
  • Gojo and Geto’s friendship turned rivalry showcases how differing ideologies can lead to a fracture in relationships.
  • The death of Riko during a mission marked a turning point for Geto, leading him down a dark path of vengeance.
  • Geto’s disillusionment with the Jujutsu world fuels his radical beliefs, ultimately leading to his descent into villainy.

The relationship between Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto is one of the most fascinating yet complex in Jujutsu Kaisen. Gojo and Geto’s relationship is complex because they are initially bound by friendship and camaraderie, but their differing ideologies ultimately tear them apart.

Despite Sukuna’s parasitic relationship with Yuji and his weird attraction to Megumi, Gojo and Geto’s relationship and ideals impact the current events in Jujutsu Kaisen. As both characters’ ideals clash, the once solid bond they shared begins to unravel, setting the stage for a transformation that leaves a mark on the Jujutsu world.

Who are Gojo Satoru and Geto Seguru?


Gojo and Geto are two sorcerers with strong friendships and formidable powers in Jujutsu Kaisen. Gojo is a playful yet arrogant sorcerer, considered the strongest in the series. Gojo is a descendant of Michizane Sugawara, a prodigy blessed with the rare Six Eyes and Limitless cursed technique.

The power grants him unparalleled analytical abilities and mastery over space manipulation. Also, Geto is a skilled sorcerer who excels in using cursed techniques and manipulating special-grade cursed objects. Coupled with that, he can also consume and store cursed spirits within his body, granting him access to their techniques.

From Shared Ideals to Diverging Paths


The series introduces Gojo and Geto as childhood friends and fellow Tokyo Jujutsu High School students. Both are prodigies and share a common belief that the higher-ups in the jujutsu society are not good people.

From the onset, both have different views about life but display a deep understanding and respect for each other. Their deep bond and playfulness give both characters a genuine connection that transcends their differing ideals in the series. While Gojo believes that Jujutsu society needs to be reformed, Geto becomes disillusioned with the constant suffering of non-sorcerers at the hands of cursed spirits and wishes to make a change.

Moreover, Geto loses faith in its ability to protect everyone after witnessing too many cursed spirit victims. Hence, Geto’s ideal became radicalized, and sorcerers were deemed superior to ordinary humans. Thus, his rampage to create a world that could handle cursed spirits. These fundamental differences in ideologies laid the foundation for the two sorcerers’ future conflict as Geto decided to stop at nothing to protect the few he could rather than run around to save many who were weak. Ultimately, Gojo and Geto’s contrasting ideologies fracture their friendship.

The Turning Point Of Gojo and Geto’s Relationship


In the series, the death of Riko Amanai during the Star Plasma mission, assigned to the sorcerers by their teacher, Masamichi Yaga, was a significant turning point in the sorcerers’ relationship. As the strongest sorcerers in Jujutsu High, Geto and Gojo were assigned to return Riko to Tokyo Jujutsu High to merge with Mater Tengen. The sorcerers failed the mission when Toji killed Riko right in front of Geto.

Despite Gojo and Geto’s deadly combination, they could not protect the young Riko, and at that point, the first seed of hopelessness was sown in Geto. After the Star Plasma mission, Gojo solicited to go on solo missions rather than the usual Gojo-Geto reconnaissance. Due to this development, Geto’s solo missions involve continuous exorcism of cursed spirits while also having intrapersonal conflict within himself. As this personal conflict continues, Geto becomes at war with his principles and true essence in the Jujutsu world.

While Gojo works on his personal growth and refuses to be shaped by the past, Geto spirals into darkness and begins questioning the purpose of protecting those who seem helpless against cursed spirits. In this way, the Star Religious Group’s rejoicing due to the death of a young girl and the death of Haibara, a young Jujutsu sorcerer, further fueled Geto’s anger and realization that he will keep losing his friends with the flawed Jujutsu system. Hence, Geto develops a messianic complex, deeming himself the saviour that will cleanse the world of non-sorcerers, which he sees as the main problem. The desire to take control and disillusionment to reinforce his radical beliefs pave the way for his violent actions and descent into villainy in the series. In the end, the friend and colleague Geto once cherished put an end to his life and warped beliefs about the Jujutsu world.