
  • The Uzumaki Clan’s Adamantine Sealing Chains were a secret sealing technique possessed by this extinct clan, showcasing their strength and mastery of sealing techniques.
  • These chains were not only used for restraining Tailed Beasts, but also had chakra nullifying qualities, making them useful for becoming a Jinchuriki and taming the beasts.
  • The Adamantine Sealing Chains had offensive capabilities as well, allowing users to charge at opponents and obliterate anything in their path. Karin’s variant of the technique was an incomplete form compared to Kushina’s mastery.

Despite the Naruto series’ main character belonging to this bloodline, the Uzumaki Clan remains a mystery, and most of its secret techniques and Kekkei Genkai have been lost to time. However, a glimpse of these jutsu have been witnessed being used by the remnants of the Uzumaki Clan, acquainting viewers with the prowess this extinct clan once possessed. The Adamantine Sealing Chains is one such secret technique possessed by this once-revered clan, showcasing the bloodline’s mastery of sealing techniques.

Kushina and Karin are the only two characters that have been witnessed using this technique, yet the few instances of its usage were enough to reveal the inexplicable nature of this jutsu. From restraining Tailed Beasts to thrashing massive structures, Adamantine Sealing Chains are the epitome of the Uzumaki’s strength, though this very power may have also caused their demise.

The Uzumaki Clan’s Secret Jutsu


The Uzumaki Clan was renowned for its Fuinjutsu or sealing techniques, with no other clan or nation that could rival their prowess in this domain. The Adamantine Sealing Chains come under this very umbrella, as this secret sealing technique was part of every single Uzumaki’s arsenal. Through this technique, users can manifest massive chakra chains from their body in all directions, extending outwards to either attack enemies or restrain them entirely.

These chains are shown to be extremely sturdy, with even Tailed Beasts failing to escape the sealing chains’ grasp. The chains also have chakra nullifying qualities, making users of this technique the perfect candidates for becoming a Jinchuriki. These chains can also serve as a defensive barrier, with two or more chains intermingling to form an impregnable barrier.

Kushina was able to use a similar barrier to trap the Nine-Tails in a specific area, an impressive feat considering the Nine-Tails had its Yin and Yang versions intact. While the Adamantine Sealing Jutsu may seem like a Kekkei Genkai of the Uzumaki Clan, it’s actually a Hiden technique, or a secret jutsu passed down within a specific bloodline.

Using This Technique to Tame Tailed Beasts


The Adamantine Sealing Chains serve as a powerful technique to quell Tailed Beast rampages and to keep their chakra in check. Kushina had been deemed a good candidate to become a Jinchuriki due to her exceptional life force, yet her knowledge of the Adamantine Sealing Chains furthered her potential as the perfect Jinchuriki. During Kushina’s time as a Jinchuriki, there wasn’t a single instance of the Nine-Tails rampaging. This feat is entirely owed to the Adamantine Sealing Chains, as Kushina was able to subdue the Nine-Tails within her own consciousness through this very jutsu.

Naruto’s efforts to tame the Nine-Tails were also aided by the Adamantine Sealing Chains. Kushina had left some remnants of her chakra within Naruto, manifesting in the form of these chakra chains when he tried to tame the beast. Since these chains possess chakra-nullifying capabilities, the Adamantine Sealing Chains are the perfect counter to taming Tailed Beasts and subduing their incessant rampages.

The Adamantine Sealing Chains’ Offensive Capabilities


The Adamantine Sealing Chains may seem like a mere sealing technique on the surface, yet this technique doubles as an offensive jutsu with great destructive power. Instead of binding the target, the sealing chains can be used to directly charge at the opponent, completely obliterating anything in its wake. While the technique is essentially the same, this variant of the jutsu is known as Adamantine Attacking Chains.

Karin was witnessed using this technique to destroy Tobi’s massive wood statue, entirely pulverizing it with chains manifesting from all sides of her body. However, Orochimaru mentions that Karin’s variant of the sealing chains is merely a fraction of what Kushina was able to achieve through this technique.

The Various Users of the Adamantine Sealing Chains


Since the entire Uzumaki Clan was wiped out in the Uchiha Massacre, the Adamantine Sealing Chains were thought to have gone extinct. However, this unfathomable powe4 was able to linger on through the few surviving members of the clan. Kushina Uzumaki was the initial user of this technique, and the Naruto series cements her as the strongest user of this technique with the utmost mastery over it.

Karin is another user of this technique, though her method of attaining this power still remains a mystery. Since the Adamantine Sealing Chains is a Hiden technique and not a Kekkei Genkai, Karin did not inherently possess this power. Nevertheless, her version of the sealing chains is an incomplete form of the jutsu, as she still requires certain training before she can harness its true power.

Naruto Uzumaki can technically be considered a user of this jutsu since he manifests these chains during his efforts to tame the Nine-Tails. That one instance of usage can be attributed to Kushina’s chakra, meaning Naruo doesn’t have this jutsu in his own arsenal. However, Naruto can still acquire this technique due to being an Uzumaki himself.

Naruto is available to stream on Prime Video.