The series is directed by Toshiyuki Kubooka, with Hiroki Ikeshita serving as an assistant director. Meanwhile, Kazuyuki Fudeyasu is writing the scripts and composing the series, Ayumi Kurashima is the chief animator and character designer, and Satoshi Sakai is the action and effects director. Shangri-La Frontier anime cast members include:
- Yuma Uchida as Sunraku/Rakuro Hizutome
- Azumi Waki as Psyger-0/Rei Saiga
- Yoko Hikasa as Arthur Pencilgon/Towa Amane
- Makoto Koichi as Oicazzo/Kei Uomi
- Rina Hidaka as Emul
- Akio Otsuka as Vysache
Shangri-La Frontier is based on Katarina’s novel series, which began serialisation in 2017 on the self-publishing Shosetsuka ni Naro website. Although the novel has not been officially published, a manga adaptation with illustrations by Ryosuke Fuji has been serialised by Kodansha in its Shonen Magazine Comics since 2020. It will be published in English by Kodansha USA.
Crunchyroll licenced the anime outside of Japan, describing the plot as follows:
“When was the last time I played a game that wasn’t crap?” This is a world in the near future where games that use display screens are classified as retro. Anything that can’t keep up with state-of-the-art VR technology is called a “crap game,” and you see a large number of crap games coming out. Those who devote their lives to clearing these games are called “crap-game hunters,” and Rakuro Hizutome is one of them. The game he’s chosen to tackle next is Shangri-La Frontier, a “god-tier game” that has a total of thirty million players. Online friends… An expansive world… Encounters with rivals… These are changing Rakuro and all the other players’ fates! The best game adventure tale by the strongest “crap game” player begins now!
Source: Official Website
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