- Characters elevate One Punch Man’s plot despite Saitama’s overwhelming power.
- Genos evolves from a formidable fighter to one of the strongest heroes in the series.
- Genos’ upgrades showcase his progression from mid-Demon to high-Dragon level power.
Every Shonen anime series is only as good as its characters, and One Punch Man is no exception to this rule. Despite being a series about a hero who is so powerful that even the strongest enemies in the entire universe are nothing but a joke to him, the characters are one of the best parts of the series, and Saitama’s overwhelming power doesn’t take away from how engrossing he or anyone else in this franchise are as characters.
A great example of this is Saitama’s right-hand man, Genos. As a half-human cyborg, Genos’ main motivation in the series was to grow stronger to defeat any threats, but he usually comes up short. Despite this, however, he has moved up the ranks of the S-Class and is now widely considered to be one of the strongest heroes in the entire Hero Association, so let’s break down just how powerful the Demon Cyborg has gotten since his introduction.
Base Genos: Mid-Demon Level

First Appearance |
One Punch Man, Chapter 5, “Itch Explosion” |
Debut Date |
June 28, 2012 |
Story Arc |
House of Evolution Arc |
In his introduction to the One Punch Man series, Genos was shown to be quite a formidable fighter. Given the moniker of ‘Demon Cyborg’, he proved to be an excellent combatant because he scored a perfect on his physical and written exam, shooting him right up to the S-Class. Even after getting into the S-Class directly, he immediately outranked even Puri-Puri Prisoner.
His first fight was against a Demon-Level Threat named Mosquito Girl, though, at this stage, he was significantly weaker than in the main chunk of the arc. Eventually, he would undergo significant upgrades and accompany Saitama to the House of Evolution, where he truly tested his mettle and proved himself to be an extremely powerful fighter.
Notable Feats
In his base, unupgraded form, Genos performed quite admirably against a High-Demon Level Threat; Mosquito Girl, and he only lost due to his underestimation of her along with getting distracted by Saitama. Despite this being his weakest state, he was still powerful enough to completely destroy the House of Evolution with his incredible firepower. Though no match for Carbage Kabuto, he was still very powerful.
Deep Sea King Genos: High-Demon Level

First Appearance |
One Punch Man, Chapter 26, “Glimmer of Hope” |
Debut Date |
June 13, 2013 |
Story Arc |
Sea Monster Arc |
After his battle with Mosquito Girl, Genos would further upgrade himself to be strong enough to make up for all the setbacks of his previous form. These new upgrades allowed him to spar with Saitama really well, although at that stage, they only really seemed to increase his speed quite significantly.
However, later on, he was seen to have an incredible increase in firepower as well when he needed to take out the gigantic meteor threatening the city. Although he was unsuccessful in doing so, it was plain to see that his offensive output had grown quite a bit, something which eventually helped in his fight against one of the strongest Demon Level Threats; the Deep Sea King.
Notable Feats
With this upgrade, Genos became strong enough to contend with some of the strongest villains that were seen up till that point in the series. Deep Sea King himself was a High-Demon Level Threat and Genos was able to go toe-to-toe with him for most of the fight, once again only losing out due to his arrogance. Even with one arm, he fought well against Deep Sea King’s first form, only being taken out because he was trying to prevent the death of a civilian.
G4 Genos: Mid-Dragon Level

First Appearance |
One Punch Man, Chapter 40, “Outlaw” |
Debut Date |
October 24, 2014 |
Story Arc |
Garou Introduction Arc |
The start of season 2 of the One Punch Man anime showed the arrival of G4, an imposing and powerful, High-Demon Level Threat. Genos fought the robot and although the fight was a very close one in which Genos sustained heavy injuries, he ended up being the victor. The aftermath of this fight had Genos taking the parts of the robot to Dr. Kuseno and getting them fitted on him, becoming far stronger in the process.
The strength of this form is extremely formidable, as he not only fought a Low-Dragon Level Threat with Garou, but he also went up against one of the strongest mysterious beings in the entire Monster Association; Elder Centipede, and truly gave everything he had against it.
Notable Feats
This version of Genos got a massive speed increase, easily keeping up with Speed O’ Sound Sonic. Towards the end of the season, Genos put up a great fight against Frenzied Garou and was never really on the back foot, eventually coming across Elder Centipede and fighting one of the leaders of the Monster Association to the best of his abilities. Though the Monster could only really be killed by Saitama, Genos’s attacks did a lot of damage to it.
Monster Association Genos: High-Dragon Level

First Appearance |
One Punch Man, Chapter 95, “Let’s Go!” |
Debut Date |
June 22, 2018 |
Story Arc |
Monster Association Arc |
The most powerful form that Genos has in his entire repertoire is the one he used in the Monster Association Arc. Being made to resemble the extremely powerful Elder Centipede, this form prioritizes extreme offensive output and the pinnacle of durability. In this state, he gets his greatest speed and power boost yet, something which allows him to contend with beyond Dragon-Level Monsters.
Furthermore, this upgrade comes with a brief but incredibly potent burst of power that many call the ’10-second mode’. This power puts all of his stats on overdrive, making him far faster and stronger than he has ever been before, and his destructive output in this mode is some of the most impressive in the series. This form also allows him to use lightning attacks and even its base firepower can obliterate Low-Dragon Level enemies. It was perfected by Dr. Kuseno after the Monster Association arc and came without drawbacks.
Notable Feats
This power-up allowed Genos to fight alongside Tatsumaki against PsykOrochi, an enemy so powerful that it was confirmed to be above even Dragon Level. His 10-second mode helped him do significant damage to the Monster in a fight where he used newer and stronger versions of his previous attacks. Its strength was further compounded when he fused with Drive Knight and once again after the Psychic Sisters arc, where Dr. Kuseno perfected it, letting Genos fare way better in a spar against Saitama.
One Punch Man can be streamed on Amazon Prime.
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