- Quirks in My Hero Academia are categorized into groups; accumulation-type quirks require the user to store something for use.
- Quirks like Fat Absorption, Stress, Fa Jin, and Rewind have unique abilities that can be powerful but come with drawbacks.
- One For All is a powerful quirk that accumulates strength and speed from successive users, making it one of the most popular and strongest quirks.
My Hero Academia features a world where humanity evolved and began to develop abilities called quirks. Every user possesses these quirks, which are categorized into three groups according to their functions, usage conditions, and operational mechanisms. There are also quirk sub-types under which the accumulation-type quirks fall.
Accumulation-type quirks require the user to accumulate something for a while, be it energy, feelings, mass, or something entirely different, for it to function properly or at all. So far, there are only five quirks known to be accumulation types, and this is how they rank in order of strength.
5 Fat Absorption
Allows The User To Absorb Fat From Any Source And Utilize It As Energy Or As A Physical Shield

- Known User: Pro Hero Fat Gum – Taishiro Toyomitsu
Fat Absorption is a quirk that allows the user to trap anything that comes into contact with their body by basically making them sink into their body fat like one would into a pond of quicksand. As such, this quirk is mainly a defensive one, as opposed to the other accumulation-type quirks that are better suited to going on the offensive.
This quirk’s user, Taishiro, is highly resistant to most attacks, ranging from blunt force to sharp objects and even quirks. Most assailants who go in blind and try to attack him will simply get stuck to him, making it easier for him to take them down. Taishiro can also absorb the momentum from enemy attacks and release all the force in a single punch, but this requires him to lose body fat, leaving him open to counterattacks.
4 Stress
Converts The User’s Stress Into Raw Physical Power, Enhancing Strength And Durability Proportionally To The Stress Levels

- Known User: Rikiya Yotusbashi – Re: Destro
This quirk works by allowing the user to convert stress, frustration, rage, and other negative emotions into raw power. Rikiya Yotsubashi, otherwise known as Re-Destro, the head of the Detnerat Company and Grand Commander of the Meta Liberation Army, is the only known user of this quirk. He is capable of using this quirk to grow in size and greatly increase his strength and durability.
He can also pick and choose which part of his body he would like to enhance with the ability, or just use it on his entire body. Since this quirk is dependent on negative emotions, positive feelings like happiness can reduce his levels of stress and his strength reserve as a result. Re-Destro is forced to keep his enhancements to 80% as his artificial legs cannot hold his full weight and power, but at that level, he can still be classified as a force capable of beating Tomura in terms of physicality.
3 Fa Jin
Allows The User Store Kinetic Energy In Their Body Through Movement And Release It Explosively

- Known User(s): Bruce, Izuku Midoriya, Shigaraki Tomura
This particular quirk accumulates kinetic energy, and it was first used by the third user of One For All, Bruce, before Midoriya inherited it after establishing a connection with the vestiges of his predecessors. By performing repetitive movements, the user can build up kinetic energy in their body—which is indicated by the body part glowing red—and store it for later use. The user can use this to generate bursts of speed and power by releasing said energy, akin to a racecar driver flipping open a can of nitro.
Midoriya has proven to be able to use Fa Jin in combination with Black Whip and One For All to achieve feats similar to 100% despite being only at 45%. He can also achieve high-speed flight by combining Fa Jin with Float. This makes it a handy quirk in general, and it is unfortunate that Midoriya lost Fa Jin when he forcibly transferred it to Tomura in an attempt to overload his soul and destroy it.
2 Rewind
Enables The User To Revert Any Object Or Individual’s State Of Being To A Previous Physical Condition

- Known User: Eri
Rewind is hands down one of the most powerful quirks in My Hero Academia, and if not for the One For All’s ability to evolve and get stronger in every passing generation, one might say that it is a more overpowered ability. Eri’s Rewind gives her the ability to rewind the state of any living thing. It is an extremely rare quirk that bears no resemblance to any quirk ever recorded in the series. When activated, those in the vicinity or specifically targeted by Eri begin to have their physical state rewinded.
The scary part is that the quirk has no limits, and Eri can wipe someone out of existence by rewinding them to before they were born. This quirk was even used to target quirk factors, creating a drug that could revert a person to a quirkless state. The quirk is truly a frightening one, and if Eri were on the side of the villains, they would be unstoppable. However, the element that needs to be accumulated for Rewind to work is still unknown.
1 One For All
Grants The User Immense Strength And Speed, Accumulated From Successive Users

- Known User(s): Izuku Midoriya, Toshinori Yagi, Bruce…
One For All is the most popular quirk in the series, and rightly so, as it is arguably also the most powerful. The titular protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, and the former number one hero and symbol of justice, All Might, are some of the strongest characters to use this quirk, and their feats are a testament to how powerful the quirk has become over the years. One For All is a transferrable quirk that combines the ability to accumulate raw power to very high levels with the ability to transfer quirks.
As such, with each transfer, the user of the quirk gets stronger because the quirk’s core evolves by constantly stockpiling power through generations. This results in the ability to summon unimaginable physical capabilities when needed and boost the user’s speed, strength, agility, and durability. In total, One For All has had nine users, and it took eight generations for it to finally reach the required power level to defeat All For One in combat.
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