe. Mario Shadow Mario in Super Mario Sunshine the same year, while Link had been fighting Dark Link since Zelda II. Sonic faced Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic, and Silver Sonic, all robotic doppelgängers boasting similar abilities. Shadow escalated that concept and leaned into the franchise’s tonal shift. The 90s’ radical in-your-face aesthetic fell out of fashion to be replaced by an edgier style. Shadow represented the edgy direction Sonic Team would dance in and out of for the following two decades. The Sonic movies may be the franchise’s brightest and most family-friendly arm, aimed toward a mixed audience of 7-year-olds and their nostalgic parents. Shadow’s influence is unlikely to affect the franchise so sharply. It could lead to something more unique.

The Knuckles Spin-off Provides a Blueprint


Idris Elba’s Knuckles was the best part of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. His announcement provoked tremendous fan excitement. Knuckles holds a unique place among video game characters. He doesn’t usually appear in the higher echelon of popularity contests or merchandise sales, but it seems everyone is more excited to see him than 80% of Nintendo’s roster. Subsequently, Knuckles will star in the first and only planned spin-off of Sonic‘s film franchise. John Wittington’s Knuckles takes place after the conclusion of Sonic 2. Knuckles decided to live on Earth with Sonic, Tails, and their human friends. The spin-off will follow Knuckles training Adam Pally’s deputy sheriff, Wade Whipple, to become a warrior. It’s a fish-out-of-water comedy with Sonic and Sonic 2 director Jeff Fowler attached to direct the first episode. The premise seems to fit Knuckles’ primary character traits from the film.

Following Knuckles’ example, Shadow could lock down a tremendous fanbase through his appearance in Sonic 3. However he appears, he’s the film’s selling point. His debut is a big deal. There’s no way of knowing which Shadow will star in Sonic 3. Sonic Adventure 2 focused on his arrogance and cruelty before indulging his anti-hero turn in the final moments. Later games shifted him toward a reluctant hero, a jerk with a heart of gold. In the most recent adaptations, he’s the serious-minded professional who cleans up Sonic’s reckless messes. He’s moved through his Vegeta phase and landed near Batman, the usual stopping point for characters dressed in black. Whichever version appears in Sonic 3, he could leave his big-screen debut and skate into something more familiar.

Can Jeff Fowler Adapt Shadow the Hedgehog?


Jeff Fowler worked for Blur Studios for almost two decades. He’s credited in Sega’s Shadow the Hedgehog for working on the CG movies or cutscenes. Shadow the Hedgehog was a sharp shift in tone from the usual Sonic fare. The most memorable change is Shadow’s newfound fondness for firearms, motorcycles, and swearing. Sonic still appears with most of his ensemble, but the main narrative covers Shadow’s duels with an alien resembling the devil. The world will not likely see a film adaptation of that game. However, it can provide some guidance towards a Shadow solo movie. Leaning into the personality established in the film while expanding his backstory could be the perfect follow-up to the Ultimate Life Form’s big-screen debut.

Shadow the Hedgehog will be one of next year’s most hotly anticipated cinematic characters. Paramount saw the response to Idris Elba’s Knuckles and granted him the spotlight he deserved. They could do the same again for Shadow. The edgelord hedgehog could lead a series or a movie with a tone that would set it apart from the larger franchise. When Sega tried to give Shadow a solo game, the results were unimpressive. It suffered from the issues that plague 3D Sonic titles alongside several bizarre new problems. The film franchise is blessedly free from those drawbacks, and a solo Shadow spin-off could capitalize on that to deliver the character’s best showcase yet.

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