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One Piece: Oda Draws The Darkest Chapter In The Story


  • One Piece chapter 1098 reveals the tragic fate of Ginny, who becomes a slave once again after escaping from the Celestial Dragons.
  • Ginny is forced into a marriage with a Celestial Dragon and suffers from a deadly disease during her captivity.
  • The chapter portrays the darkest and most harrowing story in One Piece, shedding light on the depravity of the Celestial Dragons and the tragic life of Ginny.

One Piece chapter 1098 is upon the fans and it is clear that this chapter is going to be incredibly tragic, based on the leaks and spoilers alone. Oda has, once again, shocked all the fans and showcased the depravity of the Celestial Dragons in this week’s chapter. The chapter might not be for everyone.

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In fact, this is a chapter that might actually need a trigger warning for the fans before they dive into this. As fans know, in the previous chapter, Ginny was kidnapped and, One Piece chapter 1098 picks up the story from there onward.

Ginny’s Kidnapping


In the previous chapter of One Piece, fans saw how the lives of Kuma and Ginny were changing as they grew up. Kuma became a pastor and started helping people while Ginny was watching over him, the same as before. Later on, when Kuma and Bonney were in prison, the Revolutionary Army came to their aid and, at this point in the story, fans were incredibly excited to see Dragon make his move. The evil king of the kingdom was overthrown and the prisoners were all freed at the same time. This also meant that Kuma and Ginny now ended up joining the freedom fighters and this organization then turned into the Revolutionary Army, thanks to their inclusion. Kuma became the third pillar of the Revolutionary Army, while Ginny became the East Army Commander of this group.

Over the years, they went on many missions, given that they were expanding their operations. Ginny, who was the East Army Commander, was preparing to meet Kuma again after a long time and that is when a mysterious person close to her managed to kidnap her. Dragon received word of her kidnapping and that is where the chapter ended. One Piece chapter 1098 picks up right from there and the story continues and goes much much darker than ever before.

Ginny’s Return To Slavery – Ginny Becomes A Celestial Dragon Slave


It is confirmed in One Piece chapter 1098 that Ginny ends up becoming a slave once again. Fans know that she was a former slave of the celestial dragons right from the age of 9 and she managed to escape during the events of God Valley. When Ginny escaped, she lived life in the Sorbet Kingdom with Kuma. However, after joining the Revolutionary Army, when she was kidnapped, she found her way back to slavery. Usually, Oda leaves out the harrowing details that some prisoners, especially his female characters, such as Hancock and the Gorgon sisters, endured during the years of slavery.

However, here, Oda took a completely different approach. Oda explicitly revealed to the fans that Ginny was forced into a marriage with one of the Celestial Dragons. Fans do not know who this person is, however, Ginny was forced to become his wife and no rescue operation was led by the Revolutionary Army.

During her captivity, Ginny contracted a deadly disease two years later and that is precisely why she was released from her slavery. It appears that her Celestial Dragon husband didn’t care about her after this point in time and had discarded her, given that he had no use for her anymore. Ginny, who was on death’s door at this point, managed to contact Kuma one last time. During this call, Kuma successfully managed to track down her location, however, it was already too late. Ginny had a deadly disease and her life was already destroyed by her two years with the celestial dragons in captivity. She had nothing more left to live for.

Ginny’s Disease And The Birth Of Bonney


Ginny’s disease was revealed to the fans to be the Sapphire Scale in One Piece chapter 1098. When Kuma saw Ginny, she was already dead and he also saw a baby next to her. It is clear that this baby is none other than Bonney and she also had the same disease as Ginny. What’s horrifying is the fact that Bonney is the child of Ginny and the celestial dragon husband who forced her into marriage. Essentially, Oda has clearly highlighted that Ginny endured a horrific fate for 2 years in the Holy Land of Marijoa and when they were done with her, they simply left her to die.

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That is where Kuma finds Bonney for the very first time and he decides to raise her as his own child. Ginny ends up saying her goodbyes to Kuma and passes away, living one of the most tragic lives that fans have ever seen in the entirety of One Piece.

One Piece chapter 1098 then goes on to showcase the life of Bonney in great detail as well. It is essentially confirmed that Bonney is currently 12 years old and fans also get to see her growth over the years. This question had been lingering in the heads of the fans for the longest time and Oda has finally delivered an answer here.

Ginny’s Story – The Darkest In One Piece


Coming back to Ginny and her story, it is clear that this is the most tragic story in the entirety of One Piece and the darkest chapter that Oda has written to date. When it comes to the activities of the Celestial Dragons, there is no surprise that they engage in all sorts of depravity. These are people who treat hunting humans as sport and they have countless slaves under their possession. Even back on Sabaody, fans knew that Celestial Dragons take multiple slaves as their wives and nobody in the world can question their authority in any way. However, Oda’s approach so far in the story has been to casually imply these things and not show them in great detail, especially with the main characters.

None of these things became essential plot points of any arc that fans have seen so far. This is especially true for sexual violence that female characters have to endure at the hands of the celestial dragons who essentially enslave them. Fans know that Hancock and her sisters were also slaves of the celestial dragons for quite a long time and they managed to escape. However, Oda did not go into great detail there, and rightly so. In a children’s manga, these details are best left implied and, arguably, even in stories for more mature audiences, these things are better off just implied instead of being fully illustrated.

Here, however, Ginny’s slavery becomes the most important plot point and it is revealed to the fans in great detail. This is more harrowing than anything that Oda has ever shown, especially related to his female characters. Not only was Ginny taken as a slave but she was also returned to slavery. Ginny was already a slave when she was 9 years old and fans don’t even know what kind of horrors he had to endure back then. For a character like that to finally get rid of the chains only to end up in chains once again is truly devastating. What makes this even worse is that Ginny ended up having a child with the celestial dragon which was, of course, through non-consensual means.

Ginny herself ended up being discarded like she did not even matter and she ended up dying right in front of her beloved with all her life snatched away from her. Oda has repeatedly mentioned that he draws One Piece to bring smiles and joy to people. That is why Oda often refrains from killing off his characters, but for the very first time, Oda has taken a different approach in his story. Instead of being rescued, Ginny has faced the most tragic fate in One Piece. Ginny was an incredible character and hopefully, Kuma and Bonney, together, can bring all the Celestial Dragons to justice.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1098, is set to be November 12, 2023.

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