- Darkness is a masochistic knight who enjoys pain and humiliation, making her a unique and interesting character in
. - Despite her nobility and family obligations, Darkness is more invested in adventuring and fighting monsters than in getting married.
- Darkness’s dedication to protecting others, even when she knows she’s not strong enough, highlights her commitment as a knight.
KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World! tells the story of Kazuma as he finds himself in a parallel world after dying a laughable death. In this new world, he has to make a living for himself, as his life is not as carefree and filled with resources as he would have wanted it to be. He joins the Adventurer’s Guild with Aqua, the goddess who reincarnated him into this world, and together they try to survive.
After putting out a memo for party members, Darkness, a noble and beautiful knight, appears and takes Kazuma’s world by storm. Her beauty and magnificent figure cannot be ignored, and she joins Kazuma’s party and completes quests with them. From the onset, Darkness made it known that she is no average lady, and she does not bother to keep her shame kink a secret, which is obvious from some of her more risqué lines in the series.
7 “The Truth Is, This Is A Bit Difficult For Me To Say, But While I Have Confidence In My Strength And Stamina, I Am Clumsy So Um, None Of My Attacks Ever Hit Their Marks”
Season 1, Episode 3

Darkness made her debut in this episode, making Kazuma drool as he beheld her beauty. From the moment she started talking, he had a bad feeling about her and tried to convince her not to join his party of adventurers. She reveals to Kazuma that being a member of his party is exactly what she needs, as she is not that skilled herself.
With this statement, Darkness basically summarized herself and how her journey would proceed. She has the skills, and the confidence to back up her skills, but she is clumsy and always misses her attacks, as seen in the same episode during the cabbage harvest, where she runs into the battle with confidence and boldly misses all the shots she takes at the cabbages. It also shows how eager she is to fight and join Kazuma’s party, as this secret alone is good enough to make any sane party of adventurers avoid her, as she has the tendency to be a liability and risk the lives of other party members.
6 “Since Old Times, Suffering An Erotic Fate At The Hands Of The Devil King Has Always Been The Duty And Expectation Of A Female Knight”
Season 1, Episode 3

Kazuma gets to know Darkness, as she never stops insisting on joining his party. He tries to use his mission to defeat the Demon King to scare Darkness away, as he knows that such a mission is bound to get dangerous as time goes by, but Darkness is not swayed by this; instead, she is even more excited to join his party.
Darkness says this statement like as if it is normal to believe such a thing, and viewers are shocked alongside Kazuma, who cannot deal with the information, and goes on to address Megumin to help him get Darkness to leave the party.
5 “As One Whose Calling Is To Protect Others, There Are Some Matters I Cannot Concede!”
Season 1, Episode 6

As a knight, Darkness is expected to protect others, and it is a role she performs with the utmost joy and efficiency. During the confrontation with Verdia, a general to the Demon King, Darkness runs to fight him as the rest await Mitsurugi, the chosen hero. Kazuma calls out to Darkness to retreat, as she is no match for Verdia and his mighty sword.
Sadly, Darkness knows she is no match, but that does not mean that she won’t still try her luck and hold him off for as long as she can before the hero arrives. She acknowledges her role as a knight, even if she is not skilled or strong enough. She has an obligation to fulfill, which is to protect others.
4 “It’s A Big Problem For Me If I Can’t Fight Strong Enemies Anymore!”
Season 1, Episode 6

After defeating Verdia, the guild rewarded Kazuma and his party with 300 million eris. This reward is enough for them to retire, and all Kazuma wants in this parallel world is to live a carefree life like Mitsuraji. However, Darkness is not interested in retiring or living a leisurely life; she wants to fight monsters, and believes it is her calling.
This statement goes to show how dedicated Darkness is to fighting monsters and being an adventurer. She is not an adventurer because of the money, but because she enjoys fighting monsters, especially ones that are stronger than her.
3 “You Are Forcing Me To Bow My Head When I Don’t Want To And Shoving My Face Into The Ground! What A Reward!”
Season 1, Episode 7

From the onset, Darkness has made it known that she is a masochist; that is, she derives sexual pleasure from her own pain and humiliation. It would also explain why she enjoys fighting monsters stronger than her, because she enjoys being at the mercy of someone (or something) else. During their quest to destroy some snow sprites, the Winter Shogun shows up.
In order to escape, Aqua suggests they beg for mercy, and Kazuma tries to get Darkness to bow her head, but she is adamant. Kazuma forcibly put her head down, much to his dismay and her pleasure. This act makes her all hot and bothered, and she considers it a reward.
2 “If I Have A Bad Reputation, Fewer People Will Consider Marrying Me, And I Can Continue To Focus On Adventuring”
Season 2, Episode 4

Viewers eventually discover that Darkness belongs to an influential and noble family, the Dustiness House. She leaves her noble duties to become a knight, but after using her title to get Kazuma out of trouble, she goes back to her family for a while. She makes a comeback in this episode, where she reveals to Kazuma and the others her father’s plan to marry her off. She recruits Kazuma and Aqua to make her look bad so that her father’s plan can be destroyed.
This quote shows just how much Darkness is against the idea of getting married, and she would rather destroy her reputation so that she would not have suitors looking for her hand in marriage just to avoid it. Darkness is only interested in being an adventurer. Getting married means that she would have to stop being one, and she is not ready to give it up.
1 “Besides, He Is Far From My Type Of Man. First, He Seems To Be Of Absolutely Decent Character, He Never Shows Anger Towards Anyone, He Works Hard, And Was Strong Enough To Achieve Knighthood At The Earliest Age On Record.”
Season 2, Episode 4

Darkness likes what she likes, and that is pain and humiliation. As a masochist, marrying someone as kind and calm as Walther, the son of King Aldarp, would be a nightmare, beyond than the fact that she is not interested in becoming a wife in the first place, and wants to be an adventurer.
Darkness tells Kazuma and Aqua this while they are about to meet with Walther. Aqua thinks he is a good man, but Darkness is not convinced, as she wants someone who will give in to her desires, make her feel shame, and, more importantly, get angry.
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