- The Poor Man’s Rose is an explosively dangerous weapon with a mushroom cloud appearance.
- Its destructive capabilities and deadly poison were used against Chairman Isaac Netero’s enemy.
- The bomb’s explosion heated stone to lava and released a lethal toxin, proving fatal to even the most resilient opponents.
The Poor Man’s Rose, also known as the Miniature Rose, is one of the most powerful and dangerous weapons featured in the popular manga and anime series Hunter X Hunter. This chemo-explosive weapon of mass destruction played a pivotal role in one of the most epic battles in the story between Chairman Isaac Netero and the Chimera Ant King Meruem.
But what exactly is the Poor Man’s Rose and how was it used against the ant threats? The bomb’s immense destructive power and lethal poison were the greatest threats that could be used against the nearly unstoppable King. Let’s take a deeper look into this mysterious weapon and its fateful usage against the powerful antagonist Meruem in one of Hunter X Hunter’s most intense confrontations.
What is The Poor Man’s Rose?

Anime Debut |
Episode 126 (2011), “Zero × And × Rose” |
Manga Debut |
Chapter 298, “Rose” |
The Poor Man’s Rose, also known as the Miniature Rose, is considered one of the most powerful and dangerous weapons in the world. It is a chemically explosive weapon of mass destruction with astonishing destructive capabilities.
The Miniature Rose maintains a compact cubic structure, allowing it to be easily concealed even within a person’s body, as demonstrated by Isaac Netero secretly implanting one within himself. Upon detonation, the ensuing explosion produces a peculiar mushroom cloud that takes on the appearance of a blooming rose, lending the weapon its evocative name.
Background of the Poor Man’s Rose
As a low-budget weapon of mass destruction favoring smaller nations and dictatorships seeking power, the Poor Man’s Rose can be rapidly mass-produced in short amounts of time. Before Chairman Netero’s famous battle with the Chimera Ant King, the Poor Man’s Rose had bloomed 10 times over in more than 250 countries, taking the lives of 5,120,000 people. One such detonation, which caused 110,000 casualties in an unnamed capital city, prompted an international treaty to forbid further production.
However, more than 80% of countries that possessed the bomb at the time did not dispose of or ban the use of existing stockpiles. It’s estimated that hundreds of thousands of Miniature Roses remained scattered amongst those nations that retained their pre-treaty weapons.
Usage Against the Chimera Ants
Facing the immense strength and resilience of the Chimera Ant King Meruem, Netero devised a cunning backup plan in case his battling prowess proved insufficient. He surreptitiously implanted a Miniature Rose bomb within his own body that was designed to detonate upon his death. When Netero’s signature fighting technique, Zero Hand, failed to seriously harm Meruem during their epic confrontation, Netero sacrificed himself by committing suicide and triggering the explosive within. The ensuing blast from the Poor Man’s Rose cameled Netero’s remains with deadly toxins. The explosion nearly felled Meruem with its massive force.
However, he was salvaged from the brink of death by the healing abilities of his two Royal Guard subordinates, Menthuthuyoupi and Shaiapouf. Yet the poison permeating the atmosphere from the bomb’s aftermath was too insidious to escape. Over time, all three chimera ants began suffering the effects of the lethal toxin. Menthuthuyoupi succumbed first, followed shortly by Shaiapouf; their powerful constitutions were no match for the rampaging contaminants consuming them internally. Even the indomitable Meruem was fated to fall prey in the end, choosing to peacefully spend his final moments engaged in a game of Gungi with his dear companion Komugi, who also perished from the poison’s toll. Through Netero’s valiant sacrifice, the Poor Man’s Rose proved a most effective weapon for neutralizing the ant monstrosities.
The Abilities that Make the Poor Man’s Rose So Deadly

The Poor Man’s Rose is an extraordinarily powerful and dangerous weapon. Its explosion creates immense heat, capable of instantly melting stone into lava. The force of the blast can destroy sizable rock formations that have survived military testing. The site of the detonation remains glowing hot for several minutes afterward. While the precise blast radius is unknown, it is estimated to encompass an area several city blocks wide based on observations. Anyone within this range would be exposed to the bomb’s deadly payload.
Those unfortunate enough to survive the initial explosion still face a slow and agonizing death. The toxin absorbed into the body rapidly destroys internal organs as it spreads. Its effects are far stronger than those of conventional poisons. Over time, it turns the person into a vector for disseminating the poison further. As the substance leaks from the body, it can kill others through indirect contact. Evidence of exposure includes nosebleeds and coughing up blood. Within an hour, it can prove lethal even to extremely durable opponents like the Royal Guards. Its potency was powerful enough to eventually claim the life of the seemingly indestructible Meruem. Due to its molecular nature and chain reaction properties, the exact mechanisms by which the poison propagates are still unclear. It may replicate itself catalytically after entering a new host or remain in a fixed quantity while multiplying the number of poisoning victims. Either way, it proves highly contagious, creating a perfect cascade of casualties.
The Poor Man’s Rose lives up to its classification as one of the most lethal weapons showcased in Hunter X Hunter. Through sheer destructive might and a poison payload virtually guaranteed to kill any living target, it nearly accomplishes the impossible task of defeating Meruem. Despite international efforts to eliminate stockpiles after their overwhelming loss of life, thousands of Miniature Roses presumably continue evading disposal even today.
Hunter x Hunter is available to stream on Crunchyroll.
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