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- What Is The Sowing In The Dance Of The Dragons?
- Dragonseeds And The Sowing
- The Four Successful / New-found Dragonriders
- Aftermath Of The Sowing
House of the Dragon – season 2 gears up for release in June 2024, and is slated to cover the Sowing on Dragonstone. Actors such as Clinton Liberty, Kieran Bew, and Tom Bennett have been roped in to play Dragonseeds, namely Addam of Hull, Hugh the Hammer, and Ulf the White, respectively. Though one of the most exciting things in the Dance of the Dragons, the Blacks do not think the Sowing through and, eventually, bear the consequences.
The Sowing attaches the names of Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, Ser Steffon Darklyn, the Hull brothers, bastards on Dragonstone who claimed to be of Valyrian descent, and the Sea Snake – Lord Corlys Velaryon among others. The events’ origins lie in the idea of claiming riderless dragons, and Prince Lucerys Velaryon and Arrax’s deaths (seen in House of the Dragon) act as its catalysts.
What Is The Sowing In The Dance Of The Dragons?
Prelude To The Sowing

At the start of the war, immediately after the Greens’ coup in King’s Landing, and even when Rhaenyra shows restraint, Daemon tells the council that they should tame unclaimed dragons and build their strength:
There are also unclaimed dragons. Sea smoke still resides on Driftmark. Vermithor and Silverwing dwell on the Dragonmont, still riderless. Then there are the three wild dragons, all of whom nest here.
Per House of the Dragon‘s canon, Daemon has made his faction aware of the riderless dragons and, per lore, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen’s heir, Jacaerys Velaryon, will assume control and continue the course of action, resulting in the Sowing. The pivotal Dance of the Dragons’ event dates to 129 AC and is also known as the Sowing of the Seeds by Grand Maester Munkun.
Lucerys’ death has formally plunged the realm into war, and House of the Dragon – season 2 is to include key events of the Dance, such as Daemon Targaryen’s Assault on Harrenhal, Blood and Cheese, civil war in central Westeros, i.e., the Riverlands, the Sack of Duskendale and the Battle at Rook’s Rest, among others. Since Princess Rhaenys dies fighting Aegon II and Aemond Targaryen at Rook’s Rest, Prince Jacaerys steps up and names the widower, Corlys, as the Queen’s Hand to appease him. Furthermore, the Blacks send Rhaenyra’s youngest from Laenor Velaryon (really, Ser Harwin Strong) Joffrey and his dragon, Tyraxes, to the Vale of Arryn, along with Daemon’s daughter, Rhaena, and three dragon eggs. The Blacks also decide to send Rhaenyra’s son from Daemon, Prince Aegon the Younger, and Prince Viserys to Pentos aboard the Gay Abandon. They were to be fostered by the Prince of Pentos until Rhaenyra sat on the Iron Throne.
Dragonseeds And The Sowing

Next, Prince Jacaerys and Lord Corlys planned the assault on King’s Landing. Jace wanted to bring the riderless dragons over to their side and called upon Dragonseeds to claim them, in exchange for lands, knighthood, and wealth. It is pertinent to mention that Dragonseeds claim to be bastards of Valyrian descent, and are fathered by members of House Targaryen (and Corlys Velaryon in the case of the Hull brothers of Driftmark). Such men and women are interchangeably known as Seeds, and they usually reside on the islands in Blackwater Bay.
Due to the prevailing myth that Dragonseeds had the blood of Old Valyria, it was believed that they could bond with dragons and ride them to war. Besides Seeds, Jace’s call had the likes of Lord Commander Steffon Darklyn and Lord Gormon Massey trying their luck. Both men were charred by Seasmoke and Vermithor, respectively. No one dared to mount the wild dragon – the Cannibal. The event claimed the lives of many and was appropriately named the Red Sowing. Aside from Dragonseeds, many men and women stepped forward, thanks to Jace’s lucrative offer. Knights in the Black household, men-at-arms, mummers, scullions, sailors, squires as well as two of Rhaenyra’s maids tried to tame dragons. The Testimony of Mushroom says that Court Fool Mushroom tried in vain to bond with Silverwing.
The Four Successful / New-found Dragonriders

Hugh the Hammer claimed the Old King Jaehaerys’ mount, Vermithor, while Ulf the White mounted the late Queen Alysanne Targaryen’s Silverwing. Corlys Velaryon’s rumored bastard, Addam of Hull, bonded with Seasmoke, while his younger brother, Alyn, failed twice. He tried to bond with two of the wild dragons – Grey Ghost and Sheepstealer. While he was unable to locate the former, the latter rejected him. The fourth baseborn Dragonrider was a woman named Nettles, and she had Sheepstealer bending down his neck. That being said, Nettles’ name was missing from the casting announcements, and it looks like the character will not be adapted for House of the Dragon – season 2.
Aftermath Of The Sowing

Queen Rhaenyra legitimized Addam and his brother Alyn as Velaryons upon Lord Corlys’ insistence. Addam was eventually named Corlys’ heir to Driftmark. The Blacks had hoped to fly Dragonseeds to take King’s Landing, but when Jace received news that the Gay Abandon was attacked by the Triarchy on behalf of the Greens, it resulted in a wartime diversion. Prince Jacaerys and his dragonriders went straight for the Triarchy’s fleet, resulting in the epic naval battle known as the Battle of the Gullet. Jacaerys and Vermax were never to return from the battle, while Hugh and Ulf betrayed the Blacks in the First Battle of Tumbleton.
House of the Dragon – season 2 premiers on HBO in June 2024.
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