- Twins in Jujutsu Kaisen are considered a bad omen due to their unique interaction with cursed energy and techniques.
- Identical twins like Maki and Mai share cursed energy split in two, weakening their individual powers.
- The death of one twin can result in a power-up for the surviving twin, as seen with Maki gaining strength after Mai’s death.
Twins are an inauspicious omen in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. The existence of twins in the jujutsu world is shunned, and that is because of how twins interact with cursed techniques.
Most of what is known about twins in Jujutsu Kaisen can be gathered from the Zenin twins, Maki and Mai. These two play an exciting role in the series as they are the only identical twins seen, and their relationship with the jujutsu world is unique owing to their distinct situations. There is also Sukuna and his twin, whom he ate in the womb, giving more insight into the intriguing nature of jujutsu twins.
Twins and Cursed Energy

The main reason twins are such a bad omen in the jujutsu world is their relationship with cursed energy and techniques. While this relationship with cursed energy is contingent on multiple factors, the role it plays when all the requisites are met makes for a unique set of people born into the world.
Identical vs Fraternal
The difference between identical and fraternal twins is important to distinguish as it has everything to do with how their cursed energy and techniques are given to them before birth. Identical twins are when two fetuses share one egg and, therefore, one womb. Fraternal twins are when two fetuses are created with separate eggs in the mother, residing in different wombs.
When twins are identical in the jujutsu world, like Maki and Mai, they are recognized by the greater power that gives out cursed energy as one being. Being viewed as one person instead of two means that the cursed technique and energy that would have been given to one person are now split into two. This is why Maki has very little cursed energy, and Mai has a creation technique she can barely use. The cursed energy and technique split in two, weakening the pair.
Fraternal twins are different and are seen as two distinct people since they reside in separate wombs within the mother. This means that the rule of identical twins doesn’t apply even though they are twins. An example of this in the series is Mimiko and Nanako. While the pair are twins, they have their cursed technique and energy.
Unique Qualities
While there is no explicit explanation in the series, it can be seen that when one of the sets of identical twins dies, the other receives a massive power-up. Better said, the remaining twin is seen as one being and receives the missing piece they need to be whole in the jujutsu world upon the death of their siblings.
An example of this premise can be seen in Maki Zenin. When Mai dies at their father’s hands, Maki finally gains complete heavenly restriction and becomes a powerhouse like Toji Zenin before her. Similarly, Sukuna is likely as powerful as he is because he consumed his twin in the womb.
If the King of Curses was able to eat his twin in the womb, then that meant they had to be residing in the same womb and were identical twins. If Sukuna’s twin had survived, then the identical twin rule would have applied to them, making Sukuna weaker. It is entirely possible that Sukuna gained his immensely powerful cursed energy and technique due to his brother having been removed from the picture.
Twins have a distinct place in the jujutsu world. Their presence makes them a bad omen, and they are uniquely influenced by cursed energy from the moment they’re born. While much remains to be learned about twins, there is no doubt that they are a curveball in the series.
Jujutsu Kaisen is available to stream on Crunchyroll.
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