- Captain America: Brave New World introduces Sam Wilson as Cap and includes strong Hulk characters, possible Gamma Corp presence.
- Potential storyline: Government manipulation, intrigue, and trust themes could be explored with the introduction of the Gamma Corps.
- MCU’s unique take on familiar characters and storylines could bring significant changes and expansion to the world of the Hulk.
Captain America: Brave New World is one of the most talked-about upcoming MCU adaptions. Not only will it be the first Captain America film to feature Sam Wilson’s Cap (played by the incredible Anthony Mackie), but the news surrounding the addition of Giancarlo Esposito’s mysterious Marvel role in the film has fans eager to discover what the film is all about.
One clue that may help is the inclusion of some notable Hulk characters. One of these is the new President of the United States, Thaddeus Ross (played by legendary actor Harrison Ford). Another is Samuel Sterns, known in the MCU as The Leader (played by the excellent Tim Blake Nelson). Between these characters and the military setting, could the MCU be adapting its version of the Gamma Corp?
The Gamma Corp is a unique group formed right before the infamous Marvel storyline, World War Hulk. It’s a strategic, black-ops-style team that has become an extension of the Hulk’s impact on the greater Marvel Universe. With such a strong connection between Captain America’s complex history with the world’s governments and the inclusion of strong Hulk characters, the question is on every fan’s mind. Is the MCU about to see a version of the Gamma Corp come to life on the big screen in Captain America: Brave New World?
The Gamma Corp, Explained

Just before the events surrounding World War Hulk, Hulk foe General Ryker chose a group of people to help him stop the Hulk for good. Team members Gideon, Grey, and Mess joined the roster out of their desire to avenge their fallen loved ones, all of whom perished in one way or another thanks to the Hulk’s destruction. Two other members, Griffin and Prodigy, had deeper connections to the Hulk and wanted their own brand of justice. The team was trained in combat to face the Hulk and given exposure to gamma radiation. They established themselves as a threat when they were ordered to find and destroy the failed Hulk experiment known as Flux, a former soldier who had undergone an experiment.
It would be during the events of World War Hulk that the team was tested. They faced the Hulk in battle, but lost to the mad jade giant. However, during the battle, they discovered he was not directly responsible for the events that led them to join the team. Instead, he was responsible for the infamous group, the Illuminati. This led the Gamma Corp to start hunting down the members of the Illuminati.
They then become fugitives from the law until Norman Osborne’s Iron Patriot offered them jobs as bounty hunters, tasked with bringing in unregistered superhumans for him. It wouldn’t be until after the events of Dark Reign that the team would face the Hulk one final time while in his Doc Green form, only to be depowered by Doc Green once and for all.
Captain America’s Role in Bringing The Gamma Corps to the MCU

One thing that the Captain America films have done right in the MCU is incorporating elements of spy thrillers, war films and political espionage into the superhero genre. If Sam Wilson’s first outing as Cap is to have a major impact on the MCU, he needs a strong opposing force. What greater challenge for him than to be a normal human facing a group of gamma-powered individuals?
The MCU has done a great job adapting infamous storylines and characters in unique ways that differ slightly from the comics, such as Loki’s role in the grander MCU since joining the TVA or Tony Stark’s most significant act in Avengers: Endgame. The franchise could — and should — take the same approach with the Gamma Corp.
One intriguing possibility is the adaptation of the Gamma Corp through the influence of Samuel Sterns. The last time the villain was seen, he had just been exposed to the gamma-irradiated blood of Bruce Banner. The serum dripped on his head and enlarged it, much like his comic book counterpart. If the government had held the scientist-turned-villain since then, he could be manipulating rogue elements of the government, or even Thaddeus Ross, by creating a specialized military unit under the guise of protecting American interests, only to use them for his nefarious schemes. The team could also be an army plan set in motion by President Ross himself, with Cap working to expose the actions of Ross and his administration. Given the events of the Secret Invasion and the Sokovia Accords in the MCU, trust in the government would be a perfect theme for Cap and the introduction of the Gamma Corps.
The potential implications of the Gamma Corps’ introduction in this film are vast. Seeing Sam Wilson suit up as Cap for the first time, and the inclusion of so many different characters from the world of the Incredible Hulk, all allow for the Gamma Corps to become a reality. Perhaps a rogue group of gamma-irradiated soldiers led by The Leader would be the catalyst Ross needs to convince Sam to help rebuild the Avengers. Plus, the mystery role of Giancarlo Esposito and the chaos he promises to bring only add more fuel to the fire. Now is the time to expand on the world of the Hulk in the MCU for good.
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