- The kingdom of Rohan in Lord of the Rings has a rich and interesting history that is not fully explored in the main text.
- The Helmingas were a branch of the Rohirrim army who guarded the Hornberg fortress, named after the great Rohirrim king Helm Hammerhand.
- The Helmingas were fierce warriors and played a crucial role in the Battle of the Hornburg, showcasing their power and grandeur.
The Lord of the Rings is full of myths and magic, but the story is just as full of warriors and weaponry, as well as other things that feel more true-to-life, or at least inspired by real-life history. It’s no secret that Tolkien took a lot of influence from medieval cultures and history for his creation of Middle-earth, as well as for the languages he invented for all of the various peoples in his stories to speak. All of these people groups have rich histories, even if they’re not fully explored in the main text of The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien’s lore extends beyond just those books, and more information can be found through his other writings.
One of these kingdoms that has a storied history is the kingdom of Rohan. Rohan is a significant location in LOTR, and a lot of major characters and events are connected to it. The history of Rohan is interesting, though it doesn’t come up much in LOTR proper. In fact, there is a large portion of Rohan’s history that is well-known among those who are deeply familiar with extended Middle-earth lore, but a more casual fan or someone new to the world of Tolkien might not have heard it. The story in question is of the great Rohirrim king Helm Hammerhand, as well as his guard of Helmingas, who were a special branch of the Rohirrim army.
RELATED: What Happened To Rohan After Lord Of The Rings?
Who Are The Helmingas?

Quick Facts
- The Helmingas were the branch of the Rohirrim army that guarded the Hornberg, the great fortress of Rohan.
- The Helmingas were named after Helm Hammerhand, one of the great kings of Rohan. Hammerhand was the ninth King of Rohan, and the last in the first line of its kings.
- Hammerhand’s rule was marked by his war with the Dunlendings, or the Wild Men of Dunland. These men lived in the plains of Dunland and were the main foes of the Rohirrim.
- The Dunlendings wanted vengeance after their people were driven out of the land by the settlement of Eorl the Young, the first King of Rohan. This desire for vengeance made them vulnerable to being pawns for the Dark Lord Sauron.
In its earliest days, Rohan was actually a part of the kingdom of Gondor, and was called Calenardhon. When the area was attacked by the Balchoth – a fierce group of Easterlings – Gondor called on the Éothéod to protect the land. These horsemen, led by Eorl the Young, drove off the enemy and were given the land of Calenardhon by Gondor in return for their service. The land became known as Rohan, and the Éothéod as Rohirrim. Though this land was now ruled independently of Gondor, the two outposts that guarded the Gap of Rohan (Isengard and the Hornburg) were still manned by citizens of Gondor.
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The Dunlendings eventually took over Isengard, as they had ingratiated themselves with the people of Gondor who had overseen the outpost thus far. The newly settled Rohirrim were given control over the Hornburg, and a specific offshoot of the Rohirrim was formed to garrison the Hornburg. These were the Helmingas, and they were the only full-time soldiers in the Rohan military.
What Happened To The Helmingas?

The Helmingas were still around during the time of The Lord of the Rings, and appeared in The Two Towers during the Fellowship’s time in Rohan. It was their job to guard Rohan’s main place of refuge against attacks. They were at the Battle of the Hornburg and rode out with Aragorn and King Théoden to meet the armies of Isengard before Gandalf and the Rohirrim reinforcements arrived. Their fierce warrior nature is described in The Two Towers and it’s just how much power and grandeur they still possessed.
“Ever the hornblasts wound on among the hills; clearer now and louder they answered one to another, blowing fierce and free. “Helm! Helm!” The Riders shouted. “Helm is arisen and comes back to war. Helm for Théoden King!”
The Helmingas appear in the Lord of the Rings books, but they also make another important appearance in the franchise: in the Age of the Ring mod for the Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2: Rise of the Witch-king game. Here, they serve as a heroic unit for Rohan and are recruitable from a Level 3 Barracks after researching the Fortress upgrade Horn of Helm Hammerhand.

The Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings is one of the most iconic names in entertainment. The franchise started with novels from J. R. R. Tolkien before being adapted onto the big screen by Peter Jackson in one of the most critically-acclaimed film trilogies of all time. There have also been numerous The Lord of the Rings video games of varying quality.
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