- Jewelry Bonney’s character has become more important in the Final Saga and her powers, specifically the Toshi Toshi no Mi Devil Fruit, have been properly explored.
- The Toshi Toshi no Mi allows Bonney to alter the ages of herself and others, turning them into different stages of life. Her power, Distorted Future, allows her to access different timelines and temporarily gain desired abilities.
- Bonney has used Distorted Future to transform into a Buccaneer and gain their strength, as well as to turn Luffy into his bad future counterpart. The potential of this ability is limitless, limited only by the user’s imagination.
Jewelry Bonney is certainly one of the most interesting characters that Oda has tackled in the Final Saga of One Piece. She is one of the Worst Generation pirates and, given that she did not play much of a role in the story prior to Egghead, fans were fully expecting her to be somewhat relevant in the Final Saga.
However, most fans never expected for Bonney to be as important as she has become to the plot. It is safe to say that Bonney is one of the fan favorites at the moment in the entire story and that certainly means that Oda must have paid incredible attention to her character. Everything about her, from her story to her powers has been properly explored in the ongoing Egghead Island arc. Her Devil Fruit, the Toshi Toshi no Mi, has also received quite a lot of attention, and one of her powers, Distorted Future, has completely mesmerized the fans with what it can achieve.
Bonney’s Toshi Toshi no Mi

The Toshi Toshi no Mi, or the Age Age Fruit, is a Paramecia type of Devil Fruit that was eaten by Bonney at a very young age. Fans know that she ended up eating this Devil Fruit while she was in confinement in the Sorbet Kingdom. Bonney was, one day, seen preparing for her adventure with her father to the seas. It was around this time that she ended up coming across this Devil Fruit and, because she was hungry, she consumed it. Bonney did not realize that this was a Devil Fruit or even the fact that she had aged up because of it. It was people around her who noticed that she had completely aged up and, this ended up shocking everyone, naturally. It didn’t take them long to figure out that Bonney had eaten a Devil Fruit and one look at the Devil Fruit encyclopedia was enough to conclude that Bonney had eaten the Toshi Toshi no Mi.
This Devil Fruit, as the name suggests, allows the user to alter the ages of themselves and other people. Using the power of this fruit, Bonney can turn into a mature adult, or even an old woman. If she wishes, she can turn herself into a toddler or even a baby. That is precisely how this Devil Fruit ability works and that is exactly what makes it so special. Bonney can also alter the ages of other people around her. She can turn anyone she touches into either a child, or a mature adult, or even an old and dying person. There are many other applications of this Devil Fruit ability as well, however, certainly, the most impressive one of them all is Distorted Future, which Bonney has already utilized quite a few times in this arc already.
What Is Distorted Future?

Distorted Future is quite an impeccable ability that belongs to the Toshi Toshi no Mi. It appears that Bonney had a grasp of this ability from a very young age, so, at the very least, it suggests that this Devil Fruit doesn’t need to be awakened in order for it to be accessed. Distorted Future is, simply put, an ability that allows Bonney to picture a completely different future in a different timeline where she would have had a particular ability and then use it. This ability might be complicated to understand, but the application of it is quite simple. For this ability to make sense, one has to assume that there are multiple timelines in the One Piece world.
In a particular timeline, Bonney would have a power that she currently desires and, using her fruit, she can summon this particular future where she has the power that she wants. She can then access that power temporarily and crush her enemies. This is nothing short of an extraordinary ability and Bonney has already showcased its usage on more than one occasion in the story.
Bonney’s Usage Of Distorted Future

The very first time Bonney used Distorted Future was at the beginning of Egghead Island. Bonney came to seek vengeance on Vegapunk for turning her father into a mindless machine. She was seen chasing Vegapunk as soon as she saw him and, using her Devil Fruit, she was seen turning into a Buccaneer. Fans know that Bonney is not a Buccaneer as she isn’t the biological child of Kuma.
However, there must be an alternate timeline in the One Piece world where Bonney was the biological child of Kuma.
As a result, Bonney can access powers from this timeline and make it so that her future is that of a Buccaneer. It must be noted that this power is temporary and thus, any form that Bonney takes with Distorted Future is also a temporary power-up. Coming back to when Bonney used it, she gained the body of a Buccaneer and, with that, the strength of one as well. She then proceeded to knock out the age of Vegapunk from his body and it was certainly impeccable to see.
Bonney can also use the power of Distorted Future on others around her. This was seen when she was able to turn Luffy into his bad future counterpart which Oda had previously described in an SBS. This makes Distorted Future an incredibly dangerous power as the only limit that this power seems to have is imagination.
Bonney also used Distorted Future in One Piece chapter 1101 when she was fighting against Alpha. The moment Bonney tricked Alpha and set out to the sea, she knew that she was going to be facing the full force of the Government’s power. It didn’t take Alpha long to figure out what was going on and she rushed to the port in an attempt to stop Bonney and punish her for what she did. Alpha was seen using the power of Geppo to fly towards Bonney. At the same time, Bonney herself imagined what Nika looked like. Kuma once mentioned to her that Nika had a rubbery body and there was no limit to what he could do in a fight. Bonney used her imagination to think of a future where she was the one who was Nika and, with that, she was able to summon this future and gain the powers of Nika. It was as if Bonney herself had the power of the Gomu Gomu no Mi and she used an ability similar to Gear Third: Gigant Pistol to completely knock down Alpha in a single hit.
The Potential Of Distorted Future

Distorted Future is an exceptionally overpowered ability that makes the Toshi Toshi no Mi one of the most overpowered Devil Fruits in One Piece. The potential of this ability is absolutely incredible. The only limitation that this ability has is the imagination of the user. Any future that Bonney can imagine for herself can be made into a reality, although temporarily. This is a phenomenal ability and what makes this even more dangerous is the fact that it isn’t restricted to her. She can also change other people into a future version of anything, and make them stronger or weaker or completely alter their race or abilities freely. This Devil Fruit is absolutely incredible and the way Bonney uses it makes it even more dangerous.
One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1102, is set to be December 25, 2023.
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