- Egghead Island has the Straw Hat Pirates at war with the World Government and divided into two escape groups.
- Conqueror Haki infusion is powerful in One Piece and split Straw Hat Crew is fighting to escape.
- Labophase and Fabriophase groups face challenges in escaping Egghead, Giants may help secure Sun God.
The Straw Hat Pirates are currently on Egghead Island, and they are currently at war with the World Government itself. Right now, the Straw Hat Pirates are engaging in combat with the Navy as well as the elites of the World Government, such as Rob Lucci, and of course, the most dangerous of all, the Five Elders. The goal of the Straw Hat Pirates is not to beat them, but to hold them off until a successful escape is possible.
The destination of the crew has already been set to Elbaf, but it certainly is not going to be as easy to get there. Right now, all paths look like they’re closed, and it will take quite a lot of effort for the Straw Hat Pirates to leave this island, as well as a bit of luck.
The Split Of The Straw Hat Crew
The Straw Hat Pirates Are Split In Two Groups

The very first thing that fans need to keep in mind is that the Straw Hat Pirate crew will most likely split up on Egghead. This is clear from the fact that Oda has divided the crew into two parts and has provided them with two different escape routes. The Straw Hat Pirates cannot all escape from the same location. If they did that, not only would it compromise the escape plan itself, but it would simply not be possible for them to protect those that they want to protect.
For this reason, and many others, the Straw Hat Pirates will most likely be splitting up on Egghead. This was confirmed on many occasions in the story, as Luffy has previously confirmed that he wants to focus on the enemies in front of him while the rest of the crew makes a successful escape. Meanwhile, Sanji, who recently connected with Nami and the group on the lab of phase, recently mentioned to them that they should not wait for those on the Fabriophase and simply focus on escaping. To that, Nami responded with positivity, and even Usopp was on board with the plan. The only problem was Zoro was fighting Lucci, and that caused quite a lot of issues for the straw hat crew. Regardless, it was already established by Sanji that the crew should focus on escaping from the Labophase. With that said, it is clear that half of the crew will escape from there, and the other half will be looking to find another way to escape.
The Labophase Group And Marcus Mars
Marcus Mars Poses Trouble For Zoro’s Group

As mentioned earlier, the Straw Hat Pirates have now been split into two groups. The first group is that on the Labophase. This group includes the vast majority of the Straw Hat Pirate members, along with some other Vegapunk satellites, as well as the likes of Stussy, and possibly even Kaku. For now, what fans know for sure is that the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates is near the edge of the cloud. Thanks to Usopp, this ship was successfully stopped. From the Straw Hat Pirates, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Robin, Chopper, with Jinbe, and Brook are all likely going to be on board.
They will also have some Vegapunk satellites, provided they manage to escape successfully. These would include Lilith, and Edison. The Seraphims are most likely also going to be on board the Straw Hat Pirates ship, as there is nowhere else for them to go. This group will most likely focus on escaping from Egghead Labophase, as there is no other way for them to go. They will most likely utilize Franky’s technology and make their ship fly with a coup de burst for 1 km so they can break through the siege, and then sail onwards to Elbaf.
The Fabriophase Group And The Remaining Elders
Luffy Leads The Escape From The Fabriophase

The second group of the Straw Hat Pirates is currently on the Fabriophase. This group is made up of Luffy, Sanji, and Franky. For sure, these three members of the Straw Hat Pirates will not travel on the Sunny on their way to Elbaf, or wherever they end up going. With them are Stella, Jewelry Bonney, Bartholomew Kuma, and Atlas. These individuals will most likely be looking to escape from the Fabriophase and the escape way for them has already been decided by Oda.

Thanks to the Giant Pirates, who recently arrived on Egghead, the crew can sail onwards towards Elbaf. Of course, escaping from Egghead is still going to be very difficult for them, and in their case, even more so, since they have four Elders to contend with. Three of the Elders were being stopped by Luffy and the Giants until recently, and now, they are planning to make their escape to the ship of the Giant Warrior Pirates. Of course, there is still the threat of Bakotsu, and the remaining Elders regenerating and making sure to stop them from escaping.
Surely, escape is not going to be as easy and it is highly likely that the group to escape first is going to be the one on the Labophase. They have an easier opponent to deal with, and with strong fighters such as Zoro and Jinbe there, possibly holding off Marcus Mars and making an escape successfully before he gets to them is possible. For the others, a successful retreat is rather difficult too, however, it will be interesting to see if Oda pulls that off.
Will The Straw Hats Escape?
The Straw Hats Face The Risk Of Separation
The question of whether the Straw Hat Pirates will manage to escape from Egghead or not remains to be quite an interesting one. What fans can be sure about is that the group on the Labophase Will most likely escape soon. Once that happens, then, fans will have to look at the group on the Fabriophase, which is where most of the stuff is happening. It is going to be harder for them to escape, however, eventually, they too will most likely get away. On the off chance, it is possible that some of them will stay behind, and in that case, it will be incredibly difficult for the Straw Hat Pirates to properly reunite in Elbaf.
For the Giants, the priority is most likely going to be to secure the Sun God, which is Luffy. As such, if anyone stays behind, it is likely going to be the Giants, and they would ideally be joined by the Iron Giant, who has now awakened. If this is made possible, then the Giant Pirates will most likely successfully escape from Egghead and sail towards, which is where the story will then continue. Regardless of which way Oda goes here, Egghead was certainly not a massive victory for Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates. Not only were they not able to defend Vegapunk properly, but they also had to escape without claiming a significant victory over the Government, which, while understandable, does hammer in the fact that they are not yet ready to take on the strongest of the World Government with what they have.
One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1112, is set to be April 21, 2024.
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