
  • Moro, the Planet Eater, is not only ancient but also the most dangerous villain in the Dragon Ball franchise.
  • His ability to absorb life energy from everything around him gives him unlimited power to consume planets and beings.
  • Moro’s magic, including Life Energy Manipulation and transformation, makes him a formidable foe that poses a threat to the entire galaxy.

The entire Dragon Ball franchise has produced numerous iconic and powerful villains. From Frieza to Cell, from Beerus to Broly, this series knows how to make memorable and super popular bad guys.

Needless to say, every single one of those villains is also one of the most powerful beings of their time. However, when it comes to being the most dangerous, none of them hold a candle to Moro, the Planet Eater. From who he is to how his terrifying power works, here’s all you need to know about Moro and why he is so dangerous.

Who is Moro?


Moro is an ancient Wizard who has been around for millennia. Eons before the story of Dragon Ball even began, Moro was already busy terrorizing the galaxy. He consumed every planet that he laid his eyes on and massacred every living being who was unlucky enough to live on those planets.

Past Dominance

During those dark ages, nobody was safe from Moro. He sucked out the life energy from anything and anyone on his path. The nightmare kept going until he eventually destroyed the Iragi Star System, which caused the mass extinction of countless living creatures who were unlucky enough to live in any of the hundreds of planets within that star system.

Fortunately, his reign of terror finally came to an end thanks to the joint effort of the Supreme Kais and the newly established Galactic Patrol. Since Moro couldn’t be killed, the Supreme Kai decided to seal his powers away, which greatly weakened Moro. After that, the Galactic Patrol took him in and put him away in the deepest corner of their Galactic Prison.

“Moro is known for absorbing the life force of planets and turning it into his own power. In that sense, his very energy is a mass of slaughtered souls.”

– Merus, Chapter 44

Escape From the Galactic Prison

The weakened Moro couldn’t do anything but wither away in the Galactic Prison for millennia. Right around the time when Goku fought against Kid Buu, however, the seal that held Moro’s power suddenly broke. Through sheer luck, Moro gained some of his powers back. It was a far cry from his full power, but it was better than nothing. That was when Moro began to formulate a plan to break away from the Galactic prison. With the help of numerous prisoners who wished to work under the ancient wizard, Moro managed to break away from the cage that had imprisoned him for millennia.

Moro’s Dangerous Ambition


Now that we already know who he is, let’s talk about what is so dangerous about this ancient wizard. Two things make Moro extremely dangerous to every living creature in the galaxy. His unfathomable ambition to consume everything in sight, and the fact that he has the power to do so. Let’s talk about his dangerous ambition first.

Moro, Consumer of Worlds


Character Name


First Appearance

Chapter 43

Release Date

December 20, 2020

To Moro, everything in this vast universe is a source of energy. Be it ignorant human beings who know nothing about life outside of the earth or an old species like the Namekians who are blessed with wisdom and knowledge, every living thing in this galaxy is nothing more than food to Moro.

Be it the green and bountiful planet called Earth or a barren planet devoid of life in the corner of the universe, Moro can suck out the life force of everything that he laid his eyes on. The more energy he absorbs, the stronger he becomes. That’s why in a way, his power comes from death.

Total Disregard for Innocent Lives


Character Name

Jiren the Gray

First Appearance

Chapter 30

Release Date

November 21, 2017

In the Dragon Ball universe, there are countless powerful beings who can destroy an entire planet in one shot. The evil incarnate Frieza can easily do it. The ally of justice Jiren of Universe 11 is powerful enough to do so. Lord Beerus and the other God of Destruction can do such a thing in their sleep.

What makes Moro different from those powerful beings is the simple fact that Moro has no regard at all for the innocent lives within the planets that he destroyed. Jiren would rather die than hurt innocent people. God of Destruction only destroys planets out of necessity. Even Frieza won’t destroy a planet if he still sees value in it. To Moro, however, planets and everything in it is nothing but food for him to eat whenever he wants.

Moro’s Dangerous Powers


Ambition is nothing without power. Thankfully for Moro, and unfortunately for the rest of the galaxy, he has a unique power that allows him to satisfy his ambition. As a wizard, Moro’s main power is undoubtedly his magic. He has quite a few different spells/skills under his belt, but he mainly relies on his signature technique, the Life Energy Manipulation.

Life Energy Manipulation

As briefly mentioned before, Moro has the ability to absorb the life energy of everything around him, which makes fighting him super challenging because it’s no different than handing out your energy to him for free. Moro can absorb the energy of his target all at once or do it gradually to the point that they don’t even notice that they are being drained. He can use that energy to strengthen himself or convert it to a blast of pure energy.

One of the main limiting factors in a normal fight is energy/stamina. After all, no matter how powerful you are, you will eventually run out of juice. But this is not the case at all for Moro. With his ability to absorb and manipulate life energy, he basically has an unlimited supply of energy/stamina. The longer the fight goes on, the stronger he becomes while his opponent will gradually get weaker.

Restoration and Transformation

When Moro decides to use those absorbed energies on himself, he will either use them for restoration or transformation. Restoration simply means restoring his body to its optimal form. This can mean healing any kind of external injuries or returning back to his younger self. Needless to say, the younger his body is, the more powerful he becomes.

As if that is not unfair enough, Moro also has another means to transform himself apart from absorbing raw life energy. Similar to Cell, Moro can directly absorb the physical body of a living creature. This allows him to use that creature’s unique ability. Along with abilities, Moro’s body will also transform to assume the traits of the creature that he just absorbed. Long story short, this type of absorption not only makes him so much stronger than before, but it also adds more tools and weapons to his arsenal.

When you combine the fact that Moro has an unsatiable hunger for life energy that won’t be satisfied until he consumes the entire galaxy with the devastating fact that he is equipped with the absurd abilities and powers to achieve those ambitions, then it’s easy to conclude that Moro is, in fact, the most dangerous villain that this series ever see.

Dragon Ball Super is available to stream on Crunchyroll.