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- Who Was Gilraen?
- How Did Gilraen Die?
- What Happened To Aragorn After Gilraen’s Death?
He goes by many names: Strider, Isildur’s Heir, Elessar, Elendil’s Son of Numenor. Yet most know him as Aragorn – or as the frequently spoken Aragorn, son of Arathorn. One observant redditor noted that the latter moniker was said at least 16 times in the books. Apparently, author J.R.R. Tolkien really wanted readers to know who Aragorn’s dad was.
But who was Aragorn’s mother? Her name was Gilraen, and her story is a tragic one. Sadly, it’s not much of a surprise that Gilraen isn’t mentioned at all in The Lord of the Rings, except as a footnote in the Appendices. Yet the woman who fell in love with Arathorn II, and gave birth to their son, had an exceedingly important role in saving Middle-earth. Without Gilraen, Sauron would never have feared the Ranger of the North, and there would have been little hope against the Dark Lord’s tyranny. Here is everything we know about the mother of the man who would be king.
Who Was Gilraen?
Aragorn’s mother, Gilraen, was one of the Dúnedain – the line of Men descended from Aranath, the last king of Arnor. Her father was Dírhael, and he was good friends with Ardor, the Dúnedain Chieftain and Aragorn’s grandfather. According to the Tolkien Appendices, Dírhael had the ability to see glimpses of the future. Gilraen’s mother was Ivorwen, and like her husband, Ivorwen had the gift of foresight.
Arathorn, the son of Ardor, fell in love with Gilraen and quickly asked for her hand in marriage. Dírhael was opposed to the idea, since Gilraen was still too young to marry according to the traditions of the Dúnedain. But that wasn’t the only reason her father fought against the marriage. Dírhael saw a vision of Arathorn dying in the near future, and he wished to save his daughter the heartache of losing the man she loved. However, his wife, Ivorwen, had her own vision of dark times ahead, and knew that the joining of Gilraen and Arathorn would bring hope to their people.
With her parents’ blessing, Gilraen and Arathorn were married. After his father’s death, Arathorn became the Dúnedain Chieftain, and Gilraen gave birth to their son, Aragorn. Unfortunately, Dírhael’s prophecy came true when Arathorn was killed in battle against a skirmish with orcs. Aragorn was just two years old at the time.
How Did Gilraen Die?
Devastated by Arathorn’s death, Gilraen took her son to Rivendell, as it was tradition for her people to raise their children there. Elrond was like a father to Aragorn, and he grew up having adventures with Elrond’s own sons. To hide Aragorn’s true identity from those who might wish harm to Isildur’s heir, Elrond gave him the name Estel, which means “hope” in Elvish. The truth of Aragorn’s lineage was kept a secret from everyone – even the boy himself.
Twenty years passed in Rivendell, and yet Gilraen continually feared for her son’s safety. Seeing that Aragorn was now a grown man, Elrond decided it was time to reveal the truth to him about his identity. Soon after, Aragorn met Arwen and fell in love at first sight. He went to his mother and told her all about the beautiful Elf maiden, but Gilraen warned Aragorn that Elrond would not approve of the pairing. She also knew that Aragorn’s destiny would only lead to heartbreak for Arwen, just as she had suffered from the death of Arathorn.
Aragorn eventually left Rivendell and had adventures of his own, including becoming a Ranger and taking the name of Strider. In the meantime, Gilraen left Rivendell and moved back to her homeland of Eriador. When Aragorn came to visit her many years later, she was dying of despair. The cause, Gilraen told him, was that she could see the dark days that lay ahead (having received the same gift of foresight as her parents), and had lost all hope. Her last heart-breaking words to her son were in Elvish, and they translated as “I gave Hope to the Dúnedain, I have kept no hope for myself.”
What Happened To Aragorn After Gilraen’s Death?
Gilraen died in the spring of 3007, at the beginning of the Third Age. Six years earlier, Aragorn had learned from Gandalf that the creature Gollum was captured and being held prisoner in Mordor. Knowing that Gollum was the last one to be in possession of the One Ring, Gandalf charged the Ranger to hunt him down. Aragorn took a break from the search to visit his mother for the last time, then continued the hunt.
Eight years later, the Ranger finally caught up with Gollum in the Dead Marshes. With Gollum as his captive, Aragorn journeyed through much of Middle-earth until he arrived in Mirkwood. There he turned Gollum over to King Thranduil for safe-keeping. Afterward, Aragorn met with Gandalf on the southern border of the Shire. Gandalf informed Aragorn that Frodo Baggins, now the keeper of the One Ring, would soon begin his journey out of the Shire.
Aragorn went his own way for a time before returning to the East Road near Buckland. He learned from Elven scouts that Black Riders had been seen in the area. Unfortunately, Gandalf was nowhere to be found, and there was no word from him. With some of his fellow Rangers, Aragorn kept an eye out for Frodo but saw no sign of him, having no idea that the hobbit had already met up with the Black Riders and escaped via a different route. Soon after, Aragorn went to Bree, where he met Frodo and the other hobbits at The Prancing Pony.
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