- Shanks makes a shocking admission about his desire to claim the One Piece, hinting that the series may be entering its final saga.
- Ryokugyu uses his powers to drain the moisture from the defeated Beasts Pirates, but the Scabbards and Momonosuke fight back and begin to damage him.
- Shanks intervenes and uses Haoshoku Haki to stop Ryokugyu in his tracks, revealing his anger at the Admiral for attacking Luffy and the young pirates.
Warning: The following contains spoilers for One Piece Episode 1082, “The Coming of the New Era! The Red-Haired’s Imperial Rage”, now streaming on Crunchyroll.
One Piece fans were treated to another Shanks appearance in Episode 1082. The Yonko was just outside the borders of Wano, and he made a shocking admission about his desire to claim the One Piece. It can be taken as an unofficial sign that the series is moving into its final saga, as Shanks had never said anything of the sort before this moment.
The Scabbards and Momonosuke were busy fighting Ryokugyu. The Navy Admiral had made his way to the country in hopes of capturing Monkey D. Luffy, which would earn him a great deal of recognition and possibly a pat on the back by Akainu. Upon arrival, Ryokugyu’s first victims were the Beasts Pirates, who had already been defeated by the alliance. He used his Mori Mori no Mi to drain the moisture from their bodies, causing them to be shriveled. Then he continued to walk toward the Flower Capital, but he was interrupted by the Scabbards and Momonosuke. Yamato tried to get involved as well, but Momonosuke forbade him from intervening. For the majority of the fight, Ryokugyu had the upper hand, but after a while, Momonosuke’s attacks finally began to damage him. Ryokugyu realized that he needed to get serious to defeat his opponents. Unfortunately, things were about to get worse for the Admiral as Shanks decided to step in.
The Yonko sensed what was happening, so he unleashed a burst of Haoshoku Haki from his ship, which stopped Ryokugyu in his tracks. The Admiral was terrified and couldn’t move a muscle. It didn’t take long for him to figure out that it was the doing of the captain of the Red Hair Pirates. Shanks was fuming because he did not like how Ryokugyu decided to attack Luffy and the other young pirates just after they had defeated Kaido and Big Mom. Ryokugyu admitted defeat and decided to retreat. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Jimbei were able to sense the strong Haki. Luffy even mentioned that it reminded him of someone close. One Piece Episode 1082 also revealed the truth about Kozuki Sukiyaki, along with the location of the Road Poneglyph and Pluton. The former Shogun confirmed that the Pluton was indeed in Wano, but taking it out would require the opening of the borders.
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Release Date

One Piece Episode 1083 will be released on November 12, 2023. It is titled “The World That Moves On! A New Organization, Cross Guild.” From the looks of it, the next episode will shift its attention away from the Straw Hats and toward the newly created organization known as the Cross Guild. It seems that the Cross Guild is headed by Buggy. He has recruited former Shichibukai members. Weevil and Boa would never join him. Doflamingo is in prison, and Moria is in Hachinosu. So, it leaves Crocodile and Dracule Mihawk. The three of them were members of Shichibukai at one point or another. But why would Mihawk and Crocodile form an organization with Buggy out of all the people?
It makes sense for them to pick each other, as they are truly frightening pirates. However, it is possible that they wanted someone whom they could control easily without having to worry about betrayal. The three probably formed the organization because they didn’t want to let the Marines pick them off one by one.
Crocodile is a dangerous individual who nearly managed to take over the country of Alabasta with minimal bloodshed. He is also one of the two villains to have beaten Luffy multiple times. Crocodile possesses the Suna Suna no Mi, a Logia-type Devil Fruit that gives him complete control over sand.
Dracule Mihawk is the strongest swordsman in the world. He possesses Yoru, a Saijo O-Wazamono grade weapon. Despite its size, Mihawk wields the blade elegantly and without problems. He can slice an object as big as an iceberg, and he can also do something so delicate, such as change the trajectory of bullets. In the past, he used to be rivals with Shanks, which is nothing short of extraordinary.
Buggy is not strong, but he is somewhat clever. He managed to become a Shichibukai because of his reputation. Once he attained the position, Buggy made full use of his status and started a mercenary organization that provided fighters. Mihawk and Crocodile don’t have a massive crew, but Buggy does. They can control Buggy and his underlings easily and make them do their bidding. This deal will also be beneficial to Buggy, as Mihawk and Crocodile will protect him from any Marines who try to claim the jester’s head. It will be interesting to see what the organization aims to achieve.
Where To Watch

One Piece Episode 1083 will be available on Crunchyroll shortly after its premiere in Japan. It will have English subtitles and Japanese audio. The episode won’t have English audio as it still has to catch up.
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