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One Piece: Oda Hints At Saturn’s Overpowered Haki


  • The Final Saga of One Piece will feature incredibly powerful villains and higher stakes than ever before.
  • The primary antagonist of the ongoing Egghead Island arc is Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, who possesses an overpowered form of Haki.
  • Saturn’s overpowered Haki is indicated by his specialization in a certain type, his ability to nullify Devil Fruit powers, and his use of Conqueror’s Haki infusion.

One Piece’s Final Saga has introduced fans to quite a lot of incredibly powerful villains already, despite the story having barely entered this segment. The Final Saga is going to be absolutely immense, with greater villains and higher stakes than ever before, and fans have already seen glimpses of that in the Egghead Island arc which is currently ongoing. In the Egghead Island arc, the primary antagonist is none other than one of the Five Elders, Saint Jaygarcia Saturn.

Saturn has caused all sorts of problems for the Straw Hat Pirates already, and much of that is down to his incredible Devil Fruit power that allows him to transform into a unique creature and, on top of that, by the looks of it, also a very overpowered form of Haki.

The Three Forms Of Haki


When it comes to Haki, fans know that it exists in two types and generally. Haki can be divided into Armament and Observation Haki. There is a third type of Haki, however, it is very rare and is only present in one in a million people. When it comes to Observation Haki, this type acts as a sixth sense and allows the user to sense everything going on in their surroundings, as well as sense things like intent, power level, emotions, and even let them gauge the level of strength of their opponents. It can also let them see incoming attacks in their mind’s eye and, when trained to an extreme, even the ability to see the future itself, which is nothing short of staggering.

When it comes to Armament Haki, this power is quite incredible as well and it allows the user to summon their spirit and use it as an invisible armor both for offense and defense. This is, once again, an incredible ability that, when advanced, can be refined so much that it can be emitted from a distance or, when taken even one step beyond, it can pierce any defensive exterior and deal internal damage.

The rare type of Conqueror’s Haki, allows the user to impose their willpower on others, causing things like intimidation, pressure, and domination in its basic form. When it comes to Conqueror’s Haki, even those who have it are not necessarily wielders of it in its true form. Conqueror’s Haki can be infused just like Armament Haki, and as a result, it becomes the most overpowered form of Haki. When Conqueror’s Haki is infused, the attack power of the user grows tremendously and this amp is so great that it can knock out even someone with a billion berry bounty in a single blow.

The Indications Of Overpowered Haki


When it comes to the indicators of overpowered Haki, fans can go off of a few clues. For one, when someone is incredibly good at using Haki, they have a specialization in a certain type. This logic does not apply to Saturn, however, fans have seen it with other characters, such as Katakuri, who managed to advance his Observation Haki to a very high level. Similarly, Kaido had advanced all three of his Haki to a very high level and the same logic applies to Luffy as well. Another major indication of overpowered Haki is the usage of Conqueror’s Haki Infusion. When a user manages to learn this type of Haki, one can automatically assume that their Haki is overpowered because it has been trained to a level where only a handful are even worthy of using it.

Curiously, there is yet another indicator that suggests that a person’s Haki is overpowered. This is when a person has advanced their Haki so much that they can nullify Devil Fruit powers with it. By coating their bodies with Haki in great amounts, they can get rid of any Devil Fruit effects and that appears to be something that Saturn is capable of doing as well. As a result, this is a clear indication of the fact that Saturn can possess overpowered Haki.

Bonney Vs Saturn


Fans got a proper look at Bonney vs Saturn in One Piece’s previous chapter and, when that happened, Bonney desperately tried to change Saturn’s age using her Devil Fruit. For fans who don’t remember, Bonney can change the age of any person with a single touch of her palm.

When she does this, the age of the person can be altered freely and she can’t turn them into toddlers or dying old people, or people of any age that she likes. However, when Bonney touched Saturn, she was not able to alter his age at all. This could simply be down to the fact that Saturn had coated his body with overpowered Haki. This means that his Haki is so strong that even the effects of the Toshi Toshi no Mi do not work on him at all.

Furthermore, yet another indication of Saturn’s overpowered Haki that came during the Egghead Island arc is the giant Haki sparks that he produced when he was summoned on Egghead Island. Saturn was able to summon black lightning with him, which is often an indicator of Conqueror’s Haki Infusion. This also suggests that Saturn is capable of using this skill and that shouldn’t be a surprise to any fan, given that he is one of the descendants of the 20 Kings or, perhaps, one of the 20 Kings himself. In either case, Saturn has royal blood and conqueror’s blood as well.

This means he is likely a user of Conqueror’s Haki and, as a result, Conqueror’s Haki Infusion as well. When taking both things into consideration, it is clear that Saturn is one of the very best Haki users in One Piece. When you consider the fact that Saturn might have been alive for centuries, the amount of experience he would have gained would then go on to show that he is on a completely different level in terms of Haki manipulation.

Thankfully, fans will get a demonstration of his powers soon enough. Saturn is currently about to engage Kuma in battle and, shortly after that, his battle against Luffy will start. This is going to be the ultimate battle of the Egghead Island arc and one that will test him to his very limit.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. Since One Piece is going to be on break, the release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1104, is set to be January 21, 2024.

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