- Jewelry Bonney possesses the Toshi Toshi no Mi Devil Fruit, which allows her to alter the ages of people, including herself.
- In addition to age manipulation, Bonney’s Devil Fruit can also affect others, and she can transfer this ability through weapons.
- Bonney’s most powerful ability, Distortion Future, allows her to access alternate timelines and draw out power from them, giving her limitless potential.
Jewelry Bonney is at the center of the ongoing Kuma flashback and she has become an incredibly popular character over the course of the last few months. Bonney’s entire life from birth right up until now has been described by Oda in the ongoing flashback and at the same time, her powers have also been focused on quite a lot.
Bonney’s Devil Fruit, the Toshi Toshi no Mi, was revealed to have been eaten by her at a very young age and its incredible powers are slowly being illustrated by the author as well. One of the most incredible powers that this Devil Fruit possesses is the ability of Distortion Future, using which Bonney could even access the power of Nika in One Piece chapter 1101.
Bonney’s Devil Fruit – The Toshi Toshi No Mi

The Toshi Toshi no Mi is a Paramecia type of Devil Fruit that belongs to Bonney. This Devil Fruit was in the Sorbet Kingdom a long time ago and was somehow found by Bonney. She unknowingly ate this Devil Fruit and ended up gaining its powers. Bonney didn’t even realize that she was using its power until people around her pointed out the fact that she looked much older. Essentially, the Toshi Toshi no Mi has the power to alter the ages of people, as the name suggests, and it is quite dangerous in that regard. Bonney can alter her age however she wants using the power of this Devil Fruit. She can transform herself into a full-grown adult, or even an aging and dying old lady. Bonney can even transform herself into a toddler or, perhaps, a baby, if she so wishes.
The power of this Devil Fruit doesn’t just work on her. In fact, this Devil Fruit has quite a lot of other incredible abilities as well. Bonney can also affect the ages of other people around her. With the touch of her hand, Bonney can either turn someone into a dying old person, or, turn them into a child, or even a baby. In fact, this ability doesn’t just work through her hand. Bonney can also transfer this ability to others using weapons. For instance, if Bonney is holding a pipe in her hand, she can transfer her ability through this pipe and knock out the age of a person from their body, which normally presents itself as stars.
Clearly, this Devil Fruit ability is incredibly overpowered. But, this certainly isn’t all. Bonney also has other incredible abilities up her sleeve, such as the ability to give someone a near-death experience. By storing her Devil Fruit energy in a projectile, Bonney can fire it at her enemies and if they get hit with it, they then start to hallucinate a near-death experience, which effectively scares them into either passing out, or, incapacitates them mentally for a significant portion of the time. If that wasn’t overpowered enough, Bonney’s strongest ability, Distortion Future, might just be one of the most overpowered abilities in the entirety of One Piece. Using this power, Bonney can access alternate timelines and draw out power from them, and this essentially has limitless potential.
How Bonney Escaped From The Sorbet Kingdom

In One Piece chapter 1101, Bonney celebrated her 9th birthday and, around this time, she also realized that she was being kept as a prisoner in the Sorbet Kingdom. She then decided to set out to the sea in an attempt to seek out her very own father, who she believed was going to be in trouble. Bonney had her trustworthy crew at her side and she decided to set sail on a particular day. Thanks to Connie, Bonney could effectively trick Alpha by pretending to be like her and escaping from the island. When Alpha came to check on Bonney, she realized that she had been tricked and Bonney had escaped her watchful eye. Alpha quickly decided to dish out punishment on Bonney and rushed towards the nearby port.
By this time, Bonney had already boarded the ship, however, she wasn’t far enough to be fully safe from danger by this time. Alpha charged at her using a Six Powers ability that fans know as Soru. This ability was incredibly powerful, however, it was met by an even stronger ability that Bonney launched at her.
By successfully defeating Alpha, Bonney secured her escape from the Sorbet Kingdom and sailed to the sea by becoming a pirate for the very first time. She would then go on to become a member of the 11 Supernovas and reach Sabaody Archipelago, where fans met her for the very first time in the story.
Bonney Vs Alpha – Bonney’s Nika Form

Coming back to Bonney’s fight against Alpha, fans got to see an incredible clash that left them utterly stunned. Bonney, who was nine at this point in the story, successfully defeated Alpha, a member of the CP8, who was believed to be a master of some of the Six Powers. Despite being a mere child, Bonney completely crushed Alpha in battle and she did this with the power of her Toshi Toshi no Mi. As described previously, Bonney did this using the power of Distortion Future.
Distortion future might just be one of the most overpowered abilities in One Piece. This ability allows Bonney to access any power from an alternate timeline. Essentially, there exists a version of Bonney with a specific ability in a different timeline. From this alternate future, Bonney can draw on power temporarily and access it, which makes it incredibly overpowered. The first time fans saw this power was when Bonney accessed the physical might of the Buccaneer race. Bonney isn’t Kuma’s biological daughter and, thus, doesn’t possess Buccaneer blood. However, using the power of Distortion Future, Bonney can draw upon this power from an alternate timeline where she could have been Kuma’s very own daughter. This power manifested in her and she managed to attack Vegapunk with this ability.
Clearly, Bonney, in chapter 1101, imagined what it would be like to draw on the power of Nika. Bonney had never seen Nika, however, Kuma described Nika as a person with a rubbery body who could do anything that he wished. Bonney used her imagination to envision a version of herself with the powers of Nika in an alternate timeline. She then summoned these powers and, just like that, Bonney gained the rubbery power of Nika itself. Essentially, with this power, Bonney could enlarge her fist just like Luffy does in his Gear Third and was able to strike Alpha, completely knocking her out in the process. Essentially, Bonney temporarily gained the power of the Gomu Gomu no Mi and that is truly what makes this Devil Fruit as dangerous as it is.
This means Bonney can draw upon the power of Nika whenever she needs. It must also be remembered that when Bonney did this, she was 9 years of age and right now, she is 12. This means Bonney right now is much stronger than she was at that time. This is indicated by the fact that at the age of 10, she had a 140 million beri bounty and currently, she has a 320 million beri bounty. Furthermore, Bonney can also refine her ability the more she can envision things. Given that she has seen Luffy fight, Bonney now knows that rubbery powers have a lot more potential.
At the same time, Bonney has also likely seen Gear 5 in action and when she gets to envision these powers properly, Bonney can even access Gear 5 itself, which is nothing short of staggering. The potential of Bonney’s Nika form is infinite and fans can only hope that this overpowered Devil Fruit ability comes into play more as the Final Saga of One Piece continues.
One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1102, is set to be December 25, 2023.
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