The first season of House of the Dragon is essentially a prologue to the Dance of the Dragons, a civil war between rival Targaryen factions and their allies for control of the Iron Throne. The war results from a disagreement over succession, with supporters of the Blacks staying loyal to the oath made to honor Rhaenyra as heir, while the Greens favor Viserys I’s firstborn son, Aegon.
However, there were many points during season 1 and Viserys’ reign where the deadly Dance of the Dragons could have been avoided. Some of the solutions were even discussed, debated, and considered as options during the show. These solutions are mostly alternative marriage alliances that would have tied different branches of the Targaryen dynasty together, but there were also some consequential points of no return that need not have happened.
6 Viserys Could Have Married Laena Velaryon
This Would Have United The Strongest Families & Prevented The Rise Of The Greens

- Relevant Episode: Season 1, Episode 2
One of the simplest ways that war could have been avoided in House of the Dragon was one of the primary topics of the show’s second episode, as King Viserys seriously considered an offer to marry Laena Velaryon. At the time, House Velaryon was only behind the Targaryens in terms of power, and this union would have united the only dragon-riding families.
Of course, if the royal couple eventually produced their own heirs, another civil war could have arisen between the two Valyrian Houses, but with a marriage between Rhaenyra and Laenor Velaryon, bloodshed would likely have been averted. Either way, this union would have prevented the rise of House Hightower and the Greens, who would have no dragons or claim to the throne.
5 Viserys Could Have Refused To Remarry & Married Rhaenyra To Daemon
This Would Have Prevented The Rise Of Other Factions

- Relevant Episode: Season 1, Episode 2
Viserys had great love for his wife and queen, Aemma, and was reluctant to remarry after her death, only doing so out of duty to produce more heirs. However, if Viserys had stiffened his resolve and refused to remarry, he would still have had two hale and healthy heirs in Rhaenyra and his brother Daemon.
By doing so, the king would not have inadvertently created a rival branch by producing heirs with another wife, whose family would have longed to see their descendants on the Iron Throne. Furthermore, Rhaenyra and Daemon could have been married to unite these two heirs, and in the tragic case of their deaths, the throne would have passed to Rhaenys, the Queen Who Never Was.
4 Rhaenyra Could Have Married Aegon, The Son Of Queen Alicent
This Would Have United The Two Heirs & Two Sides Of The Family

- Relevant Episode: Season 1, Episode 3
Amidst a tide of proposals for Princess Rhaenyra’s hand, Otto Hightower suggests that she could instead marry her half-brother, Aegon, the son of Alicent Hightower and the eventual rival claimant to the throne.
While Viserys laughs off the suggestion, given that Aegon has only just turned two, if both had been free to marry in years to come, this would have united the two presumptive heirs and both sides of House Targaryen.
3 Rhaenyra & Laenor Could Have Had Legitimate Children
Rhaenyra’s Promiscuity Alienated Alicent

- Relevant Episode: Season 1, Episode 6
Rhaenyra and Laenor acknowledged that they had tried to produce legitimate heirs, and if they had succeeded, perhaps war could have been averted. For example, it was Rhaenyra’s promiscuity and deceit that first caused Alicent to sour towards her former friend, and the Queen was further offended by Rhaenyra’s insolence in producing three children who were clearly bastards.
Had Rhaenyra instead produced legitimate heirs, Alicent would have been less likely to conspire against her and would have accepted her royal line in the succession. More importantly, the lords and ladies of Westeros would have more readily backed Rhaenyra’s claim, and there would have been no infighting with the Velaryons.
2 Jacaerys & Helaena Could Have Been Married
This Would Have United The Two Sides Of The Family & They Seemingly Made A Great Match

- Relevant Episodes: Season 1, Episodes 6 & 8
One way that war could have been prevented in House of the Dragon is if Alicent had accepted Rhaenyra’s offer to marry their children, Helaena and Jacaerys. King Viserys agreed that this was “a most judicious proposition,” but Alicent was not convinced.
Had she accepted, though, the Blacks and Greens would have been brought closer, and though Otto Hightower would likely still have pushed for the ascension of his grandson Aegon, Alicent would have been more reluctant. Furthermore, as evidenced at the feast in episode 8, Jace and Helaena would have seemingly made a great match as they are seen happily dancing together.
1 If Aemond Hadn’t Chased Lucerys On Dragonback, War Might Have Been Averted
Rhaenyra Was Considering Peace Terms, But The Death Of Her Son Changed Things

- Relevant Episode: Season 1, Episode 10
In the penultimate episode of House of the Dragon’s first season, Rhaenyra seriously considers an offer of peace from Alicent. Rhaenyra argues that it is her duty as queen to steady her hand and avoid an all-out war that would see the realm burn and bleed.
It is unclear what her final decision would have been, as those around her pressed for war. However, Prince Aemond’s decision to chase after Rhaenyra’s son, Lucerys, altered history forever and forced Rhaenyra to take action. While Aemond did not mean for Vhagar to kill Lucerys, taking such a huge dragon into the air amidst a storm proved reckless.
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