
  • The Kuma flashback has concluded, leaving readers eager for the upcoming events on Egghead Island.
  • Chapter 1103 will likely focus on Kuma’s arrival on Egghead Island and his potential to save Bonney and Luffy.
  • The chapter may end with Luffy being saved by Kuma and a thrilling fight between Luffy and Saturn. Fans are excited for this upcoming battle.

With the conclusion of the Kuma flashback, all eyes are on One Piece chapter 1103 at the moment. Fans are incredibly excited for the events of the Egghead Island arc to go back to Egghead Island where the biggest of all battles is currently unfolding.

In the previous chapter, fans finally got to see Kuma’s story conclude and, with that, more attention can now be turned to Bonney and the remaining straw hat pirates. The Egghead Incident is closer than ever before and it is only a matter of time before things start getting more intense in this arc and more battles start unfolding.

Flashback Ends


One Piece chapter 1102 marked the end of the Kuma flashback. OP chapter 1103 will likely pick up right from where the previous one left off and that is Bonney crying in the room after finding out the memories of her father. Fans might get to see a bit of Bonney processing all the information that she had to absorb the night before, however, readers can rest assured that not a lot of time will be spent on this. The story will quickly move back to Saturn and Bonney. For those who don’t remember, Bonney is currently in Saturn’s grasp while Luffy and Kizaru are both down. The Straw Hat Pirates are being held down by Saturn’s mystical abilities which prevents them from even moving an inch. This means Bonney could very well lose her life and she needs help desperately.

That is precisely where the flashback began, and in the last chapter before the flashback began, fans got to see Kuma tell Bonney that Nika will one day save her too. This is very important and key to the upcoming events in the story. The way things are set up at the moment, it looks like Luffy will get back into action at any time, however, there is a more interesting probability here that might or might not end up playing out in One Piece chapter 1103.

Kuma Arrives On Egghead


While all things point towards Luffy being the hero who saves Bonney in One Piece chapter 1103, that might actually not be the case. The hero who saves Bonney might actually end up being Kuma after all. Kuma is currently on his way to Egghead Island. While it hasn’t been explicitly confirmed where he is going, there’s only one destination that he could be headed to and that is Egghead. While Bonney is in need of a hero to save the day, this person could be none other than her very own father, Kuma. Kuma will most definitely arrive on Egghead at any time now and it could very well be One Piece chapter 1103. In fact, it actually makes more sense for Kuma to arrive in the next chapter than for Luffy to get up and save Bonney, especially given that he does not have enough strength in him to save her at the moment.

Now, this doesn’t mean that Luffy will be completely out of the battle from here onwards. It just means that Luffy needs help, just like Bonney, and this help will be provided by none other than Kuma himself. Kuma’s arrival on Egghead Island will be extremely interesting. This is because he has a connection to this island as he has been here before. He knows Saturn very well and he knows Vegapunk as well. He also has connections to the likes of Kizaru and Sentomaru. Most importantly, has connections to the Straw Hat Pirates as well as he was the one responsible for splitting the crew and, later on, protecting the thousand Sunny. There are many interesting interactions to be had once Kuma gets to Egghead and fans can only hope that Oda delivers on this end in One Piece chapter 1103.

Kuma Saves Bonney And Luffy


One Piece chapter 1103 could very well focus on Kuma if he comes to Egghead Island. His first priority is going to be saving his daughter, Bonney, from the clutches of Saturn. Since he will likely take everyone but surprise, he will get an opportunity to rescue Bonney immediately. Once he manages to do that, fans might get a proper father-daughter interaction.

It will be interesting to see how Oda handles this, given that Kuma himself has no memories and free will at the moment, yet, he’s defying the very laws of nature at the moment and still somehow moving as if his soul wants him to move to Egghead and defend his daughter.

Whatever method Kuma is using to bypass the loss of memory that Vegapunk caused, he will definitely save his daughter and become the hero that he always wanted to be. From there onwards, Kuma will have an even bigger responsibility to fulfill and that is going to be to save Luffy. Fans know that Luffy is in dire need of help, and Kuma could actually save him. Luffy is incredibly tired and Kuma’s Devil Fruit is the perfect one to save him here. He can pull out his pain using the power of his Nikyu Nikyu no Mi and then, he can take his pain and pass out, which would successfully complete his mission on Egghead Island. From there onwards, all things will be left to Luffy to take care of and the final fight of the arc, that is Luffy versus Saturn, will finally begin.

Nika Springs Into Action


One Piece chapter 1103 could end on a high with Luffy finally being saved by Kuma and, with that, he will jump immediately into action. Saturn is going to be his ultimate enemy here and this will be the final fight of Egghead Island. Luffy will likely not waste any time entering Gear 5 and once he does, everyone will see Nika in full glory in front of them. This moment is going to be one that will echo through history as both Bonney and Kuma have been waiting for Nika to descend upon the world. Now, in front of them, Luffy will likely take Gear 5 once again, and once he does that, he will save both of them. Of course, the safety of Bonney is guaranteed, however, the same cannot be said for Kuma.

Either Kuma will be saved by Luffy, which is something that the fans would love, or, he will go out to hero after saving Luffy. It must be remembered that Saturn has a self-destruct command for Kuma and he could potentially use that for ending him. It depends on whether Luffy can save Kuma or not and fans should hope that he can do so. Regardless of what happens with Kuma, Luffy is going to save the day on Egghead, and take on Saturn in a proper fight. This fight is going to see Luffy pull out the very best of his abilities and fight a member of the Five Elders head on, and fans have been waiting for this since this arc began. One Piece chapter 1103 could thus end up being the setup for one of the greatest fights in the story and that has all the fans excited.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. Since One Piece is going to be on break, the release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1103, is set to be January 7, 2023.