
  • The sinking of One Piece’s world is a big deal with implications for already sunken civilizations.
  • Rising sea levels may be artificially created by the World Government, affecting ancient cities.
  • Vegapunk’s warning sparks preparations for potential sinking, using past civilizations as examples.

Throughout One Piece’s lore, various civilizations have been shown to have sunk into the ocean. Interestingly, despite being sunk, these ancient and underwater civilizations always seem to have important elements. With the latest One Piece manga chapters, fans have seen Vegapunk state that the One Piece world is at risk of sinking.

The entirety of One Piece’s world sinking is a big deal, and with the possibility that it could happen brought to light, fans must consider the significance of underwater and ancient civilizations with more urgency than before. What do already sunk civilizations have to contribute to a world at risk of sinking?

Understanding Underwater Cities And Ancient Civilizations In One Piece

The Hidden Hand Of The World Government In Sinking Cities Is Revealed

As a series that portrays the adventures of pirates seeking treasure, it is not unusual to have many cities that have already sunk into the ocean. Because of this, not many fans questioned the fact of why and how various cities have needed to be rebuilt to escape from the rising sea levels. However, with Vegapunk’s declaration, fans now know that the rising sea levels of the various seas may as well be due to the World Government’s interference.

Countries and islands such as Wano, Water 7, and Impel Down are already submerged below the ocean. While Water 7 only becomes submerged temporarily during an Aqua Laguna, during the Water 7 saga, it was noted that the Aqua Laguna had been growing, reaching new heights every year. Because of this, many old buildings have been discarded and had to be rebuilt on top of the pre-existing ones. The same goes for the old Wano country. Not much is known about whether rising sea levels have affected Impel Down, but since the prison’s foundation is located on the ocean’s seabed, one can only wonder how the structure was built.

With most submerged cities come ancient civilizations, and interestingly, most ancient civilizations seem to have one thing or another to do with Joy Boy, the Void Century, Poneglyphs, and the Ancient Weapons. As an underwater city, Fishman Island is submerged, but unlike most cities, it is actually meant to be that way. On Fish-Man Island, Robin comes across a poneglyph that depicts an apology from Joy Boy himself, showing that Joy Boy and the void century are indeed connected to the underwater city.

Historical And Cultural Significance Of Underwater Cities

Strategies For Surviving Rising Sea Levels


Using already submerged cities as a lens, Vegapunk’s declaration seems more feasible than ever. Interestingly, after Vegapunk made his bold declaration, many civilians around the world thought the greatest scientist known to man was speaking rubbish. However, from the depths of Impel Down, Doflamingo proclaimed that if the water level rises by five meters, most urban cities will be flooded.

With new information about the sinking of the world coming to light, many speculate that underwater and ancient civilizations may have been early victims of rising sea levels. Moreover, as these rising sea levels have been artificially created as a consequence of the World Government destroying islands, many wonder just how many of these sunken ancient civilizations could’ve been as a consequence of the World Government’s actions.

Also, the World Government is most likely aware of the consequences their actions will bring, meaning that, to a certain extent, the World Government is fine with various civilizations sinking. Perhaps they believe it will help curb the old, knowledgeable citizens, as the new generation of individuals that will have to relocate or build new structures atop the ruins of the old ones will be indoctrinated. The World Government could also simply believe the sacrifice of many is necessary for their plans.

Using current underwater cities as an example, many things come to light. Firstly, it shows that the World Government at its highest echelon doesn’t think too much about the people, so they will gladly cause many countries to be flooded if it means they can erase any ideology of the Ancient Kingdom or those who seem to learn it. Secondly, this shows that while the world may sink into the sea, the inhabitants of the world don’t necessarily have to.

Simply by making his message heard around the world, Vegapunk has taken steps to avert the global disaster. With people now aware of the potential casualties, steps can be taken to build cities that would rise far above the current water level.

Using Impel Down as an example, the fortified prison has its prisoners, from levels one to six underwater. However, places like Newkama Land, where people eat, drink, and party, exist. This shows that even if the water level rises, a way of living underwater can be developed.

Also, humans can live on Fishman Island due to the large dome surrounding it, despite it being located at the bottom of the ocean. With the coating of ships, humans will also be able to move from one place to another.

All these historical underwater cities communicate one thing —Humans can indeed survive underwater. And now, with Vegapunk’s warning, many civilizations can start preparing using past underwater cities and ancient civilizations as examples of how to survive the potential sinking of the world.

How Ancient Civilizations Shape One Piece’s Narrative

Ancient Civilizations Give Future Civilizations A Road Map On How To Survive


Ancient civilizations have always been present in One Piece’s lore, and as Luffy gets closer to the One Piece, they seem to hold even more importance. As many ancient civilizations tell of a time when the World Government did not have control over the whole world, many ancient civilizations can be used as lenses to view ways to protect civilizations against the World Government. Despite many of these civilizations getting sunken or lost to time, their people still remain, with only their secrets getting lost, showing that humans can indeed survive. And with time for preparation, their secrets can be preserved and passed down.

One Piece is available to stream on Crunchyroll.