The recent release of the show Shõgun on FX, an adaptation of the book by James Clavell, has got everyone talking about Japanese history, philosophy, and the events that happened in the Edo era. Shõgun was able to depict, to some degree, what Japan was like in the 1500s and 1600s during the Battle of Sekigahara.
John Blackthorne, an English sailor, finds himself in an unfamiliar land and culture where he meets Lord Toranaga, a daimyõ whose political rivals are at odds with him. The story of Shõgun has kept viewers glued to screens, and today, Game Rant has compiled a list of books that give the same vibe as Shõgun. These are the best stories to bridge the gap between the real world and that of fiction, and we also threw in a few non-fictional works.
Japanese history and philosophy are fascinating when one begins to think about them; these hand-picked novels and nonfiction books promise an unforgettable experience. If you are a fan of history and Japanese culture and have always wanted to know what it was like during the Edo era, you can submerge yourself in these books, as they have it all.
Game Rant’s top recommendation for this list is Gai-Jin by James Clavell. The author of Shõgun comes up with another mind-blowing story to keep its readers on edge. The second recommendation is The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi, one of Japan’s renowned samurai who became one with his sword. In his writing, he teaches all he has come to understand and his life’s philosophy.
Q: Does the Samurai class belong to both Chinese and Japanese?
No, the samurai originated from the Japanese.
Q: What is the difference between a shõgun and a samurai?
A shõgun is not a samurai, as they are at the top of Japan’s military, while samurai are a group of elite warriors or soldiers.
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