- Sanji’s Raid Suit enhances his endurance, strength, and physical abilities, proving useful in battle.
- Sanji’s Busoshoku Haki allows him to defend against Devil Fruit users and protect himself from attacks.
- Sanji’s intelligence and ability to analyze situations have saved his friends’ lives multiple times, showcasing his foresight.
Sanji is a member of the Monster Trio, which means he is one of the strongest fighters among the Straw Hat Pirates. Ever since he joined the crew, Sanji has proven his worth multiple times by rescuing the crew from certain death.
While he is the crew’s cook, Sanji’s food is not the only thing that packs a punch. His style of fighting involves kicking opponents. But he does have abilities that enhance his overall fighting power. Sanji often relies on these abilities in the midst of battles, which makes them extremely valuable. With so many abilities at his disposal, Sanji only relies on the strongest ones under threat.
6 Raid Suit
A Scientific Marvel

Toward the end of the Whole Cake Island arc, Sanji’s family gave him a farewell gift—a raid suit, which turned out to be rather useful. The Raid Suit was created by Vinsmoke Judge for his children. By covering their bodies with the Raid Suit, their endurance, strength, and other physical abilities improved a lot.
Sanji’s Raid Suit was black in color, and he used it for the first time while fighting Page One and X-Drake. Despite facing two Ancient Zoan-type users, Sanji was able to damage them with little effort. In the anime, he sent Page One crashing with a single kick. Unfortunately, Sanji destroyed the Raid Suit in Onigashima, which seemed hasty at the time. But it served its purpose of awakening his genetic abilities.
5 Busoshoku Haki
Used To Defend And Attack

Busoshoku Haki is one of the two types of Haki that can be learned through continuous training. Before the time-skip, Sanji was unable to use any type of Haki. So, his arsenal was extremely limited, and he couldn’t deal with Devil Fruit users. However, after being sent to the Kamabakka Kingdom, he learned about it under the tutelage of Ivankov.
When he returned to the Sabaody Archipelago, he was much more confident. He could utilize Busoshoku Haki and use it to fight foes who are armed with Devil Fruits. He can also coat his body to protect himself from incoming attacks. Sanji’s Busoshoku Haki is not on the same level as Luffy or Zoro, but with time, it will definitely improve, as he will need it against the monsters waiting for him in the Final Saga.
4 Intelligence
One Step Ahead Of Everyone

Sanji is a brawler, but he does not rush into fights without a contingency plan. He is very perceptive and does things after putting a great deal of thought into them. Sanji’s ability to analyze a situation has saved the lives of his friends many times. For instance, it was Sanji who fooled Crocodile and lured him away from the Straw Hats.
His foresight was once again invaluable in Enies Lobby, where he tampered with the handle that controlled the Gates of Justice. On Skypiea, Sanji sabotaged Enel’s Ark Maxim, which temporarily halted the villain’s progress. Sanji also saved Usopp by kicking him out of Enel’s attack range. He was also responsible for saving the kids and Tashigi on Punk Hazard from certain death.
3 Exoskeleton
Genetic Monster

Sanji’s father and his brothers considered him weak and worthless. They thought of him as a failure who couldn’t even awaken his powers. This didn’t change until the Wano Country arc. When Sanji used the Raid Suit for the very first time, he felt that his body was somehow different.
The more he used the Raid Suit, the more confident he was that something was happening to his body. During the fight against Queen, Sanji’s latent powers finally awakened, which resulted in a significant increase in his physical abilities. Sanji used this to his advantage and created a new fighting style.
2 Kenbunshoku Haki
Dodging Everything

Sanji is a master at using Kenbunshoku Haki. From the very beginning, he has demonstrated that he can use it to a higher level than most characters in the series. In the Whole Cake Island arc, Sanji used it to dodge the jelly bean thrown by Charlotte Katakuri. This was an incredible feat, considering Katakuri could see the future with his Kenbunshoku Haki.
1 Ifrit Jambe
Flames Hotter Hell Fire

For most of the series, Sanji has relied on Diable Jambe in his fights. The style has served him well over the years, but it has not been as effective in the New World. So Sanji had to switch things up. In the Wano Country arc, Sanji’s opponents were powerful fighters, and he wouldn’t have managed to beat them with just Diable Jambe.
Thankfully, Sanji’s genetic enhancements kicked in, and his physical abilities went to the next level. This meant that his body was able to withstand higher temperatures, and he was able to create a brand-new fighting style called Ifrit Jambe. While using this particular style, Sanji’s legs are covered with blue flames. He utilized Ifrit Jambe to defeat Queen, one of the All-Stars.
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