
  • Aragorn, as the Chieftain of the Dunedain, led a group of Rangers who patrolled the wilds and kept watch for evil, proving himself as a leader and showing his potential for kingship.
  • Aragorn and his Rangers ensured the safety of the Shire by patrolling its borders, even though they faced tension from the distrustful residents.
  • Aragorn captured Gollum, a slippery creature, and delivered him to be interrogated, displaying his prowess as a hunter and the skills he acquired as a Ranger.

Casual Lord of the Rings fans mainly know the characters from the movie trilogy. As part of the Fellowship of the Ring, these unsuspecting heroes proved invaluable in thwarting unspeakable evil and showing the potential for friendship between the Free Peoples. As is often the case with Middle-earth, however, J.R.R. Tolkien sculpted a vast history brimming with detail. His writings reveal many great deeds that the characters accomplished before the Fellowship’s founding.

One of the best examples is Aragorn. The heir of a great line of kings, he confronted his destiny as it was thrust upon him. He soon became famous among the race of Men and beyond. Whilst mankind does not live as long as the other races of Middle-Earth, Aragorn was blessed with the lengthy life of his ancestors. Within that time, he accomplished enough for multiple generations, even before his time with the Fellowship and the War for the One Ring.

6 Chieftain of the Dunedain

Year 2933 – 3019


After his sheltered upbringing in Rivendell, Aragorn set out to rejoin his ancestral people: the Dunedain. The remnants of Numenor (later Arnor) gathered in the North as Rangers. Here, they lived outside the margins of civilization, patrolling the wilds and keeping a watchful eye for signs of evil. It was a rough existence, especially compared to the comforts of Rivendell.

Elrond’s domain was a tranquil sanctuary by design. If a person grows to adulthood in such a place, the shift to a nomadic Ranger routine would be shocking. Leading those Rangers would have been an even greater challenge. Not only did Aragorn have to garner the respect of more seasoned warriors, but he had to assume responsibility for their lives. In many ways, it was his first real test of kingship.

5 Secured The Shire

Year: Around 2956


This mission was an extension of Aragorn’s Ranger career. He eventually struck up a friendship with Gandalf the Grey. The wizard was fond of Hobbits, so he naturally wanted to protect their homeland of the Shire. As such, Aragorn and his Rangers patrolled the borders. They developed an unscrupulous reputation among the residents, who distrust outsiders who disrupt their quiet lives, but this tension was well worth it.

The Rangers’ vigilance ensured that the Shire remained a safe haven for Hobbits and other peaceful folk. Other lands fell under assault or outright dominion of dark forces, but these rolling fields and quaint villages stayed free. Given the spread of Sauron’s armies and other hostile parties, that’s a credit to how good the Dunedain were at their jobs.

4 Captured Gollum

Year: 3017


Guarding the Shire wasn’t the only service that Aragorn did Gandalf. The wizard started to suspect that Bilbo’s ring was connected to Sauron and wanted to run down leads to find the truth. To move things along, Aragorn captured Gollum and delivered him to Thranduil’s kingdom. There, Gandalf and the Elvenking could interrogate him.

The creepy creature had always been a slippery devil. He’d slithered through traps and survived countless setbacks in pursuit of his “Precious.” The fact that Aragorn caught and delivered him like a package is no small feat. He showed immense prowess as a hunter, doubtlessly using the skills he accumulated as a Ranger.

3 Joined War With King Thengel

Year: 2958-2980


Aragorn’s attempts to counter Sauron eventually took him south. He soon arrived in Rohan, a kingdom of cavalrymen. Its king during this time was Thengel, who took Aragorn into his service. Sure, the Ranger gave a fake name, but he displayed real bravery. While there, he helped the Rohirrim fend off raids, presumably by Orcs and Dunlanders. The kingdom remembered this valuable service.

During The Lord of the Rings, Aragorn aided Rohan once again. This time, he fought alongside Thengel’s son, Theoden, who remained grateful for the Ranger’s help in times past and present. These campaigns afforded the hero valuable experience in the world of Men–vastly different from the clandestine and solitary life he’d led prior.

2 Conquered The Corsairs

Year: 2980


Aragorn gained further experience in Gondor. Though technically the rightful heir, he once again entered under an assumed name. That way, he could serve the steward, Ecthelion, in securing the southern kingdom. It had fallen under siege from the Corsairs of Umbar: wicked Men who pillaged the seas as pirates. To solve the problem, Aragorn decided to beat them at their own game.

Taking several ships and a battalion of troops, he attacked the pirates’ native city. He personally killed their ruler, and his army crippled the enemy’s naval warfare by burning their ships. It was a victory in every sense. The Corsairs likely wouldn’t have reemerged as a threat if not for their alliance with Mordor.

1 Fought Off The Ringwraiths

Year: 3018


Once The Lord of the Rings began, Aragorn took it upon himself to guide Frodo and his friends to Rivendell. Unfortunately, that wasn’t easy with the enemies targeting them. Chief among these threats were the Nazgul: kings of Men who were corrupted by greed and became wraiths enthralled by Sauron. Each was a formidable foe, and they were all drawn to the One Ring. This let five of them corner the heroes at Weathertop, but Aragorn made them wish they hadn’t.

The Ranger fought off these ghostly foes with a furious assault. Wielding both his sword and a torch, he drove them all away. That would be impressive enough. However, one of them was the Witch-king: the greatest warrior in Sauron’s ranks and the former head of Angmar. The fact that Aragorn defeated him on the former watchtower of Amon Sul–a fort steeped in history for both parties–made the encounter all the more significant.